I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 201: Allure

Latest website: It\'s quiet around! It is so quiet that only breathing can be heard! This sudden appearance of the woman, the power she showed casually is beyond words!

"Chen... Brother Chenmo, is a master!"

Zhao Yingmeng\'s mouth is wide open!

She is also at this moment. The woman in front of him is also an assassin. Why is the gap so big?

The woman walked in front of the three of them. Zhao Yingmeng looked at her up and down, then silently looked at herself again, and at the length of her legs, then her little hand silently gestured the size, and then her little head was drawn together! Is this a woman? Boys should like women like this, right?

The same woman, why is this gap so big?

"How did you come?"

Chen Mo looked at her and asked!

Everyone opened their mouths wide!

They know.

"Sure enough, things are gathered together in groups. What kind of players are around them. Although this Chenmo has a big tone, he still has strength. And his friends are so powerful. This woman should be a top assassin? "

"Actually, she didn\'t really see it. She didn\'t do anything, but the dagger attacked automatically. The attributes must be high, but if it is a top-level assassin, she needs to know it by herself!"

"Don\'t talk about anything else, I\'ll take a picture first, and then I will talk about it when I offline! I can\'t stand it anymore."


Lin Kexin looked up at Chen Mo. Did Brother Chen Mo know such a good girl?

One girl is losing, one is wondering if she is a woman...

"Passing by."

The woman\'s tone is cold, she doesn\'t have any emotions to be precise, but it sounds nice.

Chen Mo chuckled lightly.

"Ding... Chen Mo invited you to join the team, do you agree?"

"Ding... the player [hide] joined your team."

"Let\'s go, do the task first!"

After Chen Mo finished speaking, he led them to the cave. There was an enchantment in front of him. It was because of this enchantment that so many players gathered here and did not enter the mission! It is estimated that after reaching a certain number, the players can break the enchantment when their concerted efforts reach a certain value, and then enter it and enter the mission field!


A big golden character popped out of Chen Mo\'s mouth, and then bombarded the barrier.


The enchantment is broken!

Everyone opened their mouths wide, and watched as five of them entered the portal!

"Ding...You have come to the Frozen Land."

The surroundings were freezing cold, and everyone opened their eyes. What they were in was an icy and snowy ground, and they looked all over the white, white plains, white mountain peaks, high and low, this kind of place, for the first time people, it is novel. , Is happy, but for those who are here all year round, it is a disaster! The wind and snow were blowing in the sky, and the wind blew my face a little bit thorns. About a few hundred meters in front, through the wind and snow, I could vaguely see a small village and a small territory.


When I opened my eyes, there were several exclamations in my ears, Zhao Yingmeng and Lin Kexin looked around in surprise!

Shui Shui\'s big eyes are also full of little stars!

"I have never seen snow before, I have seen it on TV! This is the first time I have seen snow!"

Zhao Yingmeng said excitedly!

"Hmm... Do you live in Yingmeng near Tiandu?" Lin Kexin asked.

Zhao Yingmeng nodded: "It used to be, there was no snow there. Now I live in Tianhua City. It is said that it snows every year in Tianhua City, right?"

"Well, yes."

"Hehe, it\'s already October, and it won\'t be long before I can see the snow in reality!" Zhao Yingmeng seemed very happy!

"Brother Chenmo, are we going to a place with a house in front? Kexin and I will go ahead and play first, waiting for you!"

Then the two girls were happily playing in the snow, Shui Shui couldn’t wait to join them, and even forgot to have new friends, no, not forgotten, but...for Chen Mo and her to be alone, they all know, from Chen Mo\'s phrase "Why are you here?", there is still a tone in the words, they can guess that they are old friends!

At this moment, Chen Mo glanced around, then walked forward slowly with her.

"How do you recognize me?"

Chen Mo looked at her, and then asked!

To be honest, I feel a little bit emotional.

"Guess it."

The tone was still cold and emotionless, and Chen Mo was also used to it, but it was really a long time since he had been.


She glanced at Chen Mo, and then said: "You are the only one who can break these records."

"So in your eyes, I am so strong."

Chen Mo chuckled lightly.

"That\'s it."

The tone was cold.

Chen Mo; "..."

"How about Jie? Have you contacted him?"

Chen Mo frowned and asked.

She nodded, and then shook: "I can\'t reach it."

"I don\'t know if something happened, I miss the past."

Chen Mo sighed!

In the past, the youngest son Mo consecrated the gods and Qingcheng consecrated the gods, but after them there is another person, that is, the Jie brother in Chen Mo\'s mouth. He is a paladin class, to be precise, a dad, the ultimate dad, two people can play Many records or impossible things, many rely on his crazy milk! The three of them were considered an iron triangle for a period of time, but few people knew it!

Then Chen Mo suddenly thought of something and said: "Or, you join my sect?"

"Ding... Player [Qingcheng] requested to join [Feng Shenzong], do you agree?"


This is her style of acting, much lazy to say something.

"You...what\'s going on these years?"

Qingcheng hesitated for a while, still asked.

Chen Mo laughed mockingly.

"It\'s okay, it\'s a small matter."

"Is it green?"

Chen Mo; "..."

"Why did you think of this?"

Chen Mo asked in surprise.

"It is said that a man is likely to change his temperament or languish because of his beloved pi leg. You are the latter."

Qingcheng said lightly.

Chen Mo counseled his shoulders and said calmly: "I haven\'t talked about love, so why is it green?"

"Poor twenty-six-year-old man."

There was another cold and merciless mockery without emotion~www.novelhall.com~.

Chen Mo; "..."

"Sorry, can you go? I don\'t want to see you so much now."

Then Qingcheng went straight ahead!

Chen Mo shook his head from behind, the corners of his mouth raised uncontrollably, and then followed.

Unexpectedly, in the end, he still has friends, and someone can remember him.

They simply met in the game, but before meeting Lin Kexin, Chen Mo only trusted two people in this world, one is her, the other is Jie Ge, Wang Wenjie! But now that Wang Wenjie is out of touch, Chen Mo has nothing to do.


A scream came from the front, Chen Mo recovered, and rushed over at an increased speed.

(End of this chapter)