I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1279: This is Shura?

Chen Mo was really in a coma, he didn\'t know that there were two big men standing beside him.

This is a real boss! And it\'s the boss of the Yaozu!

"I said, elder sister, you are too kind, he is a human, not a monster, why do you save him? Even if the monster is lying here, there is no need to save it? What\'s the point? There are so many poor people in the Monster Race, and no matter how bad, there are also many poor people in the Human Race, so eldest sister, go to the Human Race to do good deeds."

The blue skirt woman shook her head and said.

"It\'s not the same, it\'s fate if you meet."

"How can there be so much fate."

"Demon Pill Fusion."


The woman in the blue skirt pondered slightly: "It makes sense."

This demon pill fusion is an extremely rare situation. Even if they have not seen it, it has only been seen in ancient books. Legend has it that demon pill fusion is a very, very difficult phenomenon, one in a billion, They really haven\'t seen it anyway, and thought it was fake, but they didn\'t expect to see it in this place!

What is the situation of this demon pill fusion?

This situation is actually not important. The important thing is that after the demon pill is fused, it is said that there may be several situations. The first is that it is broken, the second is that the fusion is abandoned, which is useless, and the third is the least possible. , But it is the best situation, that is, the person has survived, and the power of the two demon pills merged with him very well, and the difference has become a very powerful force!

This is what they are looking forward to!

"Save him first, then look at the situation. After all, this kind of demon pill fusion is the first time you and I have met. What if there is a surprise?"

"But... he is a human fusion demon pill, even if we save him, he will probably not survive, right?"

The blue skirt woman said.

"Then it\'s fateful, there seems to be a force in his body to protect him, maybe this is God\'s will, otherwise he would have died long ago, try it, after all, this is the first time I have encountered this situation!"

The woman in the white skirt said lightly!

The woman in the blue dress glanced at her.

"Isn\'t it because the eldest sister thinks about him because of his handsome appearance?"

"Stop talking nonsense!"

"No nonsense, after all, the older sister hasn\'t had a partner for so many years, maybe."

She joked with a smile.

"Save people."

The woman in the white skirt didn\'t bother to talk nonsense with her, and then walked over, a gentle force rushed to Chen Mo.

"how about it?"

"There is a force in him."

The woman in the white skirt frowned slightly!

"Is that abnormal? That force is protecting him?"


She looked at the power emanating from the chain of calamity on Chen Mo\'s wrist, and said: "It is the power on his wrist that is protecting him, but there is a very violent power in his body!"

"Demon Pill?"

"No, it\'s his own power, you feel it."

The woman in the blue dress walked over and felt it!

"This? This power is violent!"

She showed a shocked expression!

"Yes, and it\'s violent. Who is the most violent power you have ever seen?"

"That\'s the Demon God."

"I\'m afraid that the demon god\'s violent aura is inferior to this power." The white skirt woman said.

"It seems that it really is, then whose power could be with such a terrifying aura? Sister, do you know?"

The woman in the white dress thoughtfully.

"The Devil God is a god, and his power is the most terrifying and violent existence that has been known to all. It has scared the entire God Realm for hundreds of thousands of years, fearing that he will return, and this kind of breath Demon God is not as good as the existence of the six realms... Beyond the six realms, the power above the gods...that is..."

The two extremely beautiful women wearing veils looked at each other in surprise, they seemed to think of something at the same time!


"No? Does Shura really exist? Isn\'t that a legendary existence?"

The woman in the blue skirt frowned!

"They are all people of the demon gods. Isn\'t that the truth?"

The woman in the white dress stared at her.

"It seems really possible! At least all we know is Shura, eldest sister, can you save it?"

The woman in the blue dress asked.

The woman in the white skirt was obviously hesitant.

If it is saved, what if it saves a terrible existence that harms the common people?

"Could it be that we are too sensitive?"

The woman in the white dress said slightly.

"The eldest sister is saying that his cultivation base..."

"Weak and pathetic."

"What if Shura\'s power has not yet awakened?"

"Already awakened, but not yet fully awakened. Didn\'t you feel that power impacting us while we were exploring? That is the autonomous consciousness of that power, which means that... this man and this power have already It’s been a while, and if it’s been okay but nothing happened... Is it in control?"

"Ancient books record that Shura\'s power cannot be controlled. Shura will blind the consciousness of its host and make it a killing machine."

"But Shura is a god. As a god, it is not a pure power, but can\'t control this power and be controlled~www.novelhall.com~ Sister thinks he can control?"

The woman in the white skirt said: "Let\'s take a look, at least now it can influence his life and death, and, this is not necessarily Shura, we are just guessing."


The woman in the blue skirt nodded, and then the woman in the white skirt took out an elixir, raised her hand, and Chen Mo opened her mouth. This elixir entered Chen Mo\'s mouth and turned into a breath that poured into Chen Mo. in vivo.

"This person is taken home first."

"Yes, the eldest sister remembers to share good things."

Woman in white skirt: "..."


Then she lifted her hand and Chen Mo flew into the air, and then her and Chen Mo disappeared where they were!


"Um... Brother Chen Mo hasn\'t been online for many days! It\'s been half a month! Ahhh! Why is Brother Chen Mo not online? Didn\'t I say that he will be online often."

At home, Zhao Yingmeng and the others got together.

"I don\'t know either." Lin Kexin shook her head.

They looked at Zi Qingcheng, and Zi Qingcheng smiled and said, "Don\'t worry, don\'t you worry about him? He is probably busy. He left because he has important things to do, and he didn\'t tell us before. Is it? He may not be online for a while, maybe he\'s starting to be busy, don\'t worry."

"But why doesn\'t Brother Chen Mo call us? It\'s okay to send a WeChat."

Zhao Yingmeng said.

"Yes, is there no time for this call?" An Yixi said puzzledly!

I don\'t think it will take much time, and even if you send a WeChat account, it will take a few seconds.

Zi Qingcheng was the only insider, and Chen Mo certainly couldn\'t send WeChat calls.

"Maybe there is no signal?"

Zi Qingcheng Road, then smiled and said, "Well, everyone, let\'s eat. He said he will be back in two months."