I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1277: Li Bai?

Chen Mo looked at the old man in front of him.

There is a saying, this old man is handsome, with a little bit of decadence, but not much, but he is really an alcoholic, full of alcohol, a white robe, a sword at his waist, and a Writing brush.

Should be a master!

Chen Mo saw his appearance, and that kind of extremely restrained aura. He was definitely a master, at least he was beyond the reach of Chen Mo.

"It\'s been a long time since the old man saw you killed here, boy, aren\'t you bored?"

The corner of Chen Mo\'s mouth twitched.

"Senior won\'t watch it for many days, right?"

Chen Mo was shocked! If what he said was true, it was so strong that he didn\'t even notice it at all.


The old man laughed loudly.

"If you have nothing to do, just take a look at it. Your kid\'s swordsmanship is quite interesting, but... less god."


"That is the essence of the sword, meaning!"

"Sword Intent?"


The old man paced slowly, took a drink, then stepped on his right foot, and a branch came to his right hand.

"The sword is intentional. When you have your own mind, the sword in your hand becomes a part of your body. It is as easy to control as if you move your fingers. With the power of moving your fingers, The sword in his hand contains infinite power!"

After speaking, the branch in his hand flicked aside.


The front was directly cleared out a passage with no end in sight.

Chen Mo: "...:

What kind of power is this? If this is calculated according to the arrival of the sky, I am afraid that it has reached the level of Shenhuang, Super God level, right? wrong!

His power did not use spiritual power, he really just threw this sword purely with physical power!

This? ?

This is totally another concept! Is this a bit too scary?

"Did you see it? When do you think you can do this?"

The old man raised his head and took a sip of wine and then wiped the corners of his mouth.

"My realm is not enough."

"Realm? Hahaha—"

The old man laughed loudly.

"That\'s why you didn\'t practice fine, you kid, if you practice it like this, no matter how much time is spent, it will be futile. The effect is minimal. The old man will tell you that you can use your current realm, strength, and even no spiritual power It can be done!"

Chen Mo: "..."

"Senior joked, even if I use all my spiritual power, I can\'t do so much destructive power."

Chen Mo said!

"So, you didn\'t mean it, the old man asked you, what is the purpose of using the sword?"

"For what? Kill the enemy."



"Yes, this is your intention. Come on, take the wine, and the old lady will teach you. The rest depends on your own understanding."

Three days later...


With a wave of the sword in Chen Mo\'s hand, there was no release of spiritual power, but a terrifying force burst out!

"My God, what the **** is this kid?"

The old man was sitting on a tree drinking wine and watching this scene!

In three days, he realized the sword intent that belongs to him...Although he realized it by himself at the time, it took thirty years! This? ?

Sure enough, of course he felt that it was not easy to see this kid, so he wanted to approach him and watch him fight. This kid really has something!

This is also terrible!

Chen Mo showed a surprised expression.

"Master said at the time that sword intent is everything to a sword user, and a sword user can have no sword, but it must be intentional, but I didn\'t realize that the master didn\'t want me to learn, and I didn\'t want me to have too strong power. , But now, I must have a strong power. I didn’t expect this to be easy to comprehend. It took three days."

Chen Mo pondered slightly.

Old man:? ? ?

I rely on?

Is this kid saying this seriously?

"Thank you senior!"

Chen Mo then gave him a punch!

"Little things."

The old man took a sip of wine.

"Then boy, the fate of you and me is here, let\'s see bye bye!"

The old man said and disappeared in place!

"Ah, senior, please leave your name, senior!"

"The last name is Li, the single name is in white!"

Chen Mo:? ? ?

Li Bai?

Isn\'t this... that Li Bai? It\'s that poetry...

Probably not? It may be the same name?

Chen Mo doesn\'t know!


If Li Bai ascended to the immortal world many years ago, it might be possible.

This? ?

Chen Mo took a deep breath!

"Thank you senior for your advice!"

What effect did this thing bring to Chen Mo?

To put it simply, swinging the sword in Chen Mo\'s previous state, he can cause ten points of damage, and now... a hundred or more! This is stronger as his intention becomes stronger.

The realm has not improved, but Chen Mo really feels that he can get more than he has been here for a while!

"Then next, I have to improve my realm, how do I improve? Heaven and earth spirit creatures!"

Chen Mo pondered slightly.

Along the way ~www.novelhall.com~ he encountered a lot of heaven and earth spirits, but they were too weak and hardly helped him. He wanted the kind of opportunity that would make him instantly qualitatively change.

What a pity, why is chance called chance, because it\'s so rare! How can I meet it?

Chen Mo sighed!

"I can\'t delay any more time. I want to know my own life experience, and the girl said before that time is running out. For her, time may not be many years, maybe months. It can\'t be a few days or two months. I give myself two months, but now, I must have the capital to go to the ninth horizon."

Chen Mo pondered slightly.

He needs capital! This is not in the game, he really died when he died!

Sword of disaster? All kinds of artifacts? In the absence of strength, the power they can allow Chen Mo to exert is limited, what\'s the matter, since he has come to this **** realm, then he has to surpass the strength of the plane below? He at least has the power of a weak **** or a fairy, right?

"So, I have to go to more dangerous places to meet the so-called chance!"

Thinking of this, Chen Mo looked in one direction.

This direction is completely contrary to the direction he came from, that is to say, going there is farther and farther away from where people live!

Chen Mo then walked over!

He has a bet on Magic Stone when he is free!

One day later...

Chen Mo didn\'t know where he had come, but he stopped because of the scene in front of him... that shocked him!

Two huge terrifying monsters are fighting!

The feeling that this monster beast gave Chen Mo, how could it be a god, super **** beast level?

Maybe now Chen Mo is killing him in the game, but Chen Mo is facing this level of existence, that kind of fear, that kind of deterrence is too real and too scary! totally different!