I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1311: Who is a fool?

Chen Mo came to the Devil Continent!

I came to the Demon God Continent because during this period, Chen Mo rarely went to the Demon God Continent. Although he told Leng Xi, Feng Xueling, Mu Yao and others that he had something to do recently and was very busy, it was indeed a period of time. , So let\'s go and see them first.

At first they stayed in the Fengshen Sect, but they were still used to the Demon God Continent, and then they went back.

In the Fengxue Palace, Feng Xueling lay on the recliner swaying, holding a coconut in her hand, and eating some food next to her, drinking coconut juice especially leisurely.

Next to him, Leng Xi and Mu Yao are playing chess.

"Young Master Chenmo doesn\'t know when he will be back."

Mu Yao played a chess piece and said.

The movement in Leng Xi\'s hand paused slightly, and said: "Over there, Mr. Chenmo\'s Shura power has exploded again. He left because he wanted to find a way and not to be found by some coveted enemies."

"Why did it break out again?"

Mu Yao sighed, worried.

"I said you two."

Feng Xueling sat up and looked at them grinningly.

"Leaving Xiao Chenmo, you all care a lot. Why don\'t you dare to talk one by one when facing others?"

The pretty faces of the two women turned red.


"Tsk tut."

Feng Xueling circled around them.

"In the words of men...women are hypocritical creatures."

"Elder Feng, that... you are also a woman."

Feng Xueling: "..."

"Ahem, ah, Xiao Chenmo is here!"

Feng Xueling pointed in a direction.

Then Leng Xi and Mu Yao were indifferent.

"Elder Feng, this is the 36th time in the past two months."

Mu Yao said helplessly.

During this period of time, she has been telling them that Chenmo is here on purpose, and then they look at it with surprise every time, but no one...

It\'s very angry.

This time, they got used to it and didn\'t believe it anymore.

"Really, what did this girl lie to you, really came."

"Elder Feng, we are not fools."

Leng Xi said.

"Who is a fool?"

Suddenly Chen Mo\'s voice came from behind them.


They froze for a moment.

"Dust... Young Master Chenmo?"

They turned to look at Chen Mo in shock and surprise.

"Hurt, I said I didn\'t lie to you."

Feng Xueling shrugged and said.

"Master Chen Mo is okay?"

Leng Xi asked with a slightly flushed face.

"Well...for now, there is nothing going on right now."

"That\'s great."

"What a good thing."

Feng Xueling leaned over and said, "It\'s okay for the time being. In other words, you haven\'t completely solved this matter yet?"

Chen Mo nodded; "Well, not yet, but if nothing major happens, I think there should be no problem, and... now all the energy of the mainland is focused on the contest with the monster race. At this time, I will not To cause trouble, if anyone points the finger at me, the mainland will point the finger at them."

"Anyway, be careful."

Chen Mo nodded; "Well, don\'t worry, I understand."

"Then what are you doing here?"

Feng Xueling asked.

"Huh? Come see you guys."

Chen Mo said straightforwardly.


However, Leng Xi and Mu Yao blushed.

Does Young Master Chenmo say such things now?

Chen Mo said: "The next battle should be between the Tianlin Continent Human Race and the Demon Race. I may not have that much time."

"Well, Mr. Chen Mo, you are busy."

Leng Xi said.

Feng Xueling said: "In this battle between Human Race and Demon Race, in a sense, perhaps our Demon Race also needs help. Of course, this girl can\'t make this decision."

"Does the Demon God Continent still need help?"

"Then look at how big the Yaozu’s ambitions are. Didn’t it mean that the Yaozu’s sun was born? But think about it, we don’t need our demon to take action, because even if it is born under the sun, there is still something to counter him. Power, so the battle between the human race and the monster race is actually a close battle, depending on the situation."

Chen Mo nodded.

"Ah, by the way, I\'ll cook some food, Mu Yao, you go get the wine out."

Leng Xi thought of it suddenly and then ran away quickly.


Feng Xueling looked at Chen Mo with beautiful eyes and said, "Knowing you are busy, have a drink."


After a drink, Chen Mo stayed here for one night.

In reality, some girls are used to it, but Yue Qianyao is not so used to it yet.

"Sister Yao has to get used to Big Brother Chen Mo. It\'s good if he doesn\'t go offline for a day. At the most exaggerated time, he won\'t go offline for a week."

Zhao Yingmeng said helplessly.

"Yes, yes, I was scared to death at the time. If it weren\'t for some communication in the game, I really feel like Brother Chen Mo won\'t have it, is it a sudden death?

Zhao Yingluo said.

"What nonsense."

Yue Qianyao smiled and said: "It\'s also very good. After all, Tianlin is a very important place for anyone, especially for him."

"Yeah, hasn\'t Sister Yao played Tianlin for so long? It feels so strange."

Lin Kexin looked at Yue Qianyao with big eyes.

how to say?

Here, the only person who probably knows Yue Qianyao\'s identity is Zi Qingcheng. About these things, she will definitely not spread it out. Even if it is these girls, Chen Mo didn\'t say anything, then she naturally couldn\'t reveal anything.

So Lin Kexin and the others felt so strange!

Chatting with Yue Qianyao, she could also tell a lot of things in Tianlin, but she didn\'t have a virtual ring. She bought it today. Tianlin has been out for so long... it\'s really strange.

"Well... I played it before."

Yue Qianyao said with a smile.

"Sister Yao is so beautiful and temperamental. She must have spent a lot of energy and time on piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, right?"

An Yixi asked.

I really envy this kind of girl\'s temperament~www.novelhall.com~ It feels... so fairy.

"Well... what you said is really good... I am indeed the thing I have done the most in these years is piano, chess, calligraphy and painting." Yue Qianyao said with a smile.

Yeah, what else can she do besides piano, chess, calligraphy and painting in Jiutian Temple for so many years?

"No wonder Sister Yao has such a good temperament."

Girls really admire this. Maybe they don’t admire that as much as their looks. They are born and cannot be envied. What\'s more, each of them is not bad, but the temperament... The envy is dead!

Especially Zhao Yingmeng, think about her bluff all day long, and then look at Yue Qianyao\'s temperament...Huh, is she a girl?

"I guess, Brother Chen Mo must be with which girl right now, huh!" Zhao Yingmeng said with a wrinkled nose.

(End of this chapter)

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