I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 203: Big sister

Latest URL: Fighting? Or how? Chen Mo is also not sure!

This is the mission goal, so normally it will not be a fight. They are here to help him, not to kill him!

However, if it keeps attacking them, it seems that there is no other way but to fight. This is the difficulty of this kind of task, the unknown randomness! You don\'t know what will happen, even if you meet the mission goal, even if you know that you are going to help him, but reality prevents you from doing it.

Outside, the skills released by the extremely frozen soul beast and the sacred light released by Lin Kexin seemed to be ten seconds, and both disappeared at the same time! The moment they disappeared, everyone was preparing to fight, but found that the Ji Ning Ice Soul Beast did not move next!

"Your strength is not bad!"

The deep blue sapphire eyes of Ji Ning Ice Soul Beast glanced at the crowd and made a sound.

Several people looked at each other.

"Brother Chenmo, shouldn\'t this be the test of the boss?"

Zhao Yingmeng leaned in Chen Mo\'s ear and whispered.

Chen Mo nodded slightly.

To be honest, if every group of players is like this, let alone doing the task, the game is over when it starts! With so many players, each group is basically twelve people, how many people can have Lin Kexin\'s ability to block the skills of the 30th-level ghost mysterious boss? It is estimated that most of the army was wiped out in an instant, and there will be no follow-up! This task has been difficult to explode from now on.

"I have a place where I need your help, and you may be able to help me. If you are willing, after everything is done, I am willing to follow you for life, never betray or abandon!"

Ji Ning Ice Soul Beast said in a deep voice!


Chen Mo frowned! This task, withstood the skills of the extremely condensed ice spirit beast, was approved by him, and then he could continue the next task!

"Please speak."

Ji Ning Ice Soul Beast said: "This is my village. I am the patriarch of Ice Soul Beast Clan. A long time ago, when I came back from a trip, I found my village, my children, my wife, and all my fellow citizens. They have all become like this. It is the work of the ice and snow sculptures on the icebergs of Yunding. The ice and snow sculptures are not stronger than me, but they are flying monsters. They want revenge, but I can\'t help but hope some of them can help me with revenge!"

"Where is the Yunding Iceberg?"

Chen Mo asked.

The huge extremely condensed ice soul beast stretched out its paws and pointed in a direction, and said, "On the farthest but highest mountain over there is where the ice and snow sculptures are located! Please!"

"Okay! Let\'s go now!"

Then they walked in the direction pointed by the extremely frozen ice soul beast!

"This task is so difficult. If this is the case for every group of players, it seems that the vast majority of players, let alone fight the BOSS, may be wiped out in the hands of this extremely frozen soul beast."

Lin Kexin said lively.

Chen Mo nodded: "Yes, this is the difficulty of these tasks. This is still the easiest of the three tasks. I won\'t talk about it before, but at least twelve people are needed to kill the mysterious beasts of level 30. ."

"Yeah." Zhao Yingmeng nodded: "The twelve-man team can also play the 30th-level golden boss at this stage, right? The ghost and mysterious beast, with a blood volume of more than one million, can kill one shot with a random skill. At this stage, we don’t know if we can break the defense, let alone defeat the ghost and mysterious beast! It is almost impossible to complete, but except for us, hehe."


Lin Kexin blinked big eyes.

"Because we have Big Brother Chenmo, he was the first to kill a ghost beast solo, oh yes, now there is Big Brother sister."

Allure: "..."

Foremost, the lonely Qingcheng heard what was behind him.

Big sister, this name...

"Flying monsters are the most difficult to deal with, especially ghosts and mysterious beasts, I don\'t have much confidence." Chen Mo said.

"Ah? Then are we going to lose?"

Zhao Yingmeng closed her head.

"Isn\'t there a big sister here?"

Chen Mo said with a hook.


A dagger flew over Chen Mo\'s ear, cutting off some strands of Chen Mo\'s hair.

Chen Mo: "..."

This Qingcheng is like that, but it’s good if you don’t go under him. I think once, he took the PP of Qingcheng and was chased by her for half a year. During that half a year, I don’t know how many daggers flew past. .

It\'s difficult to walk on the ice field, and the thick snow makes it even harder to walk, and... they have to climb it. This mountain is huge, and the total height is more than one kilometer.

"There are monsters!"

Zhao Yingmeng called out suddenly, and Chen Mo had already seen it!

On the side of the mountainside, a group of monsters that almost merge with the white snow are slowly approaching them. This is the ordinary monster on this map. BOSS may appear. The main function for the player is to explode pet eggs. The probability is about 100. One part!


In the next instant, a dozen snow-white leopards rushed towards them!

[Snow Clouded Leopard]: Grade: Gold, Level: 20, HP: 25000, creatures living in the strange land of ice and snow, with the fur color that blends with the white snow, and the speed is extremely fast, usually slowly relying on the camouflage color to approach the target, and then Launch a lightning attack.

Skills; [Flashing Cloud Strike]: An attack similar to teleporting, locking a target, then teleporting behind the target, and launching a flashing strike. Cooling time: thirty seconds,

[Freezing Light]: Release the freezing light, causing damage to the hit unit and 100% freezing the target for two seconds. Cooling time: one minute.

Golden monster, but not golden boss!


Without saying anything, Allure turned into a ghost, rushing towards a group of snow clouded leopards in front of him at an unimaginable speed. I don’t know how many of the dozen snow clouded leopards released the light of freezing, but all of them were used by Allure. Avoided at an unimaginable speed, even extreme dodge, just not wasting 0.001 seconds, just to get this 0.001 seconds close to the target! This is the details of the assassin!

Brush and brush——

They haven\'t even taken a shot yet, just watching the black ghostly light in the white space, among a group of snow clouded leopards, as if a person is holding a pen and scribbling there, hurting numbers popping up above the snow clouded leopards. ...

"Leave residual blood!"

Chen Mo said!

Allure made a slight pause ~www.novelhall.com~ and then did not kill the **** Snow Cloud Leopard, but emptied the blood bar.

Her figure, her fighting style, are extremely fierce, without a trace of procrastination, so it\'s especially ornamental! This is rare.


Chen Mo also rushed over!

"The wind and waves!"


The wind swept water droplets, and the water droplets turned into ice crystals in the extreme cold!

Then it cut across!

-3050, -3050

A piece of snow clouded leopard was killed by Chen Mo in seconds! The main thing is that Qingcheng beat them all to the residual blood in a very short time.

(End of this chapter)