I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 151: Fight, water

Time slowly passed, and Chen Mo’s experience bar was constantly improving, but the speed was not too fast. After all, the monster level and grade were relatively low! Even though Chen Mo killed more than 300 monsters, his experience bar has not improved much. This is the difference between ordinary monsters and bosses!

  At this moment, the city wall had no choice but to live the battle with Lou Xiaoqian and several anchors. Most people\'s attention was on Chen Mo.

  The players are dying quickly, the soldiers of nc are dying at a faster and exaggerated speed, and the number of monsters is rapidly decreasing...

  One hour, two hours, three hours...

Time is passing……

  The few players who died chose to continue to return to the battlefield, and most of them were afraid of it!

The players who dare to return to the battlefield are because they have tasted the benefits. They killed a lot of monsters, picked up a lot of equipment, and made some money. Although they lost their level and dropped by one level because of the Compared with money, they care more about money!

  But the vast majority of players still care about the level more. Money can be asked for, but if the money is not a lot, they will choose the level!

  A battle of this scale cannot be solved in just two hours!


  Chen Mo took a long sigh. In the past three hours, he had shot many bows and arrows throughout the course, but he didn\'t know that he had shot many times, but his level had not increased by one level! A little tired, then Chen Mo walked back silently, went to the city wall, took out a roast chicken, ate the roast chicken with the two little girls, added hunger points, and then looked at the battlefield below!

  To be honest, Chen Mo can still eat leisurely under such circumstances.

Players hang out very well, and most of those who are not daring to go to the battlefield are on the huge wall or outside the gate. They are more waiting. Waiting for a good time to spawn monsters, there are still too many monsters. Up!

   "A great success will be accomplished, but success will fall."

  The city lord did not know when he walked behind Chen Mo and said silently.

  Chen Mo looked back at him, and the city lord looked at the battlefield below.

  The city lord exclaimed, "Every time it was so tragic. Countless soldiers died on the battlefield, but they couldn\'t leave their names!"

   "This is the age."

   Chen Mo said.

   "Yes, this is the time."

  A sword appeared in the hand of the city lord!

  "You have killed no less than a thousand monsters in these three hours, right? Personally, you have made a great contribution! Take a good rest!"

  After that, the figure of the city lord jumped and rushed into the battlefield.

  At this moment, on the horizon, they saw the shaking dust again!

   "Not good! Another group of monsters have joined the battlefield!"

   "Where are our reinforcements?"

   "All the troops on the battlefield are assembled from nearby cities! It is difficult to come more in a short time!"


  The soldiers guarding the city showed panic expressions!

  Everyone in the battlefield seemed to feel the shaking ground again, and looked up into the distance, the dust filled the sky again!

   "Not good! The monster has increased its staff!"



  A figure panted and walked to Chen Mo\'s side.

   "Brother, I can\'t move it anymore, I can\'t move it anymore. This monster has increased its staff again, I\'m afraid I can\'t stand it!"

  Chu Naihe gasped hard, he could see that he was tired.

  Even many players at this moment chose to escape the battlefield because they felt that they couldn’t stand it anymore!

  Chen Mo looked into the distance and another wave of beasts joined the battlefield. The situation that could have been opened up to five or five, instantly tilted the balance of victory to one side.

   "I can\'t stand it anymore!"

   Chen Mo said.

   "Then not withdraw?"

"Hold on."


  The number of the two sides is getting smaller and smaller. On the battlefield, corpses are everywhere, and the air is full of a strong smell of blood.

   "Big brother...Shuishui going to fight?"

  Shui Shui asked aloud.

Although she is a monster, Chen Mo is on the human side, and she is also on the human side. Moreover, the monster race is too messy, and the relationship between the various races of the monster race is generally not good. Frequent outbreaks of fighting!

   "Waiting to defend the city."

   Chen Mo said!

  He is already thinking about something in his heart, maybe he can\'t turn the tide of the battle, but he can at least kill a lot of monsters!

   "Quickly, open the battlefield, move closer to Linfeng City, and let the wall defenders provide remote support!"

   Seeing this scene, the city lord shouted angrily, and then, the whole battlefield was drawn closer to Linfeng City.

  All the soldiers, magician players, and archer players on the wall are already ready!

  Being condescending and defending the city is not so dangerous for them!

  Swipe it----

  Sky full of magic, sky full of bows and arrows shooting towards the beast tide, the battlefield is reduced to the front of the city gate!

   "The 400,000 army has sacrificed no less than 300,000!"

  Chu Naihe said slightly.

  Originally the battlefield was still spread out so big, but now it is very small! Basically they are assembled in the area in front of the city gate.

   "Monster beasts have also been suspended a lot, but a lot of additional staff. The number of monster beasts is estimated to be no less than 300,000!"

  Chen Mo looked at the battlefield and said.

   "However, if we siege the city, there are tens of thousands of long-range nc plus players on our city wall, which can kill a large number of monsters, and you can see whether it can withstand it or not!"

  Time slowly passes again...the number of soldiers is getting less and less, less and less...


  There are monsters with enough skills to attack the city gate. Once the city gate is broken and the monster rushes into the city, even if these monsters can finally be killed, the people will suffer countless deaths and injuries! And the soldiers below are very few, the player... dare not go out! Can only continue to attack remotely from above!

  The city lord jumped up and fell on the wall!

   "Everyone listens to the order~www.novelhall.com~ to open the city gate, rush out, and guard the city gate firmly. We must not let a monster enter the city!"


  After that, a large number of remaining soldiers poured out! And each city can gather hundreds of thousands, 200,000 players, basically those who just participated in the battle, and those who had no time to run have died once! In the city, a large number of players are standing there...

  When the city gate opened and a group of soldiers roared out, tens of thousands of players rushed out! But most of them still choose to retreat. After all, it\'s just a game. If nc is dead, it will die. If they die, they will drop out.

  Chen Mo looked down...

These two waves of beasts should be the general attack. The speed of the beasts gathering is much faster than that of the human army. Farther, hundreds of kilometers away, it will take at least a few hours for other cities to support the human army. But if you add these two waves The rising tide of beasts withstands it, and it will take time for the beasts to come again. At that time, everything is anew! If you can\'t stand it, even if the human army comes, it won\'t help! The city is gone!

  Players saw this scene, although a little worried, but they don’t want to hang up anymore.

   "This density is fine."

  Chen Mo stood up again.

   "Shui Shui, go up!"
