I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 155: Battle of fame

The battle outside the city gate is still going on. Those who know, when they see the battle below, they will understand that today’s battle is won!

  They also understand that if Chen Mo and Shui Shui were not on the court, they would have lost!

  The two of them entered the arena that did not seem to turn the tide of the battle, but above the overall situation, the two of them turned around!

  The two enter the arena, with several large-scale skills, there are probably 10,000 ordinary monsters that can be killed in seconds, otherwise the level of the two of them cannot be upgraded to level 24, or even almost 25! Get rid of the second place Allure 6!

  Qingcheng has always been second, but he needs double experience, and there is a Shui Shui sharing experience with him. Even so, Qingcheng is still six levels behind Chen Mo, enough to see how difficult it is to rise at this level!

Killing monsters is one of them. The second is that the two of them emptied a large number of monsters from the monster group, attracting the attention of more than 50,000 monsters. So many monsters instantly turned their attention to them, and rushed to them. Will make the pressure on the main battlefield much less!

   Third, the addition of water, the green holy light inspires people\'s hearts and protects them!

Fourth, it is also very important, because the above motivated up to eighty to ninety thousand players, they feel that they can win by joining now, and then they made up their minds to join the battlefield again, despite their strength Relatively speaking, it’s not as good as eighty to ninety thousand soldiers, but it’s also a level ten players, various skills and so on. No matter how bad it is, priests will increase blood. Because of their participation, the number of both sides has reversed again, and they have stabilized. !

  Of course, the premise is that the monsters don’t have a third wave of attacks! It shouldn\'t be there, and the gathering of monsters will take time!

  "Young Master Chenmo."

   A voice came from behind, Chen Mo turned his head and saw Ye Qingqing running towards him all the way.


   Ye Qingqing looked like he ran a short distance, sweat appeared on his forehead, and he was wearing slightly rough clothes.

   "Why are you here? Are you going to take care of your brother?"

  Chen Mo looked at Ye Qingqing in surprise.

   "Xiao Yu fell asleep, I made some food for Mr. Chenmo and two younger sisters." Ye Qingqing\'s face was a little red, after all, there was some ambiguity about girls cooking for boys.

  In the Tianlin Continent, in their perception, girls who are not out of the pavilion will only cook food for the people they like. Even if they are for family members, they are also the people they like.

   "Just... I think Mr. Chen Mo might be hungry after the battle. Most shops in the city are closed..."

   Ye Qingqing explained in a low voice.

  Chen Mo took the cake she made in her hand, and then handed it to Shui Shui and Xiao Yuan, and she also took one.

   "Thank you, go back and rest first."


   Ye Qingqing was very satisfied and happy to see Chen Mo took over the cake she made.

  "Young Master Chenmo, Linfeng City...will it be gone?"

   Ye Qingqing thought of something, and then asked timidly.

  This is the place where she lives. If Linfeng City is captured, it is one thing whether she can run away. If she runs away, it would be difficult for her to have the capital to live in another place.

"Isn\'t it that the female emperor of the Saint Yao Empire will come in person, she will definitely not be captured when she comes, but...this is the first city on the border, or the human warrior will launch a counterattack, or one day it will be Conquered, I suggest you take your brother to change the city."

   Ye Qingqing nodded gently.

   "I see, Master Chenmo, come on."

  Then Ye Qingqing ran away pretty lively.

  One hour later, the battlefield is over!

To be honest, the tragic group of soldiers with more than four hundred thousand survived only one hundred thousand, and most of them were seriously injured. This is a real river of blood. The less injured are cleaning the battlefield. The players are I really can\'t stand this scene anymore. It\'s okay during the battle. After all, there are people around. When the battle is over, they will see this scene again, and they will think about it!

  It turns out...They fought for so long in the vicinity full of corpses!

  Many soldiers rushed into the city and shouted the good news. Then, in Linfeng City, hundreds of people cheered excitedly!

  They... guard it!


   "Chenmo! Chenmo!"


At this moment, Chen Mo, Shui Shui and Xiao Yuan were sitting in a corner above the city wall eating cakes sent by Ye Qingqing to supplement their hunger. Then they didn\'t know who shouted loudly first, and then the two people. Twenty people, two hundred people, two thousand, twenty thousand...

  The soldiers around the entire city gate shouted this name loudly!

  Some players even joined it!

   "What are you pretending to be! We didn\'t rely on the players to win? What did Chenmo do? Why are there so many people shouting for him?"

  Someone said sourly!

   "Look, there is a lemon essence there!"

  "What are you sour here? What did Chenmo do, and what did you do yourself don’t have a b-number?"

   "This lemon essence is really disgusting."


  This is the contrast between before and after. Before, most players only echoed what the first player said. Right, what did Chenmo do? Isn’t it just killing more monsters, or relying on them? Why are all these cheers for him?

  And now, many people have begun to maintain Chen Mo! The reason for defending Chen Mo is because Chen Mo convinced them! They recognized Chen Mo!

  The cheers were getting louder and louder. At first the soldiers, and then some players were added. Then, all the densely packed people in the city gathered in front of the city gate and shouted, looking from the city wall, God! Is this going to have a concert?

   "Young Dust!"

  The Bloody City Lord on the battle armor walked to Chen Mo\'s front!

  Chen Mo stood up.

  The deafening sound in this ear is a bit exaggerated.

  "Young Master Chenmo, thank you very much for your contribution~www.novelhall.com~ Without you, we might lose this battle!"

  Chen Mo shook his head, "Nothing, I don\'t actually do much!"

   "No, you have done a lot, and you have brought a lot! I thank you for the people in the city, and I also thank you for my family!"

  The city lord then bowed to Chen Mo!

  Then the two little girls blinked their big eyes. They didn\'t know why, they felt very powerful. With a serious look on their small faces, they all bowed to Chen Mo in the same way as the city lord.

  Chen Mo "……"

  These two girls...

  忒 is cute.

  The city lord then looked at Chen Mo and said, "Knowing you, Linfeng City is lucky to have you in Linfeng City, come and let the people see you!"

  Then the city lord patted Chen Mo on the shoulder.

"No need to……"

  Chen Mo was dragged to the edge of the city wall by the city lord before finishing talking!

   "Everyone, be quiet!"

  The City Lord gathered his power into the voice and said loudly!

  Players, soldiers, and people in sight, more than 200,000 people in total calmed down. Hundreds of thousands of people who could not see further heard the front stop, and they also stopped cheering.