I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1291: It turned out to be him?

Chen Mo walked over and looked at them.



   they shouted.

   To be honest, Chen Mo is really uncomfortable.


   Chen Mo said awkwardly.

   "Hee hee, Auntie is going to take us out of here."

   "Well, right now."

   "Wow! Thank you Grandpa! Grandpa is really the most powerful!"

   Yue Qianyao stretched out her hand and rubbed her hair: "I used to say that I was the best, but now I changed my mouth?"

"Hee hee hee……"

   Then Yue Qianyao looked at Chen Mo and said, "Let\'s go, there is nothing to clean up."

   "Okay! Stand up a little."

   More than a dozen girls came over.


   In the next instant, Chen Mo released the power of the empty magic stone. They all disappeared in place, and the people outside didn\'t even know it!

   They are used to it, they can\'t see the people inside all the year round, but they know there are people inside!

   At this moment, Di Tian, ​​he came to a place.

   "God, are we really going there? Will it be too dangerous?"

  Di Tian glanced at the hundreds of top powerhouses behind him!

   "What\'s the danger? What danger can there be with so many people together? This emperor has already brought all the Heavenly Swords, there is absolutely no problem!

He is now a god, and for him, he has great power. He has only two wishes now, one is to completely kill Chen Mo, and the other is to quickly get the first goddess moon in the universe that he has coveted for thousands of years. Qian Yao!

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Therefore, he is willing to go to that extremely dangerous place! As long as you get that thing, do whatever it takes!

   Moreover, even if the dead are dead, these are the ones who died. He can still make sure that he is fine! After all, he holds the Heavenly Sword and breaks the law, what is he afraid of? Self-protection should at least be fine.

   "Everyone, come in with me! With the emperor, there is absolutely no problem!"



the other side……


   Chen Mo took them to the huge island of heaven in Xue Yao\'s heart!


   Suddenly a force appeared, and it appeared in this place of them. It was the first time in these years. It was very exaggerated. How could there be any force that could directly break through their blockade and come here?

   Then they saw dozens of people.

   "Master Chen?"

   After they saw one of them clearly, their vigilance dropped a little.

  Chen Mo nodded and said, "I\'m sorry, it\'s a bit abrupt."

   Xueyao walked over with heart, and then stared at the two Yue Qianyao.

What a nice view.

   This is the common idea of ​​two people.

   "Is it possible to be a girl moon?"

   Xueyao\'s beautiful eyes looked at Yue Qianyao and said.

   Yue Qianyao gracefully bowed: "Venerable Xue, if you disturb me, please forgive me."

   feels outrageous!

  Really, what does she exist? She really feels outrageous! This month Qianyao was imprisoned in the Jiutian Temple for so long, did he really spend so much time saving her?

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   This is not important. It is rescued because he has free magic stones, which is why he brought them directly to his place.

   But... how did he get in? How did you get past the siege and blockade? This is really outrageous.

   Yue Qianyao also knew Xue Yaoxin, of course, it was Chen Mo who told Yue Qianyao where they were going and whom.

   For the human race and the monster race, they don\'t have much hostile thoughts! Humans and demons are originally equals on this continent!

   "Don\'t disturb, just stay here with the deity."

   Xueyao said lightly.

   Originally, she thought that either Chen Mo had an accident, or he might need a long time, but she didn\'t expect to be back in just a few days.

   "Thank you Venerable Xue."

   "Xiaoyi, go and arrange a place for them."

   "Yes, big sister."

   Then Xueyao looked at Yue Qianyao and said:

   "I heard that Miss Yue is good at chess, so she can play chess?"

"my pleasure."

   Then Yue Qianyao glanced at Chen Mo, arranged his clothes for him, and said, "I will play chess with Venerable Xue."

   Chen Mo nodded.

   Xueyao frowned.

   They... are they partners?

This? ?

   Everyone knows that Yue Qianyao has