I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 209: 9 Phoenix Tianyang, Phoenix

Then Chen Mo hit the ground with a palm!

  100, 100, 100

  Yes, this palm hit the ground, he was losing blood, it was too hot! Fortunately, the feet have shoes.

  Then, the ground was shaking, like an earthquake!


Around   , all the raised peaks were crazily collapsing. The kilometer-meter peaks collapsed quickly, dust was everywhere, and magma burned into flames...

   lasted for three minutes, and it took three full minutes to finish. Under normal circumstances, this skill would consume 10,000 mana in one second, and Chen Mo couldn\'t even stand it in one second, but why would he call him no consumption?

  They all have their mouths wide open, so do they have this skill?

  The dust dissipated, everything in the surrounding area of ​​kilometer was razed to the ground, only those countless rubbles that rolled down, the huge volcano that stood in front of them for a kilometer before still stood in front of them, now, it is flat!

  There is no magma coming out, obviously the magma has reached the bottom, which is under the ground they are stepping on!

   "Just... it\'s an exaggeration!"

  Zhao Yingmeng swallowed!

   Furious, right?


   A thunderous long scream, accompanied by a column of magma straight into the sky!


  They looked at the fiery red phoenix, noble, gorgeous, beautiful, and shocking!

  Finally met the mission goal!

  The beautiful phoenix flapped its wings and galloped toward them, and then a flame fell in front of them, and a beautiful woman in a red dress appeared in front of them!

  Transfiguration humanoid!

  It’s not really surprising! For this degree of existence, it is normal!

  "Who are you! Why are you ruining this place!"

  The woman swept towards them, her beautiful eyes were hostile, and at the same time her beautiful eyes were slightly red, as if...cry!

  After that, her eyes fell on Shui Shui\'s body!

  There are only a few kinds of sacred beasts in the world. The difference between sacred beasts and sacred beasts is not big, but the sacred beasts may be stronger and rarer! Just a few, not one race! For example, in Shui Shui\'s holy light winged tiger clan, every holy light winged tiger that reaches the god-huang level is a divine beast, but the strongest of the holy light winged tigers can be called a holy beast. !

  They naturally know each other, they may even know each other, and the breath will know each other!

  When she saw Shui Shui, most of the hostility in her eyes disappeared!

  Where there is the Holy Light Skywing Tiger, there is light, and the people around her are naturally not evil.

  Chen Mo hugged a fist and said, “I just heard a long cry of mourning, worried that something might happen, but I couldn’t go up because of the magma. I had to do so to know!”

   "You have such power but can\'t pass magma?"

  The woman stared at Chen Mo.

  Chen Mo touched the tip of his nose.

  To be honest, it\'s a bit embarrassing! This is where the infinite big move is powerful, releasing impossible skills to an impossible degree! So others will not believe it!

   "Ding...you get the great move Nine Phoenix Heavenly Sun."

  Yes, when you see a master, steal the skills decisively first.

  Chen Mo nodded, “It happens to have this power, but now it’s gone. It’s the predecessors who are screaming, right? If there is anything that needs help, we can try.”

"you guys?"

  The woman glanced at them, then shook her head, her eyes revealed sadness, "I can\'t do it, so what can you talk about? Let\'s go. For the sake of the Holy Light Skywing Tiger, the deity does not blame you."

  Shui Shui blinked his eyes wide, and then walked over.

   "Sister, Shui Shui and Big Brother are here to help your sister. Big Brother is very powerful, otherwise Shui Shui would not choose to follow Big Brother."

   "You...you actually recognize a human being as the master?"

  The woman looked at the water with a shocked expression.

  "Um..." Then my head is watery!

  At this time, the woman\'s eyes changed a little when she looked at Chen Mo!

   Then she sighed.

   "Never mind, or many people have more power, although it is a small power!"

  Let her choose to give it a try because Shui Shui, a human who can recognize the Lord by the Holy Light Skywing Tiger, must have something to do with it. Although it seems weak and weak, what if?

  Shuishui, the Holy Light Skywing Tiger, has helped Chen Mo many times, otherwise he really doesn\'t know how to proceed!

  Then the woman looked at Chen Mo and said, "My child... disappeared yesterday."


  The woman nodded, her eyes flushed.

  For her kind of existence, perhaps her own children are more important than her life. The reproduction of mythical beasts and holy beasts is the hardest and most difficult thing! It\'s not easy! Even some sacred beasts are willing to give their lives in order to reproduce!

  "My child has not been born yet. Yesterday, a city was attacked by a pack of wolves. I went to resolve the matter. After I came back, the child disappeared. It must have been stolen by an unknown monster!"

  Speaking, the woman clenched her pink fist and trembled slightly!

   "Why is it a monster?"

"You don\'t understand, our child, the unborn egg of the beast has unlimited spiritual power. Taking advantage of this opportunity, if the beast can swallow it and gain its supreme power, it will undergo a qualitative change and its realm will soar. It\'s even possible to improve bloodline infinitely!"

  Chen Mo suddenly realized!

   "It\'s damnable! There is such a **** thing!"

  Zhao Yingmeng clenches her pink fist!

   "But... even the deity doesn\'t know where my child is now or who was stolen by him. Can you... help me find my child?"

  The woman looks at them!

   "Can seniors have a clue?"

   Chen Mo asked.

  To tell the truth, just look for it like this, unless he is the son of heaven~www.novelhall.com~ how can I find it? How come this phoenix is ​​also a super mythical beast, right? She couldn\'t find it, how did they find it?

  The woman shook her head, "No, but since it can sneak into this place, its strength is the lowest level of Shenhuang!"

  Everyone looked at each other.

  Shenhuang level? Does it mean that if they find it, they still have to fight the beast of Shenhuang?

impossible! The blood volume of the beast of Shenhuang is over several billion!

  Lin Kexin said, "I...I can try to see if I can find a clue."

  A few people looked at Lin Kexin, and was suddenly noticed by everyone. Lin Kexin was not as embarrassed. Then she took out the staff, chanting some spell in her mouth, and behind her appeared the phantom of the holy wings of an angel!

   "Holy Angels!"

  The woman was slightly surprised when she saw Lin Kexin!

  Holy Light Skywing Tiger, Holy Angel...

  Sure enough, these children are not the same! Maybe they can really find her own child for her?

  Several seconds later, Lin Kexin opened her eyes.

  "It\'s a snake! I saw it. It is a very big snake, blue, black and red. It has an open collar like an umbrella lizard on its neck. It has three heads and wings on the back!"