I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 130: I went to send ass

Ruthless! Too ruthless!

  Shui Shui’s healing effect is over, which means he must die!

  Chen Mo even a little bit reluctant.

   "Don\'t let me see you again!"

  Chen Mo walked in front of him, then smashed his head with one foot, and then he disappeared into a white light.


  Everyone swallowed and was silent!

  Today, there are three things that shocked all of them!

  First, Chen Mo killed 10,000 people with one person. Anyway, this has shocked them! Although he didn\'t do it, only used a certain skill, he still managed to reach such a shocking level, at level 19, killing 10,000 people in a second! He broke the record that even Gongzi Mo could not do! Although many people are dissatisfied and think he is only relying on skills, this is the fact!

Second, that is that tens of thousands of people have suddenly fallen into a state of collapse and despair, crying, weeping, etc... They don’t know if these people have seen anything, but they have obviously seen something very desperate and fearful. In other words, this skill of Chen Mo can create a desperate illusion, and it is very strong. Just the scene just now makes many people who want to find fault with Chen Mo dare not! Because they are afraid that they have also seen some terrifying and desperate picture!

  Third, that is Chen Mo\'s cruelty and terrible! He completely ignored the identity of the other party, completely ignored the consequences of such a **** scene being seen by so many people who were watching the live broadcast, forcibly cut off the two arms of the gods of dusk and the little haw, How cruel is he even? It doesn\'t matter if the attack is high, fill him up and continue to fight! Who can stand this Nima?

  The most important thing is that what makes them feel the most terrifying is not the despair of those people, but... the heart-piercing screams of the gods at dusk!

  He was cut off with two arms, yes, but normally, no matter what, what is the pain of 1?

  However, the twilight of the gods uttered such a heart-piercing scream, as if it was the pain of being cut off their arms in reality. This is impossible! However, if it doesn\'t hurt, why does the twilight of the gods make such a scream? Even his painful sweat came off instantly, it can\'t be fake, right? ?

  So everyone is boiling!

  There are attributes that can ignore the pain in this game, and it was obtained by Chenmo! Who dares to provoke him?

  The reason why their players dare to be presumptuous in the game is not because they are not afraid of pain, or because they will not die? However, telling them now that someone doing them will make them feel the real pain? Who dare to provoke this?

  Today is destined to be the day when Chen Mo truly becomes famous. No matter what the reason, he has received unlimited attention! And Chen Mo, the id, really let others see his unusual place for the first time, and he also knew that he was indeed unusual.

  And today, Chen Mo really shocked everyone!

  Chen Mo put away the sword of disaster, then turned around and walked towards the two little girls behind him, dragging them to the hole!

  Why enter the cave? Because just now when Chen Mo was investigating the Wang family, his Shura killed the pupil and saw that there was a clue! And this is the place that the Wang family chose first, and Chen Mo had to make Chen Mo think of the task that the City Lord had given him before!

  This mountain was obviously artificially excavated, and the city lord said that the Wang family controlled a mine with clues inside, so Chen Mo thought it!

  Although Chen Mo felt that this place must have been explored by the people of the city lord, it is precisely here that Shura killed the pupil and saw the clues, so the people of the city lord must not have detected it!

  The female anchor and the players in the distance just watched Chen Mo enter the cave, but they dare not follow it!

At the resurrection point, tens of thousands of people slowly walked out of the emotions just now, most of them chose to go offline. As for what the offline is doing, it is not known, and the gods appeared at the resurrection point, and his eyes were dull. After appearing, the first reaction after appearing was to pat his arms quickly, and then lowered his head to glance at his little chir. He let out a long sigh of relief, but there was a feeling of Chen Mo in his heart. fear! The fear from the heart, he can still be angry and rampant in front of Chen Mo, but he no longer has the confidence, maybe even Chen Mo raised his hand, his subconscious reaction is to step back and hide, because Chen Mo was already scared in his heart.

  Today’s battle, they no longer dare to easily fight against it, and Chenmo has become completely famous! Maybe he can\'t reach a certain height, and still can\'t compare with some famous masters, but he has made everyone remember, let everyone remember what kind of person he is! He is more cruel, bloody, and cruel than anyone else! He can cut off his arms without blinking, face the broken arm, and face the blood on the ground, he can remain unmoved!

  Now, everyone is curious about Chen Mo\'s combat effectiveness! Not only relying on skills, but simply fighting, how strong is he! Now everyone is looking forward to Chen Mo being able to play against a super strong guy! In this way, the strong and the weak will tell at a glance! Can he bear the expectations of some people and become the second to become famous in these years after Gongzi Mo, and become the existence of the pinnacle powerhouse!

Some people think that he can at least be a top ten strong in Tianlin, but most of them still feel that he is a flash in the pan, just because of the Tianban level equipment. In the middle and late game, which is strong and weak can Can really tell!

However, some people saw it more thoroughly. When they saw that Chen Mo could cut off the arms of the gods and dusk without moving, they knew that this new id who emerged in Tianlin, his I am not an ordinary person! He must have experienced something~www.novelhall.com~ He... is a master! Because only those who have experienced it dare to do so!


   "Wow wow wow wow! That\'s handsome!"

  When Zhao Yingmeng saw the ending, she jumped up with Zhao Yingluo in her arms, her big eyes shone with light and little stars, so handsome!

   "I said my vision is right, he is really a great player!! Wow wow wow!"

  Zhao Yingmeng is really excited, because he can still control the audience in that situation, so handsome!

  "Hey, hey, don\'t be **** here, if nympho, can you send your **** in the game?"

  Zhao Yingluo shook his head helplessly.

   "It\'s a pity that I didn\'t see him in actual combat, but...should be a real master!" Lin Qinghan\'s beautiful eyes lit up. If such a master could join them, it would be great.

  "I don’t care, Sister Qinghan, I have given you the equipment. I’m on the line and rushed to Linfeng City. I’m going to send my ass, ahhhhhhhh! So handsome!"

   Then Zhao Yingmeng couldn\'t wait to return to the room and put on the virtual ring.

  Zhao Yingluo looked at Lin Qinghan awkwardly, and said slightly, "What... In fact, she is still the eldest daughter of Huanghua, but... the brain is not very good."

   (recommendation ticket required)