I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 211: Save the child


  Zhao Yingmeng swallowed and took two steps back.

   "Dust... Brother Chenmo, you... what do you think of me?"

  Chen Mo walked over, then patted Zhao Yingmeng on the shoulder and said, “It’s time for you to make contributions and sacrifices.”

  Zhao Yingmeng "……"

   "Wow! Brother Chenmo, don\'t you want me to attract strangers? No, no, no, my skinny and tender meat, it\'s all right at once, no, no, it\'s very bad."

  Zhao Yingmeng shook her head quickly.

Zhao Yingmeng must be used to attract strangers. She is the most suitable. Her natural boss attraction will definitely make the boss interested in her. Others, maybe the boss doesn’t even bother to take a look. This is her purpose. Ah, maybe they are just standing here and chatting now, and the three Sky Swallowing Flood Dragons can come out to attack them.

   "Ding...you get a guardian angel with a big move."

  Chen Mo stole Lin Kexin\'s big move.

   "Don\'t worry, I\'ll give you a buff, and you can bring out the monster."

   Then Chen Mo was shining with holy light, and little wings appeared behind him.

  Lin Kexin\'s mouth opens slightly.

  Others don’t know, but she knows, isn’t this her guardian angel skill? That super powerful skill, the cooldown is also very long, but how did Brother Chen Mo know it?

   "Ding...you have been guarded by a guardian angel..."

  When Zhao Yingmeng heard the system prompt, her mouth opened wide.

   "Just... it\'s abnormal!"

  Zhao Yingmeng couldn\'t help but mutter.

   "Dare you now?"

  Zhao Yingmeng nodded again and again, and then looked like death at home, "My heroine will go!"

   Then she speeded up and rushed over.

   "It\'s miserable."

  Chen Mo said silently in his heart.

Although it can be resurrected indefinitely, the lowest is also the beast of Shenhuang. Although it does not hurt, Chen Mo has already imagined Zhao Yingmeng being ravaged and killed by all kinds of scenes. He still feels a little sympathetic in his heart. The righteousness was awe-inspiring, the world was invincible, and he hurriedly ran over with joy, what a miserable woman.

   "Brother Chen Mo, what if the monster is not inside?"

  Chen Mo said, "It should be there, right?"

  Chen Mo looked at Qingcheng and asked.

  Qingcheng just glanced at Chen Mo and did not answer.

   Used to, used to.

  A few of them then hid quietly aside.

   "Brother Chen Mo, aren\'t you going? Then who will steal it if you come out later?"

  Stealing, of course it is Chen Mo!

   "Go! Go now, you hide it, don\'t come out, we can\'t fight the beast of Shenhuang, we only need to steal the pet egg." Chen Mo said, and then rushed over.

  Zhao Yingmeng finally climbed this volcano and stood in the crater to look inside!


  She swallowed.

  How to get in? Who dares to go in?

   Then she looked to the side in a daze, and saw Chen Mo approaching.

   "Brother Chenmo, I dare not go down!"

  Zhao Yingmeng was crying.

  Chen Mo nodded, "So I came over to cheer you up."


   "Look, UFO!"


  Zhao Yingmeng looked up in the direction pointed by Chen Mo, at the same time, Chen Mo...


   kicked her through the crater in the back.

  Zhao Yingmeng? ? ?

  She felt this game and felt a deep malice.

   "Ah-I hate you!"

  Zhao Yingmeng\'s voice came out while falling.


  A figure fell into the magma and splashed water. No, it was a magma flower...

  Chen Mo turned his head aside, a bit miserable...a bit unbearable!

  But...someone should sacrifice, right?

  The organization will remember her.

  The big deal will be when Fengshenzong will give her a best contribution award, or an award for heroic dedication.

   Then Chen Mo released the invisibility skill of the flower-picking cloak and hid beside him, waiting for the next plot to happen.

  The surrounding area was quiet for tens of seconds, and could not hear anything. Suddenly, Chen Mo felt the volcano trembling. The tremor was getting faster and faster and the frequency was getting higher and higher. God knew what was going on here.


  A red magma fire column tens of meters thick erupted directly, erupting tens of meters high, similar to the picture that the phoenix appeared before!


   A scream came, and Chen Mo looked up, isn’t Zhao Yingmeng at the top of the magma fire pillar? It was sprayed out directly.


  The long and continuous scream lasted ten seconds.


  Zhao Yingmeng fell directly in front of Chen Mo from a height of tens of meters, the kind of face down, and then her foot moved, and the blood bar was full of blood after it emptied.

  Yes...a bit miserable.

  Chen Mo quickly moved away from her.


   A sharp roar came.

  A huge blood-red and dark blue three-headed Sky-Swallowing Swallow rushed out, a body of several tens of meters, and the small wings on the back, but those three heads were particularly terrifying!

  Zhao Yingmeng quickly got up!

   "Brother Chenmo, Brother Chenmo!"

  Zhao Yingmeng is looking for his backbone, and at this moment Chen Mo is completely invisible on the other side!

  Zhao Yingmeng then turned her head, one meter in front of her was the three huge heads clinging to her, staring at her, her eyes were as big as hers.



  Zhao Yingmeng stretched out her hand and greeted silently.



  In the next second, Zhao Yingmeng will run away!


  Zhao Yingmeng ran to Lin Kexin, Qingcheng, and Shui Shui frantically!

  "Help! hel! hel! Help the child..."

  Lin Kexin "……"

  Allure "……"

  Chen Mo "……"

  Chen Mo hurriedly sent her a message.

  You are infinitely resurrected, what are you afraid of?

  Zhao Yingmeng received the news and stopped suddenly.

  Yes, she is infinitely resurrected!


  Zhao Yingmeng then jumped and turned around at the same time, pointing his three heads to swallow the sky!

   "Today this heroine is going to walk for the sky! The little fist punches you!"

   bang bang bang,

  Then Zhao Yingmeng quickly punched ~www.novelhall.com~ constantly hammering one of the heads of the three swallowing dragons.

  The three-headed Swallowing Dragon looked at her like a fool, as did the eyes of the three girls behind.

  1, 1, 1

  The damage from the dense small fists and punches came out of the head of the three-headed Tian Tianjiao.

  Zhao Yingmeng hammered and didn’t know how many punches, then she found...


  Zhao Yingmeng looked at the three-headed swallowing dragon and then said silently.


  One head opened the blood basin and roared, Zhao Yingmeng’s hair and clothes were dancing wildly, and then a flame was sprayed from the mouth of the three-headed swallowing dragon, which directly...grilled her with charcoal.

   "Ding...you are resurrected."

  Zhao Yingmeng "……"

   Then another tail slapped her to death.

   "Ding...you are resurrected."

   "Ding...you are dead."



  Somehow, she inexplicably wants to remove the buff, she wants to hang up, she wants to go offline, lying on the bed, and crying with her pillow over her head...