I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1289: Finally meet

I can release infinitely. Chapter 1289 Finally met for a while, and Chen Mo came to a very beautiful place.

   is really beautiful, it may not look so luxurious, but the scenery here looks very comfortable!

   In a lake pavilion, Chen Mo saw several people!

   They are all girls, and they don’t look clearly!

   When Chen Mo came here, he turned on Shura to kill his pupils and glanced at it. He found that this place was huge, but there were only a dozen people, and they seemed to be girls!

   is really strange.

   Chen Mo looked forward.

   Yue Qianyao has a feeling that he is here, he is nearby!

   "Chen Mo."

   Yue Qianyao put her hands on her chest, then looked around and yelled softly.

   Chen Mo was stunned.

Who is she?

   Why can\'t she even call out his name if she can\'t even see herself? This? ?

   She knows herself!

   Could it be that the girl who came to Skyblue Star is her person?

   "Chen Mo..."

   Yue Qianyao shouted again.

   Chen Mo appeared.


   The eyes of several of them looked at at the same time.

   A few girls owed a little, and then retreated. Only Chen Mo and Yue Qianyao remained in this beautiful place.

   Yue Qianyao looked at Chen Mo from a distance, her delicate body was trembling slightly.

   Chen Mo slowly walked towards her and walked in front of her.

What a nice view!

  She...really beautiful! So elegant, so noble...

   This woman should only be in the sky.

   Chen Mo is still in a disguised state, but she knows... it is him.


   Chen Mo then withdrew Disguise.

   Her eyes are light, beautiful light and crystal clear.

   Yue Qianyao slowly raised her hand, and her slender, white fingers slowly swept across Chen Mo\'s cheek.

   Chen Mo didn\'t know why, didn\'t know her, but let her be like this.

   Very comfortable, very kind and gentle feeling...

   "You... really haven\'t changed at all."

   Yue Qianyao put her hand on Chen Mo\'s face and said softly.


   Chen Mo opened his mouth, then was stunned.

   She gently nestled in her arms, leaned there, and held her gently, Chen Mo could smell the very soft fragrance on her body.

This? ? ?

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   He was stunned.

How is this going? why……

   forced in.

   Yue Qianyao felt his quickening heartbeat. The two of them were like this, no one was talking, as if they were frozen.


   Chen Mo couldn\'t help it.

"excuse me, I……"

   "I know what you have to say."

   Yue Qianyao released Chen Mo and looked into Chen Mo\'s eyes.

   "Sit first."

   Chen Mo nodded.

   Two people sat there, and Yue Qianyao poured a cup of tea for Chen Mo.

   Chen Mo is now dazed and nervous.

   What is going on?

"In fact, there are some things I don’t want to tell you, because... after so many years, I don’t want you to know or remember, even... it’s good for you to live your own life... just... I I didn\'t expect all of this to happen, maybe...this is the will of God in the dark, maybe all this is unstoppable, and it\'s what you...must do."

   Chen Mo looked at her suspiciously.

   Yue Qianyao looked at Chen Mo with beautiful eyes, and said, "You used to be the number one master of this ninth heaven."

   Chen Mo: "……"


   "But... I grew up and I am not hundreds or thousands of years old." Chen Mo said.


   Chen Mo: "……"

Yue Qianyao looked at Chen Mo and said, "Originally, I really didn\'t want you to be involved in all this again. Your master... is my person. I asked him to go to Sky Blue Star to raise you and nurture you. , But... also I don\'t want him to give you too much."

   Chen Mo had a whole body.


   Yue Qianyao said: "He is also a member of the God Realm, but after going to the Sky Blue Star, he also suffered some changes. A few years ago, I also received the news that he had fallen..."

   Unexpectedly, never expected! All this turned out to be...

"I used my power to send his soul to Tianlin. He is now in the underworld in Tianlin, but there should be no memory for you or anyone, but he has a chance to come back. !"

   Chen Mo showed an expression of shock and surprise!


   He doesn\'t care who his master is, who sent it, or what he is doing, the master is his only family!

   In other words, he was the only relative at the time.

   While he is in the underworld, he really has the ability to resurrect him.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "Heaven is coming, do you also know the sky is coming?"

"Yes, but I must be here, so even if a certain medium enters the sky, I can\'t go, or even take a look at you, but fortunately...I can still get some news about you...I It\'s... Linglong\'s sister."

   Chen Mo:? ? ?


   "Then I am dead... tens of thousands of years?"

   Chen Mo\'s eyes widened.

   Because Linglong has been there for tens of thousands of years, right?

"No, a thousand years, your reincarnation has gone through a thousand years to succeed, and I... is as old as you, but... I also awakened a memory, this memory tells me the existence of Tianlin, maybe... it is my previous life For Linglong\'s sister..."

   Chen Mo opened his mouth.

   "I don\'t know your name yet."

   "Yue Qianyao."

   "Yue Qianyao..."

   Chen Mo was in a daze holding his teacup~www.novelhall.com~ All of this seemed to gradually become clear and clear, but it feels... more complicated.

   "Linglong is, her sister is the **** of creation."

   "Yes, in my memory, I am indeed the creator of that world. Maybe many years ago, I was very good...no..."

   Yue Qianyao looked at Chen Mo and said, "Many years ago, it was you and me who created it."

   Chen Mo:? ? ?

"I can\'t remember many things. This is something I know, but it doesn\'t seem to have a big relationship. And you... I worry about your coming, because I worry about the strength of Shura in your body, and I worry about your strength... …"

   Chen Mo said: "My strength may be really not good, but at least I have the ability to protect myself. I have a lot to know. Once, why did I die?"

   "You... died of Ditian\'s plot. No one was your opponent, but... it\'s easy to hide a spear and an arrow and it\'s hard to guard against it..."

   Chen Mo frowned!

   "Di Tian, ​​that\'s the one!"


   "It\'s also because of him, have you been trapped here for so many years?"

   "My strength... is not very high... I have no way or confidence to run out, so I can only hide here... Fortunately, he has nothing to do."

   Chen Mo clenched his fists.

   "Sorry, it\'s my problem. Although I didn\'t remember it, I probably know it all! Don\'t worry, I will take you out. At the same time, I will avenge you. Of course, I will avenge myself!"

   Chen Mo\'s eyes condensed!