I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 210: Zhao Yingmeng: I have a bad feeling

Hearing Lin Kexin\'s words, several people showed slightly surprised expressions!

  Huge snake, the three-headed snake originally meant that the monster beast\'s rank and level were not low, and it even had wings. This t...

   "It\'s a three-headed swallowing dragon!"

  The woman trembled all over!

   "Three-headed Sky Swallowing Dragon? What kind of monster is that?"

   Chen Mo asked.

"A kind of existence that is at least the god-huang level, and may even reach the holy extinction level. It is a very insidious monster. The speed is so fast that it may even have the possibility of transforming a dragon. This deity has noticed a few years ago. There are only three sky-swallowing dragons, but I didn\'t expect these three sky-swallowing dragons to have been coveting my child!" The woman clenched her pink fist and then became discouraged.

  "The three-headed Sky-Swallowing Dragon wants to hide and find it difficult to find. Even on this day, I have ordered monster beasts in a radius of tens of miles to ask if they have seen it before, but none of them...My child..."

   "Then...Senior\'s children are already..."

  Zhao Yingmeng bit her lip slightly and said.

"If it\'s a three-headed swallowing floodwater at the Holy Annihilation level, it only takes one day to refine my child, but if it doesn\'t reach the Holy Annihilation, it will take at least three days or more. I will now look for the three-headed swallowing heaven. Jiao, if you can find it, I hope you can do your best. In short, thank you!"

  After finishing speaking, the woman jumped and turned into that noble phoenix, galloping towards the horizon!

  Chen Mo pondered slightly, then looked at Lin Kexin.

   "Ke Xin, besides detecting that this is the three-headed Sky Swallowing Dragon, can you give any clues?"

  Chen Mo knew that this must be a special skill brought by Lin Kexin’s sacred angel!

  Lin Kexin nodded and said, "I...I will try again!"

  After finishing Lin Kexin\'s eyes closed again.

   "Brother Chenmo, what type of skill is this? Do you use divination?"

  Zhao Yingmeng asked suspiciously.

  Chen Mo shook his head; "Holy angels should not have the ability to divination, it is probably the ability to restore scenes."

  The people around me are getting better and better, and everyone is looking forward to whether Lin Kexin can bring any good clues!

   Ten seconds later, Lin Kexin opened her eyes, then turned around and glanced around.

   "I, I saw that huge monster seems to fly over there, but I don\'t know where it flies."

Lin Kexin pointed in a direction and said, this direction is exactly the opposite direction of the Phoenix. It is estimated that the Phoenix has gone in the direction where he has seen the Three-Headed Sky-Swallowing Flood Dragon, and the Three-Headed Sky-Swallowing Flood Dragon has directly abandoned the place where she once lived. Went to another place.

  "Okay! One direction can completely lock an area! Go."

Then Shui Shui drove them forward. Qingcheng still didn\'t go up, chasing Shui Shui at his own speed. The speed of Qing Cheng was still a bit exaggerated. Although Shui Shui couldn\'t catch up with Shui Shui, it was still current. Speed, she couldn\'t keep the distance from Qingcheng, and obviously if Qingcheng released a certain boosting skill, she would definitely be able to catch up in a short time.

  About an hour and a half later, they haven\'t even left this mountain of fire. One can imagine how big this mountain of fire is!

Chen Mo just thought it was a pity. If his Shura killing pupil was still there, it might be of some use. These three Sky Swallowing Floodwaters are even flying monsters. Their speed is certainly not slow. In a day’s time, if he If they rush the entire journey, this distance is no longer something they can catch up, but will it really rush the entire journey? Its speed must be very different from that of Phoenix, and the Three-Headed Sky Swallowing Flood Dragon is a very cunning monster...

   "Shui Shui, stop!"

  Chen Mo called Shuishi.

   Then Chen Mo jumped off Shui Shui and looked around.

  "Big Brother Chenmo, why did you stop? There is a large forest in front of me. Maybe I ran into that forest." Zhao Yingmeng asked puzzledly.

   "Will the three Heaven-Swallowing Dragons be somewhere in the Fire Mountain Range?" Chen Mo said suddenly.


  Several people showed doubtful expressions, Qingcheng also came over, she heard Chen Mo\'s words, her eyes were scanning the surrounding environment, obviously because she thought what Chen Mo said might be reasonable!

  Lin Kexin suddenly realized something.

"Yes, the Phoenix Sister said that the Three-Headed Sky-Swallowing Flood Dragon is a very cunning monster. The most dangerous place is the safest place. No matter how it runs, she will worry about being found by Sister Phoenix. It is easy to attract attention, and sister Phoenix once said that she had summoned monsters in a radius of tens of miles to ask if they had seen three sky swallowing dragons, but none of them. The monsters that easily attract attention can\'t be so many around. The demon beast has never seen it, so I feel that there is a high possibility that it has not left. The most dangerous place is the safest place. It might really be possible to stay in this huge place. Somewhere in the Fire Mountains."

  Chen Mo nodded.

  Hearing Lin Kexin’s explanation, Zhao Yingmeng\'s IQ also understood.

"I\'m going! Exaggerated, isn\'t it? What about psychological warfare? Yes, under normal circumstances, when encountering this situation, the first choice is to leave the Fire Mountain Range and search for the surrounding places, but unexpectedly, it will stay here. , Wow! This woman is very smart."

  Smart ball, if it weren\'t for Chen Mo and Lin Kexin, she would not have thought of this if she wanted to break her head.

Normally, they rarely think of this, but combined with what Phoenix said, none of the monsters within a radius of tens of miles have seen the three-headed swallowing dragon pass by. Combining this, they think that three-headed swallowing sky It is very likely that Jiao will stay here! This is also in line with the idea of ​​this cunning monster. You must know that the IQ of this level of monster is no different from ordinary people.

   "Where could that be?"

  Zhao Yingmeng looked at Qingcheng around ~www.novelhall.com~ and pointed her finger in a direction "There."

  Everyone looked at the past. There were many volcanoes and craters around. The one Qingcheng pointed at was not conspicuous, but I didn’t know why they pointed there.

   "That is the only volcano that doesn\'t smoke among the volcanoes in front of me that is about to erupt."

  Chen Mo gave the answer.

   "It turned out to be like this, but... was it possible to play?"

  Zhao Yingmeng asked another very real question.

  Of course, it can\'t be beaten. This is completely unnecessary. The Shenhuang Beast, with billions of health, is estimated to be Chen Mo\'s ignoring defense to cause a little damage.

  Chen Mo shook his head.

   "Um...what are we going to do?"

  Lin Kexin asked in a low voice.

  "You don’t have to fight, you just need to make sure that the phoenix pet egg is fine, just steal the egg, so..."

  Chen Mo looked at Zhao Yingmeng, and Zhao Yingmeng\'s heart suddenly jumped, and he took a step back silently...

  This look, why does she have a bad feeling?