I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

~: Xi 0 Yao

Chapter 1267 Chapter 1276

Di Tian pondered slightly.

"It\'s possible, but his cultivation level is almost zero waste. When he goes to the Monster Beast Domain, he is also looking for death. Presumably he won\'t go to die to avoid us? Only fools would do this."

Then he thought of Chen Mo too simple!

"Everyone, carefully search the first three heavenly domains, it is not ruled out when he may have gone to other heavenly domains, and also check the monster domain!"


Di Tian rubbed his temples; "Recently, this king is busy enthroning, you have done this for this king, and quickly give this king this piece of mind! Did you hear it? If it is done. , You will be my right hand in the future, if you can’t do it well, then you can pack up and leave!"


"Go down!"

Everyone dispersed!

"I want to see you, what else can you make? After all, you are just a mortal!"

Then Ditian thought of something and went out.

On a huge, beautiful mountain...There are beautiful flowers, flowing water, butterflies, and birds everywhere, like a fairyland on earth.

There is a huge and beautiful palace on this mountain peak, and there is a Nine Heaven Hall written on it!

In the back garden of the Nine Heaven Hall, a woman in a white dress, elegant, dignified, and noble was sitting there, seeming to be in a daze.

"Miss... please use tea."

A beautiful girl came over with tea.

"Xiaoyue, haven\'t Xin\'er found it yet?"

She was worried.


The woman stood up slowly, her hands in front of her.

What a shocking look that is.

Unspeakable, really unable to describe this face! Like a fairy, like a dream, like a picture scroll...

It may be a general description, but it is really impossible to describe this extraordinary face!

That\'s right, she is the woman who makes the Emperor\'s Capital a dream!

Who is Ditian?

The young master of the Celestial Palace is immediately the master of the Celestial Palace, the God, and the Emperor! The first person in the gods!

You can imagine how good and beautiful such a woman is.

"Will something happen..."

At this time, a girl ran over: "Miss, the lady is not good, the Emperor Heaven is here again."

The ladies sit down.

"Come on, he can\'t come in either."

This nine-day peak, this very beautiful, very large peak has an extremely terrifying barrier, this barrier is unsolvable in the world, it is this barrier that protects her and protects each of them! There was no way in the entire God Realm, otherwise she would have suffered.

Fortunately, this peak is big enough and beautiful enough. Although they have been trapped here for many, many years, they carefully plant flowers, play chess, paint, and play piano every day. It is not boring, but the huge world outside. It\'s really been a long time since I saw it.

"You have worked so hard all these years, suffer with me."

"What do you say, Miss, we live in this paradise, and there are so many sisters, and we are very happy."

"Xi Qianyao, I have good news for you."

The voice of the emperor was floating in the air.

"Thanks to your lovely subordinate, she ran out to inform you of the news. Now this king has found the person you want to see in your dreams. If you want to keep him safe, you\'d better come out. ."

Xi Qianyao frowned slightly.

"Miss, uncle he..."

"rest assured."

She stood up and looked at the sky in the distance.

"According to Ditian\'s character, if he really caught him, he would have brought someone here to show off, but..."

She paced slowly: "There should be something wrong with Xin\'er, he...should be here too."

"But Auntie is just an ordinary mortal, he..."

Xi Qianyao\'s beautiful eyes shone with brilliance; "He has never been an ordinary mortal, he was not before, and he cannot be now! But..."

Although her beautiful eyes have expectations and fantasies, they are more worried.

Over the years, she knew he was there!

She didn\'t find it, first because she didn\'t dare to find it, and second because he was too weak.

She\'s waiting, she\'s waiting for him to become stronger, waiting for him to recover his memory, if he can\'t recover, then just let it happen, anyway, after so many years...If destiny allows them to see you again, then they will surely see you again!


She didn\'t expect that one of her men would look for him.

This would bring him a great disaster, but she also knew that Xin\'er did it because her time... was running out.

"Xi Qianyao, let me tell you the truth. He has come to Tianyu, but he is a humble mortal. It is only a matter of time before this king catches him. This king persuades you to think about it. After a few days, Ben The king is the **** of this universe. If you follow this king, why are you prosperous and wealthy? If this king has it, you can have it too! That\'s yours! You are running out of time now, don\'t even see him You die before it\'s too late! Think about it, and the king of Japan will come again in a few minutes!"

Then there was no voice of the Emperor Heaven.

"Miss, Xin\'er must have told my uncle, but my uncle..."

Xi Qianyao slowly closed her eyes.

"The rest of my life will be happy to meet..."


the other side……

Chen Mo released the law of life to heal his injuries!

He has killed too many here for too long.

However, he really doesn\'t know what to do besides doing this!

He only knew... he was going to Jiuzhongtian, to Jiutian Temple, to meet someone!

But... does he have this ability?

He is working hard for this.

Maybe... yes? ?

"I said kid, what troubles can\'t be solved by a pot of wine? Come here to vent?"

Suddenly, a voice came from Chen Mo.

Chen Mo suddenly turned his head, an old man wearing a white shirt and holding a wine gourd in his hand sat on a tree, raised his head, and then gurgled his drink.

"Good wine, good wine, take it."

He threw a wine gourd to Chen Mo.

Chen Mo took it.


"You don\'t even know you, why do you ask this? Drink!"

Chen Mo looked at the wine gourd in his hand, "I still don\'t drink it."

After speaking, Chen Mo threw the wine gourd to him.

"After drinking, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is happy to accompany the old man to drink, this is heaven and earth, the old man will help you!"

"Can\'t help."


He laughed loudly.

"Going into the sky, there are still things that the old man can\'t do? Hahaha, really nothing!"

Chen Mo: "..."

It\'s crazy.

"Okay, then I said I want this God Realm, can I do it?"

The old man\'s action of raising his head to drink alcohol paused, and then shook the wine gourd: "Why is this wine finished?"


Then he jumped down and looked at Chen Mo.

(End of this chapter)