I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 154: Sister Shui, give me an autograph


  Chen Mo would like to ask, why should we keep a low profile?

  Yes, he is very dangerous in reality, but if he doesn’t show his face and Tianlin’s system does not disclose information, why is he dangerous?

  And he must be high-profile!

  He wants to make those who hate him hate him again, but dare not do anything to him! This is the feeling! By the time he goes, no one can stop him.

Does    break ten thousand damages? Is the five-digit damage exaggerated?

  Yes, because now players generally hurt four to five hundred, and powerful skills can break four digits. That is rare. It is normal for pinnacle players to break four digits, but break five digits...

   When can five-figure injuries be universally achieved? After the third revolution, level 80 or above!

  Yes, I heard it right, only at level 80 or above, these ordinary players can generally cause five-figure damage! Master, generally able to do it in the second revolution! But Chen Mo, at level twentieth, no, he has caused more than ten thousand damage! Although it is a skill blessing, it is real!

Will    reveal his combat power?

  Chen Mo smiled.

  No, his combat power can never be leaked!

  Shura’s Intentional Effect ended, Chen Mo then shouted

   "Water, join the main battlefield, green holy light!"

   "Okay, big brother!"

  Then the petite figure of Shui Shui turned into a white light among the group of monsters and quickly shuttled to the area where players and monsters were mixed with nc!

  The green holy light covers a radius of three hundred meters!

  Those players originally had residual blood, but suddenly found out, fucking? The blood volume of Nima increases like a hormone! Then they saw the water...

  And those nc, injured, under the baptism of the green holy light, the trauma is fast and the jade box is visible to the naked eye, and the moment of fatigue is full of power!


  Because of the blessing of the green holy light, in an instant, the nc and players within that range roared like chicken blood, roared, and their fighting spirit surged!

   "Should I go? This...this this..."

  When other players see this scene, they don’t know what to say!

  A ninth-level mount, a wide range of lethal skills, high damage, and melee perverted to be unimaginable, and then... is she still a milk queen?

  This large-scale increase in blood, this increase in blood speed, and it is continuous, now they just want to know, is the level 9 mount so hanging? If so, they hope to come one hundred!

  Because of the joining of Chen Mo and Shui Shui, they could not reverse the whole battle, but they reversed part, including some people\'s hearts!

  Above the city, the players in the city heard the irritating roar and geared up one by one!

"Brothers, this Chen Mo is really crazy! He and his mount are almost on the battlefield when he joins the battlefield, and now we join, if there is the blood buff of Chen Mo\'s mount, it will be an invincible monster spawner. Chance!"

   Whether to go up or not, they tangled for a second, and then they sacrificed their weapons in the next moment!

Before, I didn’t go because I died, I don’t want to die anymore, and the situation is not clear. Now...because Chen Mo and Shui Shui joined the battlefield, several large-scale clearings, plus the abnormal treatment of the green holy light, They think the situation is clear! They join, the monster is basically going to one side!


  In an instant, with the earth-shattering roar, the players finally stiffened, and a large number of players joined the battle!

  "Young Master Chenmo..."

  On the city wall, Ye Qingqing\'s figure stood there, she changed her face again, her eyes fell on the crowd, the person who seemed to her the most dazzling, her hands tense on her chest, praying for Chen Mo.

   "I\'m going! I should join the battlefield again!"

  Chu Naihe jumped over the city wall!

   was leaping, when his figure was in the air, something suddenly occurred to him at that moment.




  His body fell outside the city wall again, and fell to the residual blood again!

  Why can\'t he control his legs?

  It’s not right, it’s mainly because it feels so handsome!

  And Chen Mo and Shui Shui withdrew after finishing their skills and returned to the city wall.

"Big brother……"

  Xiao Yuan very cleverly wiped the sweat from Chen Mo\'s forehead, wiped Chen Mo and then wiped it with water.

   "Chenmo, God, sign me! I used to be a passerby, but after a while, I am now your fan!"

   "Yes, yes, sign a name, can you add a friend?"

   "Great God Chenmo, my sister is a schoolgirl, I can introduce you to know, but can you wait a few months? I will send her to State Country first."


  There are still many players fighting remotely on the city wall. After seeing Chen Mo coming up, the nearest ones directly gave up the fight and came over to lick Chen Mo wildly.

To be honest, half of these people were passers-by, and half were black fans who were jealous and hateful, but because of the abilities that Chen Mo had just shown, they found that Chen Mo had many skills and was indeed very strong, but his actual combat ability Also strong, he can not only rely solely on skills but also have not weak combat effectiveness!

   Therefore, Chen Mo convinced many players! When a player is completely convinced by another player, that is the beginning of becoming a real master!

   "Sister Shui, please sign me too, please! I am your fan!"

   "Sister Shui Sister Shui! Sign me too!"


  Many players surrounded the water, and they were also impressed by the water!

   Shui Shui blinked his big eyes, and timidly hid beside Chen Mo.

  These players know that it is normal for her to be called Shui Shui, and they also know that another little girl is called Xiao Yuan. Chen Mo called it twice, and was heard and posted on the Internet. Everyone knows!

Today, players join the battlefield again ~www.novelhall.com~ As long as there is no third batch of monsters coming, Linfeng City is defended. Obviously, whether it is in the eyes of the players, or in the eyes of the soldiers and the lord , The most glorious one today must be Chen Mo, no, no, Chen Mo and Shui Shui!

  Obviously, at the border, the danger is indeed dangerous, but it seems that more things can indeed be obtained! and……

"Have you seen it? The following battle will be reported here for the time being. Players were inspired by the indignant battle between the Great God Chenmo and Sister Shui. Joining the battlefield basically shows that Linfeng City is defended. Let me take a look. Can you interview the Great God Chenmo!"

  The familiar anchor Lou Xiaoqian broadcasted the entire battle, once the temple of the gods, and once the city guarding the wind, making her a sister of the fried fish tv! The battle between Chen Mo and Shui Shui has long been seen by millions and millions of viewers! Many people who were dissatisfied before started turning into fans. Lou Xiaoqian called Chenmo Great God and Sister Shui, and they were frantically brushing Chenmo Great God from the barrage. Sister Shui was enough to see that they seemed to have gained a lot of fans.

   "Great God Chen Mo, I... can I interview you a few questions?" Lou Xiaoqian walked up to Chen Mo with a little timidity. Before Chen Mo killed the temples of the gods, she still had a shadow.


  Chen Mo turned and left with the two girls.

  Lou Xiaoqian "……"

  The audience? ? ?

  This great **** is a bit cold.