I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 202: Extreme Ice Soul Beast

The latest website: ahead, is a territory! A territory completely covered by wind and snow was completely frozen! There is a house, but it is very simple, which is similar to a yurt. After Chen Mo ran over, he saw Zhao Yingmeng and Lin Kexin running over, while Qingcheng and Shuishui were walking in the territory. Looking at it.

"what happened?"

"Chen... Brother Chenmo, someone has been sealed by ice! He still has his eyes open and... still laughing."

Zhao Yingmeng looked terrified, and so was Lin Kexin.

Chen Mo patted Lin Kexin on the shoulder and walked over!

Along the way, there are many people. Many wolf-shaped monsters are frozen as ice sculptures standing there. They seem to be frozen there for an instant. Their actions are different, the expressions on their faces are different, and even some people. Before he could close his mouth, and his eyes were frozen before he could close!

Qingcheng stood in front of a person, reaching out to rub the ice on his face.

"Big brother."

Shui Shui ran over pretty lively.

"how about it?"

"Well... it seems that they are all monsters, and people are also monsters, but they are all dead."

Shui Shui whispered.

Chen Mo nodded and walked over. The two weak girls behind him followed Chen Mo closely.

In front of him, a woman was holding a baby in her arms, and she was frozen there. The woman’s eyes were open, looking at her child. Her child was a little wolf pup, very cute, even the corner of her mouth was still smiling. This kind of laughter is natural, as if looking at my beloved darling happily, but in such a weird place, being covered by ice and the corners of his mouth are rising, then it is a little scary. It is estimated that they scared two girls.

"This should be the Ice Soul Beast clan, it seems that the bloodline is quite high, after all, there are so many in human form!"

Chen Mo said, in front, Qingcheng is more like a person walking alone, as if they are not in the same team, doing their own things without talking, but Chen Mo is used to it, this is her, she has not yet change.

"Dust... Brother Chenmo."

Zhao Yingmeng weakly pulled Chen Mo\'s sleeves and leaned over.

"Not terrible!" Chen Mo said while looking at the ice sculpture.

"Hmm, I\'m not afraid."

Zhao Yingmeng nodded repeatedly.

Then Chen Mo turned his head to look at Lin Kexin, and said softly: "They are all frozen in an instant, so their expressions remain at that instant. They are not frozen in ice and see you smiling, so it\'s not terrible."

Lin Kexin nodded slightly.

Then Chen Mo turned to look at Zhao Yingmeng and asked, "What did you just say?"

Click ——

Zhao Ying felt her heart...broken!

It turned out that Brother Chen Mo was comforting Kexin, not her... I was still moved just now, Brother Chen Mo was comforting her, now...

Oh, so miserable, so miserable myself! What a miserable woman.


Zhao Yingmeng curled her little mouth.

"Yeah." Chen Mo nodded and walked forward.

"Ah, Brother Chenmo."

Zhao Yingmeng stopped Chen Mo, and Chen Mo turned his head and glanced at her.

"Brother Chenmo, who is the new sister who just joined? What should we call?"

Now in the team, the ID of Qingcheng they saw was still hidden.

"Just call her the boss." Chen Mo said, then walked over.

"Big brother? I\'ll go! Big Brother Chenmo is yelling Big Brother, he seems to be really amazing, isn\'t he the one on the ranking list now? Ke Xin, you and Big Brother Chenmo have known each other for a long time, right? do you know it?"

Lin Kexin shook her head.

The most difficult part of this kind of task is two points. The first is the ordinary situation. The monsters are strong and there are many. This is a dungeon task, not to mention this kind of more special dungeon task. The other point is Unlimited randomness!

After you come in, the entire map and the entire scene are infinitely large. This is no longer a simple small map, but a corner of a continent. If you can\'t find the mission target, you won\'t be able to complete the mission if you find the death! For example, if they saw this territory, maybe this territory has clues, but if the wind and snow are bigger, and other players are on the map, they don’t see it, and they go in the opposite direction, then...there will be no mission to die. Goals, let alone complete tasks.

The usual task is to give you a fixed size map, fixed direction, fixed monsters, fixed organs, just like Chen Mo’s calamity trial, one level, two levels, you know what to do, know Where to go, know how to clear customs, but this is completely different.


A beast roar suddenly came from the front. Chen Mo hadn\'t even walked over, and then he saw a house collapsed directly, and then the figure of Qingcheng holding a dagger flashed to the back, which is the road in front of Chen Mo ! Chen Mo watched Qingcheng walk into this house, and then he wanted to follow it, and this happened!

A sky blue and silver wolf rushed out!

The figure is very big, close to five meters, the first thing people see is not scary, fierce, and ugly, but domineering, beautiful, and like a king! This is definitely the mount that any player wants to own! Riding out will not drop in price, it is a good one! A monster like this usually has disgusting slime on its mouth, but it doesn\'t!

"so big!"

Shui Shui Xiaozui\'er exclaimed!


The monster roared!

"who are you!"

In the next instant, there was a human voice from its mouth!

The dagger in Qingcheng\'s hand was also calming down, because she knew after hearing the monster\'s words, this was the mission goal.

"We passed by here and found that there was a clue, so we came in to take a look, and didn\'t mean anything else."

Chen Mo walked over and said.

[Extreme Condensing Ice Soul Beast]: Grade: Ghost Profound, Level: 30, HP: 20000o0, Ice Soul Beast level can be promoted to Extreme Condensing Ice Soul Beast. It is a race with strong blood. They are extremely powerful, they will abandon all defense means, everything is attack, they are rare pure attack monsters on the mainland! Speed, attack and other aspects are top values.


Ji Ning Ice Soul Beast did not say much~www.novelhall.com~ but a powerful blue light burst out from its body, and the ice surface under its feet became thicker, and it roared up to the sky, the cold force was radiating, and the biting wind was blowing a piece of snow. Turn into a blade!


Chen Mo quickly shouted!

Lin Kexin took out the staff and quickly chanted magic, and then the golden light enveloped them all!

"Ding...you are shrouded in divine light."

After that, they saw that all the snowflakes turned into sky blades beyond the golden light and bombarded them, but they were all blocked!

"Brother Chenmo, my barrier can only block ten seconds."

Lin Kexin said quickly!

(End of this chapter)