I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1267: Law of mind

Chapter 1258

Chen Mo looked up at this cave!

The entrance of the hole is open, and it seems nothing special!

Ye said, "You can enter this cave casually, of course, unless you want to die."

After all, Ye\'s body was entwined with a powerful dark power, and this power also enveloped Chen Mo.

"Come with me!"

Then the two of them walked into the cave!


"Senior Ye stayed in this dark environment for a long time, right?"

"Yes, maybe only this dark environment is suitable for the master at the time." Ye said.

Chen Mo felt the aura of a powerful Shura in this cave. The dangerous power that Ye said was actually the impact of this powerful Shura power!

However, this power helped Chen Mo isolate Shura’s violent power. This was a powerful violent Shura power. Chen Mo could not touch it. Once touched, the result would be that Chen Mo gradually moved towards the killing Shura. Road!

It is impossible for Ye to cheat Chen Mo, so he released this power to prevent Chen Mo from being affected by the breath of Shura in the air!

This breath, it only stays in this cave, not a trace of it penetrates beyond the cave, but if someone or monster or the like comes in, it may be fine at the beginning and nothing, but it may go to the back. It will be wiped out by the breath of this Shura directly, too strong, too violent, this is definitely not something ordinary people can bear!

Not to mention anything else, with this breath, Chen Mo already felt how powerful Shura, who was once a heyday as a killing machine, is!

"Ye, the spirit of Senior Ye here is also in a violent state, right?"

Chen Mo said.


"That\'s good!"

Chen Mo said.

Soon, they came to a huge space. Chen Mo took a look. This space looked very old, very quiet, and there was nothing.

"You are right here, I will avoid it first."

Ye gave a nostalgic look, and then walked back!

Chen Mo frowned and looked around.

This space is still quite large, but the bigger it is, the more lonely it is.

"Senior Ye!"

Chen Mo gave a fist to the void.

In the corner, a figure slowly stood up and looked at Chen Mo, and Chen Mo also looked over!


Chen Mo walked over!


Ye Ming nodded to Chen Mo.

"Senior\'s sense of consciousness also recognizes me?"

Chen Mo was surprised.

"It was Ye who passed some news to the deity, and he probably recognized it, and he probably knew it."

Chen Mo let out a long sigh of relief!

That being the case, it is good news for him.

"Senior, it\'s like this. I didn\'t intend to come over, including this Shura\'s ultimate power, which I didn\'t want to acquire. Because in this way, I might become Shura, but an accident allowed me to gain Shura\'s power. So, I had to set foot on the road to be able to return to normal without being controlled by Shura’s will. Therefore, I came to find you, Senior. Senior has experienced such a period of time before. So I want to ask whether Senior has any experience that can be imparted to you. I."

Chen Mo said to Ye Ming!

Ye Ming paced slowly: "This is one of the reasons why I have a trace of soul here."

Chen Mo\'s eyes suddenly lit up when he heard Ye Ming\'s words.

"Originally, this strand of divine consciousness has another purpose, that is, you can come if you need stronger power, but the power of Shura is the same, so you know that other Shura powers can do the same! As for this Shura\'s will to blind his mind..."

Ye Ming paced slowly, and said, "At that time, I was already running away, and finally in this place, I returned to normal for a period of time. In that short period of time, I left this ray of soul! It was eroded by Shura\'s power, but it can be regarded as some experience!"

Then Ye Ming looked at Chen Mo.

Chen Mo hurriedly said: "Senior please advise!"

"The will of Shura is to kill. The reason why it can swallow your will is because your will is weaker than that of Shura. First of all, you will be instilled with a thought of killing. Second, in your mind, in your memory, Everything in your eyes is the person who made you become Shura. That thing is your enemy, the person you hate! On this basis, Shura\'s will will completely control you! So..."

Ye Ming looked at Chen Mo and said, "It\'s just a sentence in the final analysis, our will is too weak!"

Chen Mo frowned, and said, "Senior means to be strong enough to have his own will, so strong that Shura\'s will cannot control me?"

"It is so in theory, but it is so difficult to do it, but it is not impossible! Because you have to know that the human will is infinite! Like a dream, Shura was once a human being, he You can\'t say that you can crush Shura. You only need to raise your will so that it cannot be crushed by Shura\'s will. Then you can at least guarantee that you will not be controlled by Shura!"

Chen Mo pondered slightly: "However, although I also understand and know the truth, I don\'t know what to do."

"Find anything that can improve your spirit and soul power. It\'s anything! Avoid contact with people and things that may make you angry. It\'s best to cut all connections within a certain period of time, so that you can leave enough time! Also, if you find that you are gradually getting lost or something angers you, causing you to have negative emotions, at this time, you must always tell yourself in your mind, don’t think about it, don’t think about it. , Think about the person you say you like, the person you want to take care of, think about some beautiful things with her, you must think about it, and think about it very deliberately!"

Ye Ming said.

Chen Mo nodded; "I understand!"

"In addition~www.novelhall.com~ If you want to truly avoid being blinded by Shura\'s will, there is a way. This way is... the law of mind!"

Ye Ming said!

"The Law of Mind?"

Chen Mo frowned!

The law of the soul should be one of the two laws that I have not found. Information is the window of the soul!

"Yes, the power of the law of mind can definitely restrain Shura. After all, it represents the mind. It can definitely prevent Shura\'s will from occupying you. Unfortunately, I didn\'t have time to find it at the time. You can meet but don\'t ask for it, and you can\'t find it at all. My suggestion is to cut off all connections and find the law of the mind while you are still normal!"

Chen Mo pondered slightly; "Thank you senior!"

"Well, there is one more thing."

(End of this chapter)