I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 129: He is a demon!

No matter what, in this scene, Chen Mo has completely become a master in the hearts of many people! Although everyone does not know how he managed to kill tens of thousands of people in a flash, he must have done it. Although he did not show the anti-sky combat ability like other masters, the degree of persuasion was not so high, but after all, it was also a kill. Ten thousand people, many people naturally admire it!

   However, compared to these, what made everyone more shocked was the scene just now!

  In that scene, tens of thousands of people are like being in the **** of Shura, desperately roaring, crying, struggling, weeping...That kind of scene is what makes them most dumbfounded!

  This is a game! What is it that makes these people suddenly become this Yazi?

so horrible! Simply seeing this scene, they dare not experience it, and even they are thinking, if there are tens of thousands of them, how desperate they will be?

   But now, it is the Twilight of Gods that is even more desperate.

  The gods took a look at the surroundings at dusk, the equipment on the ground, everyone could not get it in an instant, the smile on his face solidified, then stiffened, and then desperate...

  Ms. Xiaoqian from that floor swallowed.

  What kind of fairy player is this? But because of professionalism, it can\'t be said to be professionalism. In order to gain more attention, she continued to shoot next to her. Obviously, after today, she will have a million fans.

  Chen Mo walked towards the dusk of the gods step by step.

  The gods swallowed at dusk, and stepped back subconsciously.

   "I said not enough, do you believe it now?"

  Chen Mo sneered towards him!

   "Grass! Isn\'t it just relying on skills? Do you think you\'re awesome? Just a little better luck! Lao Tzu has skills, Lao Tzu is better than you!"

  The gods gritted their teeth and glared at Chen Mo at dusk.

  Chen Mo chuckled, and then as he walked forward, while stretching out his hand, the sword that pinned the old man flew into Chen Mo\'s hand!

   "Fuck me, so handsome!"

  On this scene, many young ladies are not too idiots!

  A strong man, especially one who just killed tens of thousands of people, walked step by step while reaching out his hand, the sword flew into his hand, this scene is simply so handsome! The most important thing is... the player can sacrifice weapons, but how do they attract the weapons back to their hands like the fairy movie?

  The Twilight of the Gods is really the fear from the heart Chen Mo, especially after experiencing the desperate weeping of thousands of people just now, he is even more frightened!

   "Know? Not killing you is not to let you go, but to make you die more miserable!"


  In the live broadcast, everyone only saw Chen Mo\'s figure flashed, and then the arm of the gods Twilight holding the axe was directly cut off!

  Normally, it is impossible to have a broken limb in the game, but Tianlin can, as long as the player does not die, that is fine! When it dies, it turns into white light and disappears, returning to the resurrection point, everything is as before!

  Also as normal, this arm was chopped down, and the pain of 1. To be honest, I just felt that one arm was missing, and the others were nothing at all. No matter what he was bleeding, it didn’t hurt anyway, but...

  A huge damage emerged from the head of the gods, and his health bar was almost emptied!

  Those players were taken aback after seeing this damage number.

  Nima? A casual sword of 2670 damage?

   Their special crit damage is seven or eight hundred, eight or nine hundred, why did this Chenmo run to three thousand?

  But in the next second, those who watched the live broadcast were even more daunted!


The gods screamed at dusk with their **** broken arm, and kept backing back, backing back and falling to the ground, then clutching the wound on the ground, twisting, screaming, and struggling, and their foreheads were instantly full It\'s a cold sweat.

   "I rely on? What\'s the situation?"

   "How do you feel that the Twilight of the Gods seems to have been cut off by someone?"

   "No, more than! It seems to be more painful, look at his expression, look at his face, sweat came out instantly! This can\'t be pretend!"

   "Isn\'t...Isn\'t this day Pro 1 the pain? What\'s the matter?"

   "Too scary, isn\'t it? Playing a game is still real pain? How is it possible? Isn\'t this a game?"


  Those people saw this scene and swallowed subconsciously. Their hearts tightened and trembling violently following the screams of the gods at dusk!

   "Shui Shui!"

  Shui Shui then ran over.

  A green light shone out, and the blood of the gods at dusk was quickly recovering.

  Everyone stared at this scene!


  Chen Mo walked over again, the gods struggled to retreat at dusk, but he was lying on the ground in pain, how could he retreat?

  Chen Mo approached step by step like a **** of death. With every step of Chen Mo approached, the hearts of the gods at dusk trembled, and the hearts of those who were watching the live broadcast trembled with Chen Mo\'s steps!

  The young lady who was live broadcast did not dare to watch it. She stood there with the shooting equipment, and she vomited halfway through.

   "Don\'t... don\'t come over!"

  The gods looked at Chen Mo at dusk and then screamed from the heart with fear!


  Why? Why does it hurt so much! Why?

   "Remember, starting from today, see you again, such as this scene!"

  Chen Mo said, another sword cut off his other arm.

  The health bar is empty again! Then Shui Shui\'s skills restored his health again!


   is another heart-piercing scream.

  Thousands of players watching the live broadcast on the other side swallowed!

  Too...it’s horrible!

  Why can it hurt so much? They all touched their arms subconsciously, feeling a little bit painful inexplicably, probably because the gods screamed too badly.

   "Could Chenmo have any attributes that ignore pain, right?"

   "Is it impossible? What kind of attribute is this? Is this still a game?"

   "Otherwise, what to say? Acting? Bullshit!"

  "Too torture, right? Fill up with blood and slash it again~www.novelhall.com~ My shit! This Chenmo is the devil!"

   "Who dares to provoke him from now on?"


  The blood of the gods at dusk is full again!

  Even Chen Mo didn’t want to have such a high attack power!

   "Don\'t... don\'t come over, don\'t come over!"

  Twilight of the gods glared at the ground with their legs crazily back, because his arms were gone, his face was full of tears, sweat and panic, looking at Chen Mo like looking at a demon!

  He is really desperate! He really regrets provoke Chen Mo now! Mainly why? Why does he really hurt as if his arms were cut off?

  He just wants to go offline now, just want to go home, just hide in the quilt, shaking, crying...




  Everyone took a breath in the next scene, all men to be precise! They covered the bottom silently, because Chen Mo stuck a sword somewhere... directly nailed him to the ground!