I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1266: Where Ye Ming has been

Chapter 1257 Where Did Ye Ming Have Been

Chen Mo nodded.

This is what Chen Mo meant.

Now Chen Mo has no choice. He must find a way, any possible way!

For experienced people, this is definitely the best choice.

Chen Mo then said to Ye: "Shall we go there?"

"Okay, you can go now!"

"Then let\'s go."


Then Ye shook his hand, and the void in front was torn out by him, a crack in space!

Ye Ming said, Taihuang Yongye, Taiyin Youying, and Sun Candle are the three top-level existences in the universe. Now both Taihuang Yongye and Taiyin Youying are here, and Taihuang Yongye has The power of tearing the void!

The two then entered the space crack and disappeared in place.

"Elder Xiao, what\'s the matter with Master Chenmo? Why did you leave with Big Brother Ye?"

Xiao Ruhan shook his head: "I don\'t know, but since leaving with Ye, it means that something is not small!"

No matter what happened to Chen Mo in the past, he would at least have to chat with some people when he came back, this time he hurriedly found someone and left!

It seems that something may have happened!

Nangong Yu stood there with her eyebrows frowned!

She had heard about it when she was in the underworld. Chen Mo was very busy and had a lot of things to do outside. In fact, she did find out after she came out!

This Fengshen sect, even he doesn\'t know how long it will take to come once, look at the Fengshen sect, there are so many beautiful girls, but he is not favored one by one? Or is it already busy to this level?

It\'s really not easy.

"Elder Xiao, it\'s not good!"

Yun Qi suddenly ran out!

"Huh? What happened?"

Xiao Ruhan asked with frowned eyebrows.

"Scourge Bead."

Xiao Ruhan\'s beautiful eyes suddenly condensed!



She hurriedly ran over there.

When Xiao Ruhan came to the hall, her eyebrows suddenly frowned!

There seemed to be nothing particularly wrong with the Scourge Bead, but she knew that it was different from before!

The previous Scourge Bead is white and flawless! And now, it still looks very white, but it has changed a bit from before! That is the very bottom of the Scourge Bead now. It has already shown a trace of black. If you don’t look closely, you can’t see it at all. But if you look closely, you will find that because this little bit of blackness leads to this Scourge Bead’s Whiteness will be slightly contrasted by black.

If it can be found in a bright environment, it is difficult to find the current abnormality in a slightly darker environment!

"what happened!?"

Xiao Ruhan frowned!

"I don\'t know. When I just came here to do some things, I suddenly found that the Scourge Bead seemed a bit different from what I had seen before, and then I found that there was a little more black at the bottom!"

Yun Qi said!

Xiao Ruhan pondered slightly: "The Heavenly Scourge Bead represents the state of Xiao Momo. It has always been white because he will no longer be occupied by Shura, but now, as long as it appears a little bit, even if it is so small that it almost looks Unclear darkness means that his state has changed. A single spark can start a prairie fire, and a trace of darkness can swallow light."

"Elder Xiao meant that Master Chen Mo\'s condition has deteriorated again?"

Xiao Ruhan nodded; "As long as there is a trace of darkness, it will be out of control. His current state has become the same state as before. As long as he produces some negative emotions, the result will be more and more darkness, annexation Bright, become Shura."

"But why is this? Isn\'t it all right?"

Xiao Ruhan shook his head: "I don\'t know, nothing special happened to him to let him break this. Has he accepted the inheritance of Shura\'s stronger strength?"

"It shouldn’t be right? Mr. Chen Mo himself can understand the pros and cons. He is no longer a child. He also knows the consequences. Moreover, Mr. Chen Mo is not the kind of person who has unlimited desire for Lili. He is not so. With big ambitions, he only hopes that he and the people around him can be well, logically speaking, he is not for power, and there is no need to obtain stronger Shura power or even safety."

Yun Qi said.

"So, there may be an accident!"

Xiao Ruhan sighed and looked at the Heaven Scourge Bead with beautiful eyes!

"Trouble now."

Before, no matter how angry he was, he would never become Shura, but now that this dark seed has sprouted, then this seed may grow into a towering tree!

"Maybe Xiao Momo was in such a hurry just now because of this reason, it seems that it should be an accident."

Xiao Ruhan paced slowly: "There are many people outside here who want to deal with Xiao Momo, Elder Yun Qi, do you think there is such a possibility? Some people want to deal with Xiao Momo, but they can\'t find some reason and So they tried every means to make Xiao Momo gain stronger Shura\'s power, so that he could become Shura, so that... those people can do it."

"This...maybe it\'s possible."

"Hey, let\'s take a look. There is really no way for this kind of thing for the time being. I hope Xiao Momo will be okay. He knows it in his heart, especially after experiencing the incident of Xiao Yuhan, but I am afraid that he will be fine. As for other people\'s hands and feet, since our Scourge Orb has been observed, then as long as someone else pays attention, the news will be spread! The consequences...hey."


On the other side, Chen Mo and Ye came to an endless dark place.

"this is?"

"This is a very special place. There is no life. After the master became Shura, he slaughtered a lot of lives. After that, he became a little sober and closed himself here for a period of time. He also left his last life here. Will, after he came out, what happened after he came out was...fighting with those people, finally regaining clarity and ending his own life!

Ye said. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Chen Mo sighed.

"Will I have such a day?"

"No, after all, you are the only person who can become a normal person after becoming Shura. Other people, including the master, have not done it. You are special, and you have the best chance of being in peace!"

Ye said!

"I hope so! Have you been here?"

Ye said: "I have been here once, but I have never been in, just watching outside. During that time, the master refused to let me follow him at all. He was afraid that he would do something with me, but here I am sure that there is a hint of the master. The soul is the most important soul!"


Night came to a cave, and then stopped.

(End of this chapter)