I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 204: Is she Allure?

The water behind    is calmer, she has experienced a lot, but the other two girls are not calm, especially Zhao Yingmeng, her jaw is about to fall!

  Chen Mo\'s move only showed damage and group attacks. She was not surprised, because Chen Mo had already surprised her enough! She even saw 300,000 injuries in Chen Mo! She was even more surprised by the black woman in front of her!

  Assassin, the biggest shortcoming is the lack of group attack skills. Basically, assassins can only be swiped individually, or a few can be played, but too many are really not enough! However, when Zhao Yingmeng saw her, she used the most basic attack, and it was a single damage, almost emptied the 13 Snow Cloud Leopard blood bar with more than 20,000 health in a dozen seconds, and then she Brother Chenmo\'s group attack skills harvest!

Assassin, how strong she is, her attack, her speed, her attack speed, her timing and time control to what extent can she use a single damage general attack, within ten seconds Empty the blood bars of a dozen monsters with more than 20,000 blood?


  Zhao Yingmeng looked at the ground, the snowy area, the woman just rushed past here at an extremely fast speed, where are the footprints?

  Oh, I saw it, she saw the footprints! The snow surface collapsed...less than a centimeter, and she...

  The whole person has stepped into the snow for more than ten centimeters, without her ankle! How abnormal is she so that when she sprints in the snow, every foot is only one centimeter of snow that is more than 20 centimeters thick?

  She may not understand this, but the former, her battle just now, and her fighting stance, fierceness, and the level that she can achieve, made her only think of an assassin who could do it, she was called Qingcheng!

  A legend who can almost sit on an equal footing with the son Mo! The only one who can fight with the son Mo to the level of 50-50! Although he was still defeated by Gongzi Mo and was crowned as God by Gongzi Mo, there was an interview with Gongzi Mo. The game reporter asked him, in this era of virtual online games, who does he think is his opponent?

  At first, Gongzi Mo said no, he hesitated for two more seconds, and said Qingcheng.

   "Couldn\'t she be Allure?"

  Zhao Yingmeng became more surprised as she thought about it, and then subconsciously compared the postures of the two people with the scene of the fight, which made her think a little bit terribly.

  Should not... is it true?

impossible! How could that kind of conferred **** be with himself? This looks a bit too dreamy, right? And, does Allure have friends in virtual online games? Gongzimo? She seems to have only Gongzimo as a friend, right? So this person is definitely not Qingcheng, otherwise why would she be friends with her brother Chenmo? Just a strong player! After all, there are some very powerful assassin players.

  Although it is possible, the possibility is too small.

  Then the three of them ran over, and then their jaw dropped again!

Equipment all over the ground, gold coins, etc. may be normal, but... a golden monster explodes a golden weapon. You know, the probability of a golden boss exploding a golden weapon is about 10, while ordinary gold monsters are. Around 1, but...what the **** is this 100-explosive golden weapon?


  This is not the most exaggerated! The most exaggerated is the pet eggs all over the floor! Thirteen!

  A total of thirteen monsters, you broke out thirteen pieces of gold, thirteen pet eggs...this Nima! The explosion rate of this pet egg is only 1!

  "Are you short of money?"

  Qingcheng probably guessed something after seeing this scene, and then looked at Chen Mo.

  Chen Mo nodded, then put everything away, and said, “There are things to do, I’m short of money.”

   "borrow you, interest 10"

  Chen Mo; "..."

  Black shop!

   "No, you can\'t afford to borrow it, maybe as low as 100 billion, can you borrow?"

  Everyone "..."

   "Brother Chenmo, what are you doing?"

   "Establish a sect!"

   "The guild doesn\'t need to spend too much money."

   "It is the sect."


Chen Mo then said, "I will give you all the exploded equipment later. Take away the ones that can be used. Pet eggs are the weakest. You need better ones. Then, Yingmeng, you can help me find a channel. Are they all sold?"

Zhao Yingmeng nodded again and again, "Brother Chenmo sell it to me, I want it, as long as it is not too expensive and too expensive, but if there are good things, Brother Chenmo can first show me if I can buy it. Are you up?"

  Chen Mo nodded.

  This is why Chen Mo asked Qingcheng not to kill in seconds. He came to the final blow. The absolute burst rate. These pet eggs and gold artifacts are sold at five to six figures.


   Then they continue to move forward! Now Zhao Yingmeng fully understands that Chen Mo is absolutely explosive! Rather than three times, four times the burst rate! No wonder two tokens were released!

Along the way, they killed a lot of monsters. This map is not too many monsters, but when they encounter them, they are in groups. Coupled with Chen Mo\'s absolute burst rate, now Chen Mo\'s infinite ring contains enough things to open a pet. Shop now.

  They also successfully came to the foot of this mountain.

  "More than a thousand meters, plus this kind of terrain, this mountain alone, we might have to climb two hours!"

  Zhao Yingmeng draws her head!

   "It\'s okay, just treat it as a mountain climbing! In reality, there is no such opportunity."

  Lin Kexin smiled sweetly.

Qingcheng next to    looked up, and then a mini dagger in his palm was spinning wildly at the speed of a fan!


  A black streamer shot sharply upward along the mountain!


   Ten seconds later ~www.novelhall.com~ the top of the head seemed to explode, and then there was an avalanche, and the avalanche struck them, and in the next instant, several people disappeared in place and appeared on the safe side.

  "Empty Magic Stone?"

  Chen Mo looked at Qingcheng in surprise.

  Qingcheng glanced at Chen Mo with doubts.

  Chen Mo then shook his head, "It\'s okay."

  Empty Magic Stone is a space jump to a place they have been to before, but they have not been here, so it is not an empty magic stone, it can only be...Qingcheng\'s own space teleport skills! And can bring people!


   A long sound that broke through the air struck, this sound is extremely dangerous! Then they saw a huge white figure flying out, and then turned around. They seemed to have seen them at an altitude of several hundred meters, and then they galloped at an unimaginable speed!

   Flying monsters, generally speaking, have the fastest speed attributes!

  "Preparation for battle, water and water, protection is welcome!"

  Chen Mo held the sword of disaster and stood in front of Qingcheng.

   "Brother Chenmo, what about me?"

  Zhao Yingmeng asked expectantly.

  "While playing in the snow."

  Zhao Yingmeng "……"