I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1292: Powerful cannon!

Yue Qianyao pondered slightly.

   "I know about this."

   "For strength?"

   "No, for something that must be done."

   Yue Qianyao Road.

   "Well, but when the deity goes to attack the Heavenly Demon Palace, he will help, so don\'t let him go."

Yue Qianyao smiled and said: "He won\'t listen to me, and... his dripping grace will be reported by a spring, let alone a life-saving grace, he will definitely go, but Venerable Xue is relieved, There shouldn\'t be any big problems. He is not a capable person. He must have a certain degree of confidence in what he wants to do."

   "This deity still understands, but this deity is not worried about this."

   "Venerable Xue is worried about... the power of Shura in his body?"


   Xueyao nodded heartily: "The deity doesn’t have any concerns with him, but if you become a Shura and a killing machine because of your deity, then you’ll lose out."

   This is also what Yue Qianyao is worried about.

   "I\'ll talk about it."


   And Chen Mo didn\'t bother them, he went online with the help of the space ring!

   So far, everything seems to be going well!

   The difference is now the law!

   "I said Xiao Momo, why are you here?"

   Among the Wind God Sect, many of them saw Chen Mo.

   Chen Mo said, "It\'s not that I can\'t come."

   "At a critical time, your old man is a little more relaxed."

   Xiao Ruhan said.

   "I know, how are you all these days?"

   "It\'s pretty good, especially Ye and Bai Xiaoxue."

   "Huh? What happened to them?"

   "What the **** is this."

   Xiao Ruhan made an expression that you understand at Chen Mo.

   Chen Mo: "……"


   "Many of you have advanced."

   Chen Mo nodded: "Very good, how about Xiaoyuan and the others?"

   "No, hide and seek over there."

   Chen Mo looked over.

   "Then I will pass, you don\'t have to worry about everyone."

"Do not worry."

   Chen Mo then walked over!

   "Caught it!"

   Linglong blindfolded and hugged Chen Mo\'s waist.

   "Huh? No, why is it so big?"

   Linglong showed a puzzled expression.

   Chen Mo; "..."

   Of course it’s not about a certain place, but... Xiaoyuan and they are all small, and this waist is so thick.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "Big Brother."

   Xiaoyuan and the others saw Chen Mo, and then ran out from where they were hiding, happily surrounding Chen Mo.

   "Big brother is bad, I haven\'t seen Xiaoyuan for a long time."

   Xiaoyuan hugged Chen Mo and said softly!

   "Yes, bad."

   Shui Shui also nodded.

   Chen Mo smiled and rubbed their little heads: "Is nothing wrong with me? Didn\'t I come to see you now?"

   "But Big Brother must be leaving soon."

   Chen Mo rubbed them and said, "It\'s okay, I\'ll be with you every day in the future!"

"it is good."

   "Brother Chen Mo, Brother Chen Mo!!"

   Zhao Yingmeng and the others also ran over.

   "Why are you here if you don\'t go to level up?"

   "You are here, you must come and see Brother Chen Mo! Hey, Brother Chen Mo, where have you been and when will you be back?"

   Chen Mo said, "Didn\'t you tell me? Two months."

   "Then it\'s half past now, and it\'s almost the New Year."

   Chen Mo nodded; "Well, I know, I will try my best, you guys go and play, Linglong."


   looked at Chen Mo suspiciously.

   "Big Brother is going to let Linglong do something again."

   Linglong\'s little mouth pursed.

  Don\'t say it, every time Chen Mo finds Linglong, she really asks her for help.

   "It\'s not for you to help this time."

   Chen Mo smiled.

   "Really, if Linglong helps, my sister will play Linglong when she knows."

   Linglong pouted aggrievedly and said.

   "I just came here to bring a few words to your sister."


   Linglong was taken aback.

   "A lie, the eldest brother is the worst, he has learned to cheat Linglong, huh!"

   Chen Mo smiled and said, "Really, here."

   Chen Mo then handed Linglong a bracelet.

   "Wow! This...this is my sister\'s bracelet."

   Linglong grabbed the bracelet and opened her mouth wide.

   "Right, didn\'t you lie to you?"

   "Big brother actually met my sister."

   Chen Mo nodded; "Well, I met."

   "Why didn\'t my sister come to see Linglong."

   Chen Mo smiled and said, "She can\'t come now, so she asked me to come and see you, but she knows all these things you do."


   Linglong shrank his head.

   "Big brother is all to blame. Linglong wants to tell her sister that it was the elder brother who forced Linglong, not Linglong came out just to come out to play and eat delicious food.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}  Chen Mo: "……"

   "Don\'t worry, she didn\'t blame you, she said, as long as there is no problem in the underworld, you can play whatever you want."


   "Of course it\'s true, why lie to you?"

   "Hmm, hee hee hee."

   "Okay, have fun, I will see other people again, and there are some things, I will see you when I have time!"


   Chen Mo then met Ran Qingqiu, Han Jiangxue and the others.

After   , Chen Mo stayed here. He was thinking, what can he use to be of great use when fighting against the Heavenly Demon Palace?

  Spirit weapon, this is inevitable!

   In addition to the spirit weapon, some special signs?

   There is no shortage of great spirit tools!

   Chen Mo had to think about it.

   "Fairy Master, what can be used in the face of the top strong ~www.novelhall.com~ and in the case of many strong people, can they come in great use?"

   Chen Mo asked.

   "Too many, the top offensive magic weapon is very good, are you facing a large number of strong people?"

   Chen Mo nodded; "Well, a lot."

   "Then you go to the dwarves, this fairy heard that the dwarves made a cannon, it seems to be very powerful."

   Chen Mo\'s eyes lit up.

  The so-called particularly powerful things made by the dwarves are absolutely not bad!

   "Okay! Then I\'ll be out of company first!"

   "What an unaccompaniment, together."


  Xiao Ruhan then said: "Actually, for you, you don\'t need a top-notch spiritual weapon. Don\'t you have a law of death? This thing is much more powerful than a spiritual weapon."

   Chen Mo said: "My ability is limited, it should be unable to truly release the power of the law of death, it is better to have more guarantees."

   "I said Xiao Momo, is it possible that you are going to which force to do? This fairy tells you, now your situation is special, no one else is causing trouble, you can try not to take the initiative to pick things."

   Chen Mo said: "Don\'t worry, I know!"

   Soon, they came to the dwarves!

   "Young Master Chenmo, you are here! Long time no see!"

   The dwarf patriarch came over with a smile!

   "Patriarch, long time no see!"

   "Young Master Chenmo may have to wait a while, that suit will take some time!"

   Chen Mo nodded; "Well, I came here this time for another thing."

"please say."