I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1278: Demon god

These two monster beasts, one forty to fifty meters in size, are a bit similar to the giant giant apes that Chen Mo has seen before, and the other one looks like a dragon...

No, it\'s not a dragon! It\'s Jiaolong! There are three heads, they are also very big, and two terrifying monsters are fighting, and I don\'t know how many of them are completely affected.

Chen Mo didn\'t dare to approach, even very, very far away!

Chen Mo in this world, even if he exhausted all his strength, even if he used the sword of disaster, he would never want to cause harm to existence of this level! At most it is skin trauma!

But there is an intuition that tells Chen Mo that this is a chance!

What if these two terrifying monsters hurt both? That\'s different! Then Chen Mo can do them!


There is a problem.

If you do them, what can you get?

In the novel, the monster beasts have the monster pill. This monster pill is the source of all their power. No matter how strong it is, the monster pill is everything, equivalent to the martial artist\'s dantian, and the demon pill can be taken out if they If you hang up, then...

Chen Mo showed a surprised expression!

This is not a chance! If he absorbed the demon pill, according to the plot in the novel, wouldn\'t it be a sharp increase in his cultivation?

Chen Mo was waiting. It is estimated that the two powerful monsters would not have thought. At this time, they were like this, and there were still people waiting here to take advantage of the fishermen.

Time passes slowly...

The huge Titan Great Ape directly ripped off the two heads of the three-headed monster with one claw, and squashed the other head directly, and then the huge monster fell to the ground, fluttering a few times as if it was quiet Down!


The Titan Great Ape roared angrily, screamed like a king, announcing that he was the winner!

Then it wants to go away, but...


Its huge body suddenly half-kneeled on the ground.


Then it fell down, as if it was poisoned.

Chen Mo showed a surprised expression!

He thought he was going to make up the knife, but now it seems that he doesn\'t need to make up the knife anymore!


Then Chen Mo rushed over at the fastest speed!

The surrounding area was completely razed to the ground, and there were deep pits everywhere.

Chen Mo walked over, and the two huge monsters seemed to have become corpses. Anyway, the three-headed monster must be dead. The other was poisoned. Chen Mo was not sure whether he was dead or not, so he sacrificed a handful. Powerful spirit weapon, release its powerful power and behead it!

Chen Mo breathed a sigh of relief, this should be fine.

Then he glanced.

"Where is this demon pill?"

Chen Mo frowned.

"Should be in the head of the monster beast?"

Anyway, I don\'t know when I have read the novel. It said that Yao Dan was in the head of Yao Beast.

Chen Mo groaned slightly, and then saw a green light gleaming on the head of that dragon, Chen Mo showed a surprised expression!

It seems to be there.

Chen Mo hurried over, waved the sword in his hand, and then the sword took out the green demon pill!

The huge spiritual power was immediately released, but at the same time there was a virulent power!

Chen Mo frowned.

With his experience, this poison is very dangerous!


Chen Mo ate a detoxification pill, which he got from Tianlin, should it be useful?

However, Chen Mo put the green demon pill aside first, came to the giant giant ape, cut its head apart, and took out a khaki demon pill from inside!

The demon pill is not big, don\'t look at their bodies as tens of meters, but this demon pill is the same size as a table tennis ball, but smaller.

When the two demon pills were in hand, Chen Mo directly grabbed them with both hands, and then hurried to find a safer place.

But Chen Mo stopped short of walking, why?

Very strange, these two demon pills trembled in his hand, and Chen Mo could hardly hold it with any force!

Finally, Chen Mo let go.

If you don\'t let it go, you can\'t hold it!


The two demon pills flew together, and they were spinning there, as if they were fusing.

"Is it still like this? Is this the characteristic of the demon pill?"

Chen Mo frowned and looked up at the scene.

Really blended!


In the next instant, the fusion demon pill burst out with a powerful force, Chen Mo was directly flew out by Zhenfei, and then fell into a coma!

He didn\'t expect, he really didn\'t expect this to happen!

Then the demon pill flew towards Chen Mo, got directly into Chen Mo\'s mouth, and entered Chen Mo\'s stomach.

Chen Mo\'s body was entwined with green and khaki light, and his complexion was sometimes purple, sometimes black, sometimes normal... sometimes hideous!

But Chen Mo now doesn\'t know what he is like!

It\'s just that one second before he was in a coma, he knew that he was finished!

Let’s not talk about anything else. In such a wilderness, a place full of monsters and beasts is unconscious. Monster beasts ate him casually.


Two women are walking here...

They are all wearing veils~www.novelhall.com~ Noble temperament, outstanding figure, they are extraordinary at a glance.

"I said elder sister, it\'s been so many years, do you remember coming down?"

A woman in a blue fairy skirt smiled and said.

Noble woman in a white fairy skirt, her eyes turned out to be sky blue, very beautiful, very beautiful, but very cold, so that people dare not approach.

"There are so many things in the eighth heaven, and you can\'t get out of it, why? If you don\'t get down, you won\'t go up?"

"Fourth Heaven has a lot of things, and I can\'t get away."

"You, you."

The woman in the white skirt shook her head helplessly.

"By the way, that demon **** on the ninth heaven is still harassing you?"

"Preparing to go out."

The woman in the white skirt said lightly.

"So cruel?"

"It just happens to unify the demon domain, it\'s almost an opportunity." The white skirt woman\'s eyes narrowed and said.

"Well, it\'s time to do it. Back then, he relied on being our teacher to give the second sister... and even later to us... This feeling of mentoring and apprenticeship is long gone."

"The mentorship?"

The white dress woman\'s eyes condensed, and killing intent emerged.

"Some things, I\'ll tell you later."

Suddenly her eyes looked forward.

"It\'s so strong."

"Someone is advancing?"

The two then walked over and saw Chen Mo lying there.

"It\'s a human being, who has swallowed the demon pill. A person with such a low level of cultivation actually swallowed a demon pill of this level? Wait, this is still a fusion demon pill? He...he died without exploding?"

The blue woman showed a surprised expression.

"There is power to protect him, what power is this?"

The woman in the white dress frowned slightly.

"It\'s quite interesting, it\'s really interesting."

The woman in the blue skirt said.

"Save him."

The woman in the white skirt said lightly.