I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 153: Control the battle, turn the tide of battle

Obviously, the effects of Chen Mo and Shui Shui have already impressed many players!

  Although up to now, in their cognition, the abilities that Chen Mo still displayed are still more perverted skills, but... they are not envious! Some of them were dissatisfied, thinking that Chen Mo\'s awesomeness was not because of his many skills and great skills? If there is no skill, what has Chen Mo up to?

But some people may see it more thoroughly. Although they are all ordinary players, they think that what Chen Mo has shown up to now is more than just one skill. He has many very powerful ones. One can be luck, but Many... either he is the son of the system, or... he is an experienced player and knows a lot! If you are one person, luck is definitely not the dominant one!

  Chen Mo and Shui Shui did not kill too many monsters, but their bigger role is to attract a lot of monster attention to this side, even if they are only two!

   "I\'m going! Big brother is big brother! This is a bit exaggerated, right?"

  Chu Naihe watched this scene with his mouth wide open!

  To be honest, in the cognition of all players, Chen Mo killed 10,000 people before not talking about it. It was the scene just now, which will only happen late in the game, but now it has appeared in their eyes!

  Some people have quick eyes and quick hands. They have already filmed the scene just now, and then uploaded it to the Internet!

  One point that many people are curious about now is, where did Chen Mo get so many great skills? There are too many powerful skills, each one has to be the skills of the late game level, but his various uses, which makes the players particularly puzzled!

  You said it is a skill attached to high-level equipment such as Tianji Pan? Impossible, let\'s not talk about the secret disk for the time being, cloaks and masks can\'t have offensive skills!

  I am afraid they want to break their heads, but also don’t understand, Chen Mo has a skill that can steal ultimate moves!

   Seeing the scene of Chen Mo, the city lord nodded slightly.

   "As expected, he is a young man who can complete the tasks I handed in several times. Such courage and strength are really far beyond his peers!"

  "Heaven and Earth Sword Array!"


  Chen Mo then released the Heaven and Earth Sword Formation again, another wave of aoe.

  This scene, the city lord also saw it, and then he was stunned!

  Fucking? Isn\'t this his martial arts of heaven and earth sword formation? Will this dust be too?

  No...this is a martial art handed down from his family, how could anyone else do it?

  Is this Chenmo the son of his brother who has been missing for 23 years?

   "Water, water, free fight!"

  After that, the water turned into that beautiful little loli, and the red hot holy light lit up!

  3710, 3701, 3677

The red holy light, not to mention the effect of destroying equipment, simple damage can cause damage equivalent to the magic attack power of water per second. The magic attack power of water is 3900. Remove the defense, the basic damage is still very high. The holy light covers 300 meters and lasts for ten seconds. That is to say, basically as long as it is not a boss, the monster will be cleared by the skill of water and water!

   "Ding...your level increased to 24."

   "Ding...Shui Shui\'s level has been raised to level 24!"


  At this moment, the players above the city are completely stunned!

   "Damn? This Chenmo and his pet Jiucai Holy Light Skywing Tiger have killed no less than 5,000 monsters from beginning to end, right?"

"Okay...it seems almost the same! They are all large-scale skills covering hundreds of meters. Nima, the damage is 3,000 plus. To be honest, I think that that day the temples of the gods encircled and suppressed Chenmo, he may have more than one way to kill thousands of people. Kill, do you believe it?"

"Seeing the scenes now and just now, I don’t believe it. It’s really more popular than others. Chen Mo is completely famous, but how high he can stand and how far he can go depends on how he can keep up. How long will it take to see if he can truly be a **** in the mid to late game!"

   "I\'m going, you guys watching Chenmo\'s level t are racing! I have this kind of skill, I guess I can reach the top three levels!"

  "No...that little Lolita is so fierce, look, fuck! So fierce, fists to the flesh, hurt... I go! Not lower than Chenmo!"



  There is a person with Shui Shui here. She can block it for a while. After all, the 300-meter range has been emptied by the water, and then Chen Mo rushed farther!

  In a place where monsters and beasts were particularly dense, Chen Mo threw an inner alchemy past it!

Ten Thousand Poison Sky Thunder Pill Grade Ghost Profound, the inner pill of Ten Thousand Poison Heaven Thunder Flood Dragon, which contains all the poison and thunder power of the Ten Thousand Poison Heaven Thunder Flood Dragon, and can be used in a lot of places. When the sky thunder pill is broken, it will release poisonous and thunder, and the range can reach as low as 100 meters!

  When the Ten Thousand Poison Sky Thunder Pill was thrown out, a hundred-meter-long poisonous miasma and thunder-mixed domain formed. In an instant, the monster...

  This kind of props is quite strong, but Chen Mo doesn’t know where to use it in the future, so why not use it now? There are hundreds of monsters in the range of 100 meters. Although there are generally few bosses and low experience, the base is here! In a short period of time, Chen Mo and Shui Shui improved by two levels in the case of more than 20 levels, requiring double experience! To be honest, I am satisfied!

On this day, it’s almost impossible for Chen Mo to increase his level to explode. Even if Chen Mo has single eating experience, even if he doesn’t need double experience, he will be upgraded from level twenty-two to level twenty-three, without 500 ordinary monsters of level 20. Not! It\'s so exaggerated!

  "The meaning of Shura!" Chen Mo is temporarily using all the wide range of skills and props he can release ~www.novelhall.com~ Water and water are almost the same, so they will lose their high efficiency!

  Chen Mo, who started Shura\'s meaning, was surrounded by blood red and black light, a special monster, and then it rushed into the group of monsters! With one enemy!

   "The wind and waves!"


  17220, 17220, 17220

  The players above the city are dumbfounded...

   "Fuck? Seventeen thousand injuries?"

  "Nima Coins? Players with more than 20 levels deal 17 thousand damage?"

   "No... Didn\'t Chen Mo hurt more than two thousand before? It\'s already against the sky, why has it suddenly become seventeen thousand? Over ten thousand, five-figure damage, do I play your game?"

   "Amplification skills, look at the light around his body, it is undoubtedly an amplification skill!"

   "How many times does this have to be increased? My special swordsman has a booster skill, and his attack power is increased by 70. This Chen Mo... is going to 1000? Hit you!"

"Perhaps this is not the key. Look at his movements, every sword, every dodge, every attack, the stone hammer is hit, Chen Mo is not a second-rate player, he at least uses a sword, at least the fighting level is a high level of play! "