I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1309: The sun was born

Chen Mo is actually doing psychological construction now!

I was very nervous. I went out and said that I was busy, and then brought them such a beautiful sister. Chen Mo felt very embarrassed. What should I do.

"What\'s wrong? Something on your mind?"

Zi Qingcheng smiled and looked at Chen Mo.

"No, nothing."

Chen Mo carried the wine he bought.

"Is it thinking about how to **** Miss Sister when I go back or say...how should I explain to them?"

Chen Mo shrugged and said, "It\'s nothing."

"Actually, you don\'t have to think about these things. Everyone won\'t mind."

Purple Qingcheng Road.

"I know."

Chen Mo nodded.

Of course he doesn\'t worry about these things, he is mainly guilty in his heart.

He wondered, um... Yue Qianyao\'s personality is very attractive, and it is especially easy for everyone to like to get along with her, so let them get to know them first, and then show up by themselves. It should... save yourself the introduction of her. This matter is not so embarrassing.

"Let\'s go."

"I\'ll smoke a cigarette first."

Chen Mo took out the cigarette.

"Well, just be nervous when you\'re nervous, don\'t admit it yet."

Zi Qingcheng smiled.

"No...I just think...they will be girls in the room later, and I\'m not good at smoking, I just smoke now."

"Oh, it seems you can\'t go out to smoke when you want to."

Zi Qingcheng held back a smile.

Chen Mo; "..."

"Well, stop smoking."

Then they walked over!


Zi Qingcheng knocked on the door.

Not to mention, why is Chen Mo a little nervous for no reason? Haven\'t seen them for too long?

"Come on!"

Zhao Yingmeng\'s active voice came, and then opened the door.

"Brother Chen Mo!"

She yelled in surprise, then jumped, and directly wrapped herself around Chen Mo like an octopus.

"Big Brother Chen Mo, you are back, necrotic!"


Chen Mo touched the tip of his nose.

Why is he broken?

In the house, the girls, all beautiful girls, were happily watching this scene.

"Brother Chen Mo."

Lin Kexin yelled softly.


Chen Mo nodded, then pushed Zhao Yingmeng down on him.

"I\'m back, and I won\'t leave again."

Chen Mo said.


"You have to say something."

"Hurry in and eat, everything is ready!"

Chen Mo nodded.

In the room, Yue Qianyao also stood there smiling and watching this scene.

This environment, these friends, is really good.

Getting along with others is intrigue and intrigue, getting along with these friends, really, so easy that you can\'t imagine!

Then they sat around the big table, eating hot pot happily.

"Brother Chen Mo, you talk about you, and you clearly said that you have something to do when you go out, and then you brought us such a beautiful sister who looks like a fairy. Are you bad?"

Zhao Yingmeng said.


So Chen Mo was embarrassed.

Yue Qianyao smiled and said, "Everyone is beautiful."

"My sister is really more beautiful."

An Yixi said admiringly.

It\'s so beautiful.

"That\'s why I said, Chen Mo looks honest, but in fact, he is very lustful in his heart, right?"

Zi Qingcheng joked.

"Hmm, yes, yes!"

The corner of Chen Mo\'s mouth twitched.

"Actually...I don\'t..."

"Ha? What does Brother Chen Mo want to say?"

"Ahem, forget it, don\'t say it."

Chen Mo wanted to say that he was actually not good, but he felt that it was completely useless to say it, so he didn\'t say it.

"Brother Chen Mo, your level has fallen."

Zhao Yingluo said.

"Really? Is everyone improving so fast?"

Chen Mo remembers that his level should be 91 at that time, right? It is also among the best.

"Brother Chen Mo doesn\'t watch how long he has not been online, even if he is online, he won\'t be blamed."

Lin Kexin said.

"Yes, it\'s almost two months."

These two months, although it is the late game, it is also a period of frequent high-quality BOSS. Moreover, the gap is easy to widen in the early game, and it is easier to widen in the late game, but it is also easier to narrow the distance and surpass in the late game. other side!

"What is the level like now? Is there anything important about Tianlin?"

Chen Mo asked.

"Of course there is wow. Now the level has changed a lot. The first place is the Great God of Allure, all at level ninety-five, and the second to tenth place is also at level ninety-three, ninety-four, ninety I don’t know how many there are at level two and ninety-one."

Chen Mo pondered slightly; "Fortunately, the highest level is only 95, and this level is actually the same as level ninety-one and ninety-five."

"No, no, no, the gap is big, didn\'t Brother Chen Mo pay attention? This ninety level upgrade one level attribute bonus is tens of thousands."


Chen Mo touched the tip of his nose, he really didn\'t pay attention!

In the past, they were all increased by one level, and the health value was increased by ten or twenty, and the mana value was also the same. Now it is directly increased by tens of thousands? I rely on!

"Well, really, the gap is too big. This ninety level is a big watershed. God knows what the 100 level will be like."

Yue Qianyao\'s beautiful eyes lit up slightly and said, "Can I go?"

"Can\'t you do it by yourself?"

"I mean... through the virtual ring."

Yue Qianyao said.

She went to Tianlin to be her own body, but she used the endless gourd. Now, she found that everyone is spirit, and she can do the same! She actually didn\'t mean anything else, just want to see some things before.

"Well, Qingcheng, see if there is a way to get one."

Zi Qingcheng nodded; "This is easy."

Although the virtual ring is no longer on sale, it will be unintentionally obtained through many other ways.

"Thank you."

"With us, don\'t say thank you, you don\'t need it." Zi Qingcheng smiled.

Yue Qianyao smiled and nodded.

Chen Mo then asked, "What else?"


Zhao Ying dreamed about it.

"If there is anything else to say, it is probably the final task, right?"

Sakura said.

"The final task? It\'s the battle between Human Race and Monster Race, right?"

"Yeah~www.novelhall.com~ is almost there. When the game was just developed, I said that this ultimate mission will start when players generally reach level 80, and now it’s almost generally level 80. There is a group that is over ninety levels."

Chen Mo pondered slightly; "Do you really want to fight?"

"Well, I heard that the Demon Race is very uneasy recently, and there are a lot of small movements, especially in the Demon Temple."

In the Demon Temple, Chen Mo also destroyed several demon gods.

"Oh yes, there is another very, very big thing."

Lin Kexin thought of something.

"What?" Chen Mo asked.

"The sun candle seems to be born."

(End of this chapter)

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