I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1312: Human race and monster war

There are so many girls here, they are very open-minded, or they like Chen Mo too much.

That went by all night.

Early the next morning...

Many big guys from Tianlin gathered together!

Now, the weather is changing, and even directly transformed to disrupt the plans of many people.

Originally, many people were ready to find the opportunity to take action against the Fengshen Sect. Of course, Xianzong was the first to bear the brunt. In order to find the handle of the Fengshen Sect, they even sent many people to settle in the City of Elves to see if they could What to find.

However, the Yaozu’s affairs have directly disrupted their plan. Now, unless it is such a big event, such as the outbreak of Chen Mo Xiulao and wanton massacre, you can only do it. Otherwise, you will provoke a human civil strife at this time. That\'s just looking for something!

And today, the major sects, major forces, the eight major sects, the four imperial sects, as well as the Moon God Palace, Xianzong, and many other forces have discussed and gathered here to hold a mainland-level meeting. This time the discussion Of course things are very important.

On an extremely beautiful mountain peak, many powerful people have gathered here, including Xiao Ruhan, the representative of Fengshen Sect. She also brought several top masters such as Yun Qi and Xue Huang over!

This time, it was not for personal gain, but for the human race.

There will be many people here who have grievances with each other, but now, grievances are not important, or at least in this meeting, you can’t show grievances. If you have grievances, just don’t talk to each other. Regardless, after all, if this human race is defeated, no matter if you are the Immortal Sect, the Moon God Palace, or some power, you will not survive!

"Since everyone is here, take your seats."

The Moon God is above the main seat.

Although the moon **** and the immortal emperor are at the same level, this moon **** is at the same level as the ancient immortal emperor. The contemporary immortal emperor is far behind her generation, and even the same as the moon god. If the immortal emperor comes, then this main seat should also be the moon **** sitting, because in this aspect of the life and death of the mainland, the moon **** is the dominant power, and all the missions of the moon **** palace are to protect the mainland. The sect is like this, but the Moon God Palace is everything!

Luna is the person most qualified to sit here.


Then everyone sat down one after another.

"Serve drinks."

Some beautiful MMs came over and poured them drinks and tea, as well as some fairy fruits, food. Of course, all of this may be done in a symbolic sense. These strong men are not here to eat you for a meal, they at most Just drink two sips of tea occasionally.

No, there is such a person who is eating and drinking at this moment.

Xiao Ruhan.

"How come the people of the Fengshen Sect can\'t even eat food? It looks like they haven\'t eaten for three days."

Venerable Huoyun of Huoyun Villa glanced at Xiao Ruhan and said.

Xiao Ruhan wiped the corners of his mouth and said: "Venerable Huoyun, you are amazing. You never need to eat, and your old mother doesn\'t need to eat. You grew up drinking the northwest wind and you were born from the northwest wind. It’s different from us. I’m used to three meals a day. Even if I don’t need to eat, but I want to eat some things, as for the question of not being able to afford it, it’s not very embarrassing. Now the assets of Fengshen Sect are really real. It\'s not comparable to Huoyun Villa."


"Well, everyone, this time we are here for business, not for you to argue, there will be a follow-up resolution of grievances, this is not an occasion to resolve grievances!"

Tang Tianhao, the father of Lei Lingzong\'s Tang Panpan, said lightly.

"Well, that\'s right, but the Fengshen Sect Master didn\'t come?"

Someone asked.

Xiao Ruhan smiled and said: "Oh, he has something, but there is no requirement that the sect\'s suzerain must come, right? Fengshenzong usually gives the power to this fairy, and this fairy has the right to decide almost everything. So, this fairy is qualified to come, right?"

"Hahaha, that is! I just miss little friend Chenmo. I saw that the Sky Scourge Bead turned black again a few days ago, and I thought something had happened."

"Oh, that\'s okay, after all, now you look at the Scourge Bead, it doesn\'t look like nothing happened at all."

Xiao Ruhan said.

"Hahaha, that\'s what I said, but there was a problem before, which also shows that Xiaoyou Chenmo\'s current situation is not completely stable. This is something that needs attention."

An old man said.

"Don\'t bother, the more you will worry about it."


Then the emperor said: "Well, everyone, now let’s talk about some information about the monster race. You can share the news that each of you has received. This matter is very important to the human race."

Everyone nodded.

"Well, let me talk about it first!"

Tang Tianhao said: "The news I got from Lei Lingzong is... the sun candle was born, and now there is a very important thing. This sun candle has started to look for all kinds of things that can increase its cultivation. The path of the heaven and earth spirits, according to the news I have received, the sun candle light has absorbed and refined the Phoenix Divine Crystal. It is so anxious to restore its cultivation base, it seems that it is ready to directly do it on the Human Race.

"Well, yes, it is inevitable with its resentment towards the Human Race! But everyone, we have to pay attention to...Who made the sun candle break the seal?"

"Yeah, this really makes us puzzled. The only power to unlock the seal of the sun candle is in the hands of Lord Moon God. The previous performance of the monster race also made us understand that it is indeed the only way, but suddenly In the meantime, the movement of the demon clan became smaller, and then the sun candle was born. I even wondered whether there was an unknown existence behind this demon clan, and it was this existence that helped the sun candle to be born. of?"

"Isn\'t it? Is there any existence in this world that can do this? Isn\'t this sun candle the most unimaginable power on this continent~www.novelhall.com~? Is it possible that there can exist stronger than it? The power? But with this power, why does it need to do this? It just wants to destroy the human race with the hand of the sun candle? But can’t it work on its own?"


Every strong guesses each other.

"At present, the situation is roughly the same. Whether such a person exists or not, we must treat it as existence!"

"So now, what we need to do is... everyone discuss one!"

Immortal Emperor pondered slightly, and said faintly: "No matter what, we must always know and understand, and now, at least the sun candles on the bright surface have not completely risen, if we take the initiative, now is the best opportunity. At the same time, there is a chance to know the person behind the Yaozu!"

(End of this chapter)

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