I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1290: Past

I Can Unleash Unlimited Big Moves Unlimited Big Moves Chapter 1290 The past month Qianyao looked at Chen Mo with beautiful eyes.

   "Hate...Sometimes it\'s really not that important. What\'s important is...you can\'t do anything. You have Shura\'s power in your body. You must not have any emotional fluctuations. Otherwise, you will end up hurting yourself."

   Chen Mo took a deep breath!

   Yue Qianyao stretched out her hand and placed it on Chen Mo\'s hand, a soft light flickered, and Chen Mo\'s emotions calmed down.

   "Sorry...I\'m reckless."

   Chen Mo said.

   Yue Qianyao shook her head slightly.

   is really elegant, her every move is graceful and unimaginable.

   "You don\'t remember anything, why are you here?"

   Yue Qianyao looked at Chen Mo and asked.

   "Because... the girl before helped me to the God Realm, I remember what she said, and I think I have to come."

   "But... you should have seen how dangerous it is outside... You come in, and there is only one consequence, that is, you will also be trapped here."

   Yue Qianyao said!

   "It\'s okay, I have free magic stone."

   Yue Qianyao\'s eyes suddenly brightened upon hearing Chen Mo\'s words!

   "Empty Magic Stone..."

   This is something she never expected!

   "The empty magic stone is extinct, how did you... get it?"

   "Heaven is here."

   "Did you... bring out the treasure in the sky?"

   Chen Mo nodded; "Well, this is one of the reasons I dare to come here."

   "You got the endless gourd?"

   Chen Mo glanced at her and was even more convinced that she really is Linglong\'s sister.

Yes, she is really that person, but she really can’t go to Tianlin, she also wants to meet Chen Mo, she really can’t go, once she immediately, the barrier here can be easily destroyed, even Her spirit can\'t leave!

   But she knew that although Linglong did not take good care of it, she was following Chen Mo, so she was relieved.

   "Yes, but I\'m very curious. Didn\'t Linglong say that the endless gourd is in your hands? How could it fall into the hands of the previous Shura?"

   "It was stolen."

   "It was stolen?"

   Chen Mo frowned.

   "Well, I don\'t know who stole it. It\'s like this in my memory, but being able to steal the endless gourd means that he has terrible power!"

   Chen Mo frowned and said: "I saw a picture of a little girl, and this little girl I have seen, and now there is another one beside me called Xiaoyuan. They are exactly the same, do you know?"

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Yue Qianyao shook her head.

   "Then you quickly pack up, I will take you out of here."

   Yue Qianyao looked at Chen Mo and said, "Forget it."


   "Here, I am safe for the time being, but once I go out, I and you will be very dangerous."

   Yue Qianyao Road.

   She doesn\'t care about herself, she has always considered Chen Mo.

"I\'ve already come, it\'s impossible for me to let you stay here, and...just now I heard what was said outside, that Ditian said that he is going to a place, as long as he goes to that place, he can destroy it. The enchantment, so, it is even more impossible for me to let you stay here. I know a place that is absolutely safe!"


   "The eighth heaven, where the demon **** is."

   Yue Qianyao: "……"

   "How did you... get there?"

   "It’s a long story, but it’s my luck. I owe her my life. I also practiced with her."

   Chen Mo said.

   Yue Qianyao nodded; "Ok...but...we can stay here for a few days..."

   She looked at Chen Mo with beautiful eyes; "I want to stay with you... alone for a few days."

   Chen Mo paused.

"it is good!"

   He nodded.

Although she didn\'t mention the relationship between them, Chen Mo knew that they must be a couple, and she may have been waiting for a thousand years. Chen Mo is heartless now, because he has no previous memories, but he can really understand This kind of loneliness, especially staying here all year round, staying in one place...

  Chen Mo is very guilty, maybe because he has no memory, this kind of guilt is not too much...

   "By the way, I came here to find the law. I heard that the law is in the Temple of Heaven?"

   "Half of the Heavenly Temple, half of the Heavenly Demon Temple, you... don\'t go."

   Yue Qianyao looked at Chen Mo worriedly.

   "I have to go, but I will ensure my safety. Do you know where the law is in the Temple of Heaven?"

   Yue Qianyao said: "Heaven Sword!"

   "Heaven Sword? What is it?"

"It is the saber of the gods of the past. The power of the law will be incorporated into the **** sword, and the **** sword is also called the strongest artifact in the universe! The **** sword... can only be carried around by the gods, Or hide in a place that only he knows, and be able to wake up at any time, the contemporary deity is the emperor."

   "In other words, as long as I kill Ditian, I can get the law!"

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   This is a very clear, very clear thing!

   And Chen Mo likes one thing to be clear, he only needs to know what to do to achieve his goal! And now, he knows!

   "Are you... sure?"

   "Even if I\'m not sure, I have free magic stone."

   "But I don\'t really want you to be exposed."

   "I have been exposed, don\'t worry, I have experienced all the dangerous things, I know in my heart."



   Three days later...

Chen Mo stayed here for three days. He did not go to some marginal positions, because the Nine Heavens Hall was big enough, and those outside could only see the marginal situation~www.novelhall.com~ so even they all I don\'t know, there is an extra man in it.

   Early in the morning, Chen Mo opened his eyes. He looked at the beautiful Keren nestled in his arms, looking at him with beautiful eyes.

   was discovered, but she didn\'t look away from her.

   "What are you looking at?"

   Chen Mo asked.

   "Look at you."

   Yue Qianyao said softly.

   Chen Mo smiled: "We should go now."


   Then she sat up with a blushing face.

   "Don\'t look."

   Chen Mo then turned around obediently.

   Yue Qianyao stood up and put on her skirt.

  The white back and body are simply invincible!

"All right."

   Chen Mo then opened his eyes.

   "I\'ll talk to my sisters, you first get up and wash."

   Yue Qianyao then walked away.

   Chen Mo sighed.

   is pretty daunting!

  He came to find the law, and then he came across a beautiful daughter-in-law... Or the first goddess in the universe... Who can stand it?


   Chen Mo took a deep breath.

   Outside, the girls showed excitement.

   "Miss, would you say that uncle can take us out of here?"

   "Wow, wow! Really?"

   "Well...you have suffered with me these years...I can\'t help you."

   Yue Qianyao said softly.