I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1310: Weird

Chen Mo frowned!

"The sun candle is born? No...I gave that thing to the moon god, how could they get the token from the moon god?"

Chen Mo had experienced a lot of crises about this matter before. He obtained the token that opened the seal of the sun candle, and other demon temples desperately hunted down Chen Mo, and even stayed around the Fengshen Sect. Staring.

And this thing has been handed over to the Moon God, but that is the Moon God, how could it be?

What is this sun candle?

For Yaozu, this is their biggest support!

And the sun shining, Taiyin Youying, Taihuang Yongye, are the three strongest monsters in the true sense! Taihuang Yongye is night, Taiyin Youying is Yingying, if you look at it right now, they are all from Chen Mo, so nothing should happen!

But this sun candle is uncontrollable, and after it is estimated, he must attack Human Race, because he hates Human Race very much.

Lin Kexin said: "It seems that they didn\'t shine the sun candle through that thing."


Chen Mo frowned: "Isn\'t that the only way to release the sun candle?"

"I don\'t know, but I heard it is like that."

Chen Mo frowned!

This may be a big trouble.

Whether it is Yingying or Ye, it cannot be said that they are not the opponents of Sun Candle, but they are at the same level, and no one can do nothing. Even if Ye and Yingying team up, they can defeat Sun Candle, but they are only defeated! After all, they are at the same level.


Chen Mo asked.

"Well, it\'s all spreading, and even many strong people are already discussing this matter."

Chen Mo pondered slightly; "There is still this thing."

Yue Qianyao said, "The three strongest beast gods, Taiyin Youying and Taihuang Yongye, are the three strongest beast gods. They come from other planes. I don\'t know what plane they are. Their combat power... It should be the top in the sky, there are not too many who can compete with them, and more are only able to stop them, but cannot be defeated, so it is not a level of existence, and Sunlight...In fact, the strength is not too strong, not even Taiyin Youying and Taihuang Yongye\'s opponent!"

"Is that so?"

Chen Mo pondered slightly.

"Well, yes, but the sun candle light is the most ambitious person with insidious methods. Therefore, it is a dangerous person. Once born, the world will not be peaceful, especially since it has been sealed for so many years. Human race is full of resentment, and there will definitely be big moves."

Yue Qianyao said.

"But we have so many players and so many masters, we don\'t have to be afraid."

"This kind of battle is impossible, but this is the ultimate mission for our players. This ultimate mission and so many players, I feel that it is not bad on the basis, that is, the top master...it should not be bad either. ."

Lin Qinghan said.

Chen Mo pondered slightly.

"Does anyone know how they were born?" Chen Mo asked.

It always feels very strange, how can you break the seal when you break the seal?

The Monster Race had chased itself so fiercely before. Obviously they seemed to have only this way, otherwise it would not be so fierce, but suddenly it calmed down, and suddenly the sun was rescued. Dare you Said that there is not a particularly important point among them? That is...what did they get for the Yaozu?

By itself, Chen Mo doesn\'t care about this kind of thing. Why is he thinking about these things? But he knew that this was a real world, and there were so many people he loved and cared about in this real world. Of course, he didn\'t want anything to happen in this world.

"No one knows what\'s going on at the moment. It is still under investigation, but it is estimated that it is difficult to get news. There should be news from the Yaozu. Now the forces on the entire continent are preparing to deal with the Yaozu!"

Chen Mo said: "Do you want to do it first?"

"Perhaps, the first is to be strong. The sun candle has been sealed for so long, and the cultivation base may not be that high. It should be right to do it at this time, but no one is sure. This kind of thing is a race war. It\'s too difficult to make a decision!"

Chen Mo nodded; "That\'s true, let\'s take a look at that time and let the flow take its course."


Chen Mo took a bite of meat and said, "What\'s your level?"

"Our level has basically reached level ninety."

"Well, that\'s almost the same." Chen Mo nodded.

Their strength is very top-notch, their level really can’t explain many things, and they all seem to have learned badly from Chen Mo one by one, and they are desperately trying to level up there, and they are always random, often The more **** is to play.

After eating, Chen Mo and the others gathered on the sofa.

"Ah yes, where do you live, sister Yao?"

Zhao Yingmeng asked.

Zi Qingcheng said, "Why don\'t you live with me tonight, and I will help you get a house tomorrow."

"Well, it\'s okay."

Yue Qianyao nodded.


Yue Qianyao went with Zi Qingcheng, Chen Mo lay in the room, and Xiao Meng slept in her room.

Chen Mo did not go online either.

The rule is obtained, and it is still the last one!

Window of the soul!

It\'s really the last one!

"Huh—it should be fine, right?"

Of the twelve rules, eleven have been obtained, of course, there are also a few that have not been obtained, but Chen Mo can get it!

The last one, at Sky Blue Star!

This is the result that Chen Mo deduced before!

"Try again!"

Chen Mo then went online and deduced it.

Heaven is coming?

what happened?

What was deduced before was Skyblue Star, but what was deduced now is Tianren? What is going on with this rule?

"Yeah, why are you online, brother?"

Xiao Meng sent a message.

"Xiaomeng, you\'re not behaved, why are you still online in the middle of the night?"

Chen Mo sent her a message~www.novelhall.com~ Hee hee hee, just come up and have a look, then Xiao Meng is offline, brother good night. "

Then Xiao Meng\'s head became gray.

Chen Mo paced slowly!

Really a bit big.

"The boat is naturally straight to the end of the bridge, there is always a way!"

Chen Mo groaned slightly, then his figure disappeared in place and came to the Demon God Continent!

Chen Mo\'s current situation is not bad. In reality, his cultivation level has been elevated to a very exaggerated level, which caused Chen Mo to go online and his attributes exploded by hundreds of thousands. This is due to the benefits of the improvement in reality!

And what Chen Mo was most concerned about was Shura\'s problems. Because of his substantial improvement in his cultivation level, his situation in this area was temporarily alleviated, but he still had to be very careful if it was not completely resolved.

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