I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 152: Shock from Shui Shui and Chen Mo


In front of him, a white light flashed, and a beautiful and noble white tiger leaped in the air and drew a beautiful arc. At the same time, a figure jumped up and landed on it in the air. The two rushed out and fell into In the battlefield.

   "Is this the nine-color holy light wing tiger on the mount leaderboard?"

   "Sure, the owner is Chenmo, that must be the Nine-Colored Holy Light Skywing Tiger."

   "But before this mount was a level 7 pet, now it is a level 9 pet, and it is still a pet that can be upgraded. It\'s a bit powerful!"

   "So what? It looks beautiful, but you must know that all pets are not strong if they have not reached the ghost level!"

"No... What does Chenmo want to do? Still want to join the battlefield? The current human defenders plus our 70,000 to 80,000 players rushed out of only a hundred thousand, and the monster beast still has about two hundred and fifty thousand. Come on, the monster beast must be stronger than the human being, and it has been defeated like a mountain! It can\'t be beaten, the city is about to be captured!"

   "Pretend to be bi, I want to see how many monsters this Chenmo can kill!"


  It\'s not that Chen Mo didn\'t make it before, he did it before, even if he used awesome skills, these ncs are damned or they will die, should he be changed? impossible!

  The reason why he waited until now is because the density of monsters is higher now, and the effect he wants will be higher! Killing both early and late is the same. Even if the fire is fully activated, more monsters can be killed. Why do you choose to shoot early?

  In fact, as far as players are concerned, there are still hundreds of thousands of players in the city. If everyone swarms out, they really won’t necessarily lose! But they are selfish, timid and unwilling to go out!

  Nc of around 250,000 and players against monsters of around 250,000, can they win? difficult! They have to die, who wants to? At most they shoot arrows on the city wall and release magic!

But it\'s impossible for everyone to think like this. The seven to eighty thousand players who followed the soldiers rushed out, either they thought they were strong, they didn\'t necessarily die, they could mix some experience, equipment and gold coins, or they just didn\'t. Those who died still want to seek some benefits, but in short, there are really few players who are really so-called fighting for others!

  If Chen Mo joins the battlefield alone, it may not make these players care so much, but what if he adds water?

  In the eyes of the players, he is serious!

The speed of the water is getting faster and faster, and he joins the battlefield in a running stance, and then jumps. The height and distance of this jump is beyond everyone\'s imagination. The Nine-Colored Holy Light Skywing Tiger crossed directly, I don’t know how much. The player, the top of nc\'s head, fell into the group of monsters! Falling into it, once again led Chen Mo to gallop farther!

   "I\'m going! What is Chen Mo going to do? His position is two or three hundred meters away, but there are no players or ncs in all directions. He is completely isolated and surrounded by monsters. He wants to die?"

   "No... I feel more like... I want to swipe in groups!"

  Someone suddenly thought of this possibility and swallowed!

  "Sky Thunder Realm!"

The sky thunder domain jumped up and hovered in the void, creating a sky thunder domain with a range of 300 meters. In this domain, there was a 50 chance per second to paralyze for three seconds, a 40 chance to receive high damage, and a 10 chance. Reduces the maximum health value by 30 for 20 seconds and a cooling time of one hour.

  This is Chen Mo\'s big move stealing from Ten Thousand Poison Thunder Dragon! That\'s right, maybe in terms of time, the continuous damage is no better than Qiankun Wanniange, but this sky thunder field is also a real group of sky-defying skills!


  A purple thunder erupted from Chen Mo\'s body, and its dazzling degree made everyone caught him in the group of monsters!

  In an instant, purple thunder rushed to the sky and spread out from the sky!


  A three-hundred-meter thunder field directly stood up, and the sky thunder fell!

  In an instant, the 300-meter range was reduced to a thunder shura field, and all the roars and screams of monsters were heard!


   "Let me go! What is it? I\'m afraid it\'s not a spell-forbidden skill of the Thunder Magician, right?"

   "Making wool? Where did Chenmo get so many abnormal skills? This range, control and damage, invincible, okay?"

"But...the hanging is hanging, but the 300-meter monster is only a few hundred! It is really awesome. We kill a few of them and we are tired to death, but killing a few hundred, he can affect The battle?"


That’s right, the three-hundred-meter range of the sky thunder domain does seem to be very large, but in fact it is a few hundred, less than a thousand monsters. This is still the high density of monsters now. If placed on the large-scale battlefield before , The number of monsters may be reduced by half, but...

   "Shui Shui!"


  After that, the water roared into the sky, the golden light was mastered, and the terrifying aura spread around!

  Beastmaster’s taunt taunts all monsters within one kilometer of the surrounding area and attracts their hatred. During the taunting, he is invincible and unable to attack, but he will be controlled to interrupt the taunt. Consumes 1000 mana and has a cooling time of one hour.

  Three hundred-meter monsters are not too many. What if one thousand meters?

  The one-kilometer monster was ridiculed in an instant, rushing towards them frantically, and the monsters in the Thunder Realm were quickly resolved, and then more rushed in, and then were paralyzed and chopped to death...

   "Damn it? Why are these monsters madly rushing into the Thunder Realm?"

  "It is the skill of the Nine-Colored Holy Light Skywing Tiger, I am afraid it is a large-scale taunting skill!"

  "This must have a kilometer range, right? My Nima?"


   "Ding...your level increased to 23rd!"

   "Ding...Shui Shui\'s level has been raised to level 23!"

Although thousands of monsters have been killed, there are generally few bosses. In addition, the level is not too high. Chen Mo needs too much experience to be able to upgrade to one level with water. In fact, Chen Mo is very satisfied. !

  Thunder domain disappeared~www.novelhall.com~ the surrounding area was emptied, and a large number of monsters came from all around!

  And above the city from the perspective of God, those players were the most shocked! One person, one pet, a lively tore a hole in the herd, attracting a lot of hatred, making the main battlefield much easier!

   "Water and water, full firepower!"


   There was another roar, red, blue, and green lights flashed around Shui Shui\'s body.

  Swipe it----

  After that, the light blades of three colors rushed to the distance.

  Boom boom boom——

  Nine-color Tianyi Slash! Three times per second, lasting ten seconds, each with the effect of holy light, and damage within ten meters at the same time! Needless to say, what kind of aoe damage these thirty nine-color skywing cuts are enough to cause!

  All players "???"

  "Is this Nima a ninth-level mount?"

   "Fuck? Isn\'t this a big boss? This damage production ability, and this damage value..."

   "What the hell? This is not a ghost, fairy, and Tianjue mount, but a level 9 mount with such a fighting power? Kneeling! And, this mount turned out to be the little girl next to Chen Mo!"