I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 150: Sorry i shouldn't compare with you

In front, there is the Great Forest of Ten Thousand Demons, the great forest of Ten Thousand Demons that has been cleared, but they can only see the outline, and a little closer is a plain, far, far away, dusty, standing on the city wall Can see more clearly!

  That number of monsters can shake up such a big dust.

  Those players saw the pure dust in the distance, and they all retreated subconsciously. In addition to the possibility of hanging up, it is also a torture to their hearts. Too real is not good, dare not!

  "Let me go! The number of these monsters is much more intuitive than in the ancient ruins of sealing demons!"

  Chu Naihe exclaimed and shook the sword in the handshake.


  The dust is getting closer and closer, and even the ground has begun to tremble...because there are so many!

   "Everyone prepare!"

  Gradually, the outline of the herd appeared in everyone\'s eyes! The densely packed monsters, of all kinds, ferocious, rushing over fiercely, as if innocence can trample people alive!


  It is their duty to guard the mainland. Even in the face of such a horrible scene, hundreds of thousands of soldiers mustered up the courage and rushed forward courageously!

  And the players rushed up behind these soldiers, jokes, who dares to rush to the forefront, rushing to the forefront, may be trampled to death before they can even make a move.

  For a time, nearly a million monsters and humans battled together in chaos!

  There are soldiers in the front, players have swordsman, sky shield, assassin and other melee occupations to support them, and in the back, various attribute magicians, summoners, archers are supporting remotely, and the priest is adding blood!

  The players are basically in teams. Swordsmen, Sky Shields, etc. need priests, and priests need their combat power to kill monsters and upgrade their levels! So they are basically in a team state! Anyway, this kind of melee, priests and other professions will definitely be able to find a team!

  Chen Mo condescendingly looked at the battlefield below the city!

  How terrifying is that the two sides add up to millions of battlefields? You can\'t see the end at all, all within your sight are people and monsters, all kinds of flames, hail, thunder and other forces spread out, and it feels like a drop of water sinks into the sea when a person enters. It\'s much more real than the so-called battle of a million heroes seen on TV! Moreover, it is even more terrifying!

   swish swish swish——

   Above the city, dozens of figures rushed to the battlefield with weapons in hand. Obviously, these dozens of people are more powerful nc! But monsters are so powerful!

  In the battlefield, a black tiger with a body length of five or six meters is particularly noticeable.


  A roar, the thunder masterpiece, soldiers, and players were instantly killed by dozens of them! Then several figures rushed towards it!

The players above the city wall are a little embarrassed. The battlefield is too big and their attack distance is not enough. They originally thought they could fight safely on the city wall, but now it seems that they have to go down. Many players rushed down quickly. The archer who attacked the farthest distance was the archer, but the normal archer distance was 50 meters, which was impossible to attack. However, many soldiers on the wall did not go down, they guarded It is the city, if the bottom can\'t stand it, they will be the last guarantee of Linfeng City!

   "Brother, let\'s go too!"

  Chu Naihe was already ready to move and looked at Chen Mo.

  A black and red bow appeared in Chen Mo\'s hand.

   "Go ahead, I will watch you silently."

  Chu Naihe "..."

Wow! What about fighting together?

   "Brother, how can you...how can you still be equipped with bows and arrows? Archer? Are you not a swordsman?" Chu Naihe showed a shocked expression.

  Chen Mo didn’t explain too much, and said to Shui Shui and Xiao Yuan, “You stay on the city wall for now and don’t walk around.”


   The two little girls nodded their heads obediently, and then Chen Mo jumped down the city!

   "Hey, it\'s thirty meters high, it\'s going to die!"

  How can players dare to jump from such a high wall? Thirty meters high, that is a ten-story building, and players can directly fall to death with thousands of blood! This Chen Mo just jumped down?

  Chu Naihe immediately scratched the wall, but when he looked over, he found that Chen Mo had fallen on the ground and was walking towards the battlefield.

   "Turtle, no blood is lost? Can it not die?"


   Then Chu Naihe learned from Chen Mo and jumped forward.


  Two seconds later, he collapsed on the ground.


  A huge damage came out of his head, and he fell to his death after nearly two hundred drops of blood.

   Then he sat up in a daze, some doubts about life.

   "I\'m sorry, I shouldn\'t compare with you!"

  Chu Naihe silently beat blood.

  On the city wall, two little lolittes drew their little hands in a cute and rhythmic manner. Their mouths opened into an "o" shape, as if they were shown by Chu Naihe.

  It\'s not that Chen Mo is not afraid of falling, but he teleports. When he is about ten meters away from the ground, he teleports and falls safely on the ground, which replaces the falling power.

The battlefield at the beginning is very big, even if you simply pass through your own side of the friendly army, it will be a long distance, that is, this half is the defender, and the other is the monster beast, it is like an egg, the yolk and the egg white are separated. But as the battle continued, the battlefield became larger, and the two sides came together, as if they were beating the eggs. In this case, there may be monsters on all sides. Then whoever can be hit will hit whoever can be hit. When fighting the monster in front, the monster behind will give you a second!

  But for long-range occupations, it is relatively better~www.novelhall.com~ They will definitely keep a safe distance from being surrounded by monsters and release their skills!

Of course, Chen Mo would choose a more comfortable way of fighting. Instead of holding a sword and rushing into the crowds and beasts to fight, he may be attacked from all sides, and the monsters also have skills, even range attack skills. Instead of being so dangerous and consuming energy, then Why not choose to shoot silently behind with a bow and arrow? Anyway, his attack power is still the same, but he has no skills! But even with a sword, Chen Mo didn\'t have a few skills!

   swish swish swish——

  Aim, shoot, and shoot a bow and arrow at the monster within Chen Mo’s attack range.

  2790, 2790, 2790

The attack power of   1395 and the crit rate of 100 make Chen Mo\'s normal attacks reach such a high level of damage. What about other players? The damage value of ordinary attacks is about four to five hundred, which is higher than that of ordinary players... five times as much!

   "Ding...you killed the Scorpion King."

   "Ding...you killed the Dark Cat."

   "Ding...you killed the Earth War Bear."


  Ninety percent of monsters are ordinary, only that ten percent may be bronze bosses, silver bosses, and even gold bosses! There is no one above the golden boss! But the victory lies in the large number, and the strength of the soldiers is not strong!