I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 128: Shura Hell


   Then Chen Mo released the cloud jump of the magic wolf boots.

  Vertical Cloud Jump is released instantly, allowing itself to jump ten meters in height. Cooling time of ten seconds

  This height makes his vision reach the extreme.


  At the same time, the eyes of all the players who rushed over suddenly dilated, and their pupils suddenly tightened in an instant, as if they had suddenly seen a ghost, and saw the most desperate, fearful, and frightening thing in themselves!


  One by one, the figures knelt on the ground, or retreated, shaking...


   "Don\'t come! Don\'t come!"



For a time, all the tens of thousands of players who rushed over seemed to have seen the most desperate and fearful things. They were horrified, screaming, screaming, desperate and weeping, and some even fell to the ground and curled up together, shaking. .

Except for Chen Mo and the others, there are only two people who are not like this. One is the Twilight of the Gods, and the other is the hostess who got in. They saw the surroundings as if they had seen a ghost. They didn\'t know why these players suddenly became like this. , Why are they crying and crying in despair, but being in such an environment, even if it is daylight at the moment, it makes their hearts tremble.

Imagine that there are all people around you, there are tens of thousands of people, they are all desperate at the moment, screaming and screaming, they seem to have seen the most desperate and scariest thing in the world, and you can’t see, you You won\'t be afraid if you don\'t see it, but you won\'t feel afraid because of the desperate cry of so many people!

  At this moment, this place is like an abyssal hell. The players watching the theater in the distance suddenly heard the desperate cry and screaming, all of them were stunned! Even the heartbeat is trembling and accelerating, and some people subconsciously retreat! It\'s really terrifying to the extreme!

  And it\'s not only them who are shocked at this moment, but also the countless people watching the live broadcast!

   "What\'s the matter? I rely on? What\'s the situation? What do these people see?"

   "No? Even if they see something terrible that we can\'t see, they can\'t do it at the same time!"

   "Ok... so scary! Really so scary! I don\'t know what they saw, but I saw them like this, I... my heart is shaking!"

  " Chen Mo did it? What did he do? Why are these players so desperate?"

  "Is it really Chenmo doing it? But I didn\'t see him do it! Is it really because he is not afraid of what he just said?"

   "No... isn\'t this a game? Why do these players become this Yazi?"


  Not only those who are present, but those who are not present, those who are watching the live broadcast are also terrified, and even feel that if they sleep, they will dream, and they will dream of this scene!

  Your gods swallowed at dusk and watched the hellish scenes of Shura around him. He was completely confused!

  And what did Chen Mo do?

it\'s actually really easy!

   Shura kills the pupil user Shura (Dust Mo), Shura not only possesses unmatched combat power, but Shura\'s eyes can bring despair and collapse to the enemy, and can also explore all aspects of the world. The effect automatically turns on Shura to kill pupils. It can detect monsters no higher than level 20 and its nc attributes, detect weaknesses of monsters, detect hidden organs, detect phantoms, and discover hidden maps. It can be turned on and off at any time. After opening for an hour, the effect of the second Shura\'s eyes are all ants and all dead people. For the time being, Shura will consume all of Shura\'s power to kill pupils. All units within the line of sight are lower than their own. Die, 100 means death. The cooling time is seven days. During the cooling period, Shura\'s detection effect of killing pupils will be temporarily closed.

  Yes, Shura killed the pupil!

  Sura has a terrifying ability to kill pupils besides detection! All units with a level lower than themselves within the sight range. 100 fell into a state of despair, they will see the most desperate things, and they are ordinary players, of course can not bear this kind of despair!

  Obviously, all the players here are below Chen Mo\'s level. Although they cannot use Shura to kill pupils within seven days after releasing this power, it doesn\'t matter! He still has detection skills! This Shura killed the pupils only closed for seven days, but Chen Mo\'s other powers, the phantom change, and even Shura\'s natural punishment, in addition to punishment, have a lifetime limit to use. Therefore, Chen Mo naturally used Shura to kill the pupils!

  He doesn\'t panic, he really doesn\'t panic at all! Because he has several ways to fight tens of thousands of players!

  Yes, it is impossible for one person to fight tens of thousands of players in the early stage of the game, but what if... he is a monster?

  The reason why Chen Mo didn\'t control the Twilight of the Gods was because he was simply letting him feel desperate and died, which was a bit too cheap for him!

  Ten seconds later...

Dense numbers of damage appeared on the heads of tens of thousands of players. In an instant, tens of thousands of white lights disappeared on the ground at the same time, leaving behind a dense variety of equipment, city resurrection points, and 10,000 people in an instant. Be there! They haven\'t even emerged from that kind of despair, with tears still hanging on their faces, and some people just collapsed and went offline. Perhaps it would indeed have a certain impact on their young minds.

  For an instant, it was originally Shura Hell, and then it became a place of silence! The crowd of players there disappeared in an instant, leaving Chen Mo, the anchor, and the dusk of the gods.

  For a while, the barrage that was scrolling violently stopped! That\'s right, it really almost stopped!

  The people who were standing in front of the mobile phone, the computer, or the Internet TV were stunned. They held the mobile phone and held their hands on the keyboard.

  Those super-managers, fried fish tv and other major TV staff thought for a while that the barrage system had crashed, and the sky was still swiping the screen just now, why suddenly the barrage was scattered?

  Because of this scene, they completely shocked them!


  Everyone swallowed a mouthful of saliva~www.novelhall.com~ In the next instant, the barrage swept across the sky again!

   "My Nima? It\'s too scary, isn\'t it? Shura hell? Obviously Chenmo made this!"

   "No wonder... No wonder Chenmo dared to say something like that just now, I apologize, I really apologize, I apologize for my ignorance and ridicule just now!"

   "Nineteenth level, a player who kills 10,000 in seconds, although it may be from some kind of heaven-defying skill, isn\'t the former son Mo also dependent on skills? And, isn\'t this a manifestation of strength?"

"The eighty-one level kills 100,000 players in three minutes, and the nineteenth level kills 10,000 players in ten seconds. With desperate Shura hell, the sores hit their hearts. I think... Chen Mo seems to surpass Young Master Mo! "

"No, no, no one can surpass Gongzi Mo, no matter in terms of strength, status, or fame, he is basically impossible to be surpassed, and Chen Mo just...may become the second Gongzi Mo! Maybe he Maybe it will be a god... Nima! Who can stand it?"

"Actually... the hanging is hanging, but it’s not that exaggerated. The son Mo Niubi is because he is strong in fighting, not only relying on skills, ultimatums, in simple combat, he surpasses Allure, king them, This is what makes him even more admirable. To be honest, Chen Mo is actually only relying on skills, relying on a certain big move against the sky, if all of us have this big move, then everyone can do the scene just now! ?"
