I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 149: The herd is coming, the monster is attacking the city


  Lin Kexin bulged her mouth. She didn\'t know much about monster attacks, and she didn\'t care very much. She just wanted to find Chen Mo. She heard Chen Mo said that she was in Linfeng City, anyway she remembered this.

However, she glanced at the dense clusters in front of her. She was afraid that there were five to six thousand wolves, beautiful white foxes, and then ten to twenty thousand humanoid fox tribes and silver moon sky wolf tribes. Now she told her that she has the right to lead. Ali may be close to one hundred thousand monsters this holiday, she doesn\'t panic?


  If it is someone else, he must be crazy! Isn\'t this invincible? He was given such a perverted force when he was out of the city. This is not everyone’s luck, but Lin Kexin doesn’t like this. She likes to quietly accompany Chen Mo to clean up the monsters, and then help him add blood later. That\'s why Lin Kexin chose the career of pastor.

   But now, it seems that I can’t leave.

   "Ding... Player Chenmo requested to add you as a friend, do you agree?"

  Suddenly a system prompt came, and Lin Kexin was taken aback.

   "Dust Mo?"

Lin Kexin opened her mouth slightly. Of course, she also knew who Chen Mo was. The player who shined in Tianlin, even the topic of Tianlin surpassed all the famous powers. I am afraid that only the topic of Gongzimo\'s return. To be compared with him, she still admires Chen Mo very much. He can stand out from so many and hundreds of millions of players, stand at the current level, and even be the first in equipment. He is not good at being fake.

  But, such a master adds her as a friend? why?

  Lin Kexin blinked big eyes.

  Do you want to agree?

  No, can’t agree, she can only have brother Chen Mo as a boy friend, even if that person is Chen Mo, don’t add it! If it\'s Gongzimo... hee hee, you can think about it, because that\'s her idol.


  On the other side, Chen Mo walked on the road, and then...

  "Ding...The player Coco Xinxin rejected your friend application."

  Chen Mo "???"

   Why was rejected?

   "Ding...you added the player Coco Xinxin as a friend, waiting for a reply."

  "Ding...The player Coco Xinxin rejected your friend application."

  Chen Mo "……"

   "Ding...you added the player Coco Xinxin as a friend, waiting for a reply."

  System "The cute little system tone reminds the player Chen Mo, so chasing a girl will make girls disgusted."

  "Ding...You have selected a one-star bad review, are you sure to submit?"

  System? ? ?

   "Ding... I\'m sorry."

  Chen Mo then cancelled the one-star bad review.

  This system...It\'s getting better and better, but every time I say it, it\'s a bit annoying.

  Chen Mo scratched his head, why was he continuously rejected?

   Then Chen Mo understood, she didn’t know it was herself, right?

  If an individual player adds her as a friend, Lin Kexin will not doubt anything, think it is Chen Mo, but the id of Chen Mo adds her as a friend... She really never thought that Chen Mo was Chen Mo! It\'s special!

   Then Chen Mo tried to add her friend again, but he noted "Chen Mo".

  Lin Kexin was going to be annoying to death, and received a prompt to add friends. This time she heard the note, Chen Mo.

   Then Lin Kexin\'s mouth opened wide!

   "Brother Chen Mo is... Chen Mo, right? Chen Mo... Chen Mo! Wow!!"

  Lin Kexin’s big eyes shone with countless little stars, she really did not expect Chen Mo to be the dust moor who was in the sky!

  It really is her brother Chen Mo, really amazing! Although she didn\'t expect it, she was really happy when she thought about it! Just being simple and happy.

  Perhaps for girls, the boy who has a good opinion of him is the best in the world. When he is really the best, she will definitely be happier!

   "Brother Chen Mo!"

  Lin Kexin agreed with her friend, and then gave a happy cry.

  When Chen Mo heard Lin Kexin\'s voice through the communicator, the corners of his mouth could not help but rise slightly.

   "Kexin, where are you?"

   "I... I heard that it is 300 kilometers away from Linfeng City."

   "Three hundred kilometers? Very close."

  You need to know that the entire Saint Jade Empire may have a diameter of hundreds of thousands of kilometers. A Saint Jade Empire is as large as several sky blue stars. They are only three hundred kilometers apart. Isn’t that a distance at all? Even Zhao Yingmeng\'s 1,000 kilometers is really not far away.

"I will look for you!"

   Chen Mo said.

   "Ah...no, no...no, Kexin came to see Brother Chen Mo, Kexin will definitely be able to go to Linfeng City soon, but..."

  Lin Kexin puffed up her mouth, then said, "Kexin seems to be in the realm of monsters."


   Then Lin Kexin told Chen Mo about her current situation.

  Chen Mo "……"

  Really, a little dazed.

  Going out of the city and becoming a saint of two kinds of monsters, can he command an army of 100,000 monsters?

I go!

   "Brother Chen Mo, Ke Xin heard that Linfeng City is about to be attacked."

  Chen Mo nodded.

   "Ke Xin, come here now."

   "Okay, you came from the monster domain, be careful!"


  Lin Kexin then hung up the communicator, her face flushed, as if it would not take long for Brother Chen Mo to see her, she was really nervous!

   "My Lord Saint?"

  The beautiful fox woman asked tentatively.

   "Ah...I...I\'m going to Linfeng City."

  "This...Master Saint, there is going to be a big battle over Linfeng City. At this time, the past may be dangerous."

   "Um...are we going to participate in the war?"

   "Don\'t participate, it was organized by our Yao Race Flame Temple, we belong to a neutral race!"

  Lin Kexin smiled, "That\'s all right, I\'m leaving, everyone bye."

   Then Lin Kexin walked away.

   "Hey, Lord Saint! Wait for us!"


  Chen Mo on the other side has arrived outside the city with two little girls!


Above the city wall ~www.novelhall.com~ densely packed soldiers, as well as long-range professional players, archers, magicians, etc. prepare for battle at any time. The soldiers are very strict, and the players must be particularly lazy. In the distance, the city Outside the door, a group of soldiers were densely packed, waiting for the monster beasts to come at any time!

  They are afraid of monsters’ unpredictable raids. If they are prepared, they are not too worried!

  And players outside the city are also gathering in large numbers, waiting for monsters to attack the city.

  Farther away, is the corpse of a monster, which is the record of last night.

   "Big Brother!"

   Seeing Chen Mo, a figure ran over, then smiled and scratched his head there!

  Chu Naihe!

  Chen Mo nodded slightly.

   "Let\'s spawn monsters together."

  Chu asked what he expected.


   "Hey, then I\'ll follow you!"

  At this time, several figures in front ran over quickly!

   "The herd is here!"