I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 156: Kexin is here

The two little girls were just a little higher than the guardrail, but they couldn\'t see clearly below, and they bounced around trying to see below clearly, and then Chen Mo hugged them and sat on it.

  To be honest, Chen Mo is a little embarrassed, especially for hundreds of thousands of people, the soldiers are calling his name, even more embarrassed!

"Dear folks, warriors, and adventurers from other worlds, since last night, we Linfeng City and even the surrounding cities have suffered the impact of monsters. As the largest Linfeng City around, Linfeng City has suffered The impact must be the greatest! To be honest, since last night, our soldiers have made more than half a million heroic sacrifices. We mourn for them and are proud of them. The battlefield is also the same, and the times are the same. Only those fighters can have our day!"


  To be honest, the words of this city lord are still very contagious, and there was thunderous applause!

  Yes, all those who died in battle are for the city, and for the empire, don’t they deserve respect?

  Of course the people admire them, it is them who guard the city and allow them to live a peaceful life!

The city lord then continued, "In addition, we also want to thank all the adventurers in the different world who participated in the battle. They came to our Tianlin Continent in large numbers. Only because of them, we were able to defend the two waves of monster attacks. City! Let us cheer for them!"

  Those players are also balanced. Although there is no name, they are talking about! They are also very proud, really proud, they also understand why so many people like to be soldiers! When they did something, guarded certain people, guarded the country, they were very proud!

"Furthermore, I want to especially thank a friend of an adventurer in another world, this young hero next to me. He turned the tide and changed the situation of the battle with one person. He is our biggest hero in Linfeng City today. Without him, the current Linfeng City should have been captured. Of course, there is also the little girl next to him, who is also very powerful. She is called Shui Shui. Let us remember their names and their kindness to us!"

  "Chenmo! Chenmo! Chenmo!"


  "Ding...your fame value +200000"

  A sudden system prompt came, and Chen Mo was still stunned for a moment, 200,000 fame points? In addition, it was two hundred and ten thousand before, and Chen Mo knew the effect, but he didn\'t know what it would be useful for.

   Ye Qingqing covered her mouth, don\'t know why, when she heard so many people shouting Chen Mo, she was so excited.


At the door of the appraisal shop, Ye Yu walked out.

  "Kohan, you...are you awake?"

   Ye Yu was still a little weak, he looked up at Chen Mo above the city wall.

   "Sister, is that Brother Chenmo?"

   Ye Qingqing nodded.

   "Well, he saved you."

   "He is a great hero."

   Ye Yu\'s eyes shone with light.

   "Is a hero."

   Ye Qingqing muttered to himself.

   "Xiao Yu will become a hero like Brother Chenmo in the future!"


  And all this scene was broadcast live! Even the people who watched it were excited!

   "I\'m going! Chenmo Niubi! Decisively turn to fans!"

  "To be honest, I must be very proud. If it were me, I would have floated. This scene is really exciting!"

  "Don\'t stop me, I want to go to the border, I want to be a hero too!"

  "By the way, does anyone have the meagerness of Chenmo? I want to follow him!"



In   Novice Village, Qin Heyu also watched this scene, he punched angrily on a tree!

   "Qin... Qin Shao... now... what do you think should be done?"

   Zhang Tianlei asked tremblingly.

   "Where did he get so many abnormal skills?"

   "This... I don\'t know!"

  Qin Heyu\'s face is extremely ugly!

"Now, the entire vicinity of Linfeng City is under his control. The people and even the soldiers in the city are his people. If we move him rashly, we may be surrounded and suppressed by a large number of soldiers in the city. !"

  Qin Heyu said grimly.

   "You can never let him go!"

"That woman is also a trash. She was killed by Chenmo several times, but the reality is not able to find him. With so many skills and equipment, either a lot of encirclement and suppression, or it can only wait until the later stage, until his attributes are no longer crushed. Time...but..."

   "Shao Qin, do you...is there a way?" Zhang Tianlei asked.

  Qin Heyu sneered, sneered, and a scroll appeared in his hand!

"this is……"

   "With it, see how Ben Shao ravages Chenmo!"


  Just today, Chen Mo has made many, many people like him, because everyone has seen his great side, his skills are great, and he is also great in fighting! But... Sister Shui makes more people like it!

  This little loli is more fierce than Chen Mote!

  As for sister Yuan...

  Perhaps when everyone sees her strength, they will only surrender and kneel down!

  Sure enough, there are all the big guys around!

  And the brilliance of Chenmo suppressed all the famous masters! So far, all the topics and all the amazing pictures have revolved around the id of Chenmo!

  However, it takes time to prove whether it is a flash in the pan or not!

  Gong Zi Mo, Wang, Heaven and Earth One Sword, Qingcheng...

  Each of them is the real powerhouse! Although they didn\'t ignite any topic, their own fame and record are there, and their fans are there. When they ignite a topic ~www.novelhall.com~ it must be several times stronger than Chenmo!

   Gongzi Mo...

  Even if he simply appears in the player’s sight and is photographed, it will become a hot topic that no news can match!

  But no matter how, since the start of the server until now, no player has seen Gongzimo! But everyone is looking forward to the moment he returns to everyone\'s sight!

"City Lord, Young Master Chenmo, you soldiers are all fortunate enough. Our hundreds of thousands of people will prepare meals at home right away. You guarded us and made sacrifices. Everyone is tired and hungry. I hope everyone You are welcome, come to our house for dinner and let us people do something for you!"

   "Yeah, yeah, let\'s go back and prepare meals now! Must come!"


  To be honest, this scene is quite touching! It is also normal. They have sacrificed so much. It is these people who are guarding them. These people can\'t give them anything, they can give them rough tea and light rice!

The city lord looked at Chen Mo, and then said, "Young Master Chen Mo, take them to my mansion and have a good rest and have a meal. The support will be there tomorrow, and the Lady Empress will also be able to arrive. It\'s dangerous again!"

  Chen Mo nodded.

   "Ding... Player Coco Xinxin asked to talk to you, do you agree?"
