I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1268: Is it really resurrected?

Chapter 1259

Chen Mo looked at Ye Ming suspiciously!

Ye Ming looked at Chen Mo and said, "The power of Shura is very strong. I, you, Shura before, the power they have obtained is not all of Shura, even just the tip of Shura\'s iceberg! So you have to understand that Shura\'s power is very strong, and what you said before is also wrong. What we have gained is not Shura\'s real power!"

Chen Mo nodded; "I understand! It is said that this Shura\'s power is beyond God."

"Yes! It\'s really like this. Above our strongest power, it exists in the gods, including the creation gods of this world. That is a god. Above this god, that is the real Shura. Existence above the real gods is the ruler of everything, but... to be honest, this is just a legend, but I think it is true! It\'s just about how to get in touch with the real power of Shura. puzzle!"

Chen Mo said: "But even if I can touch, I will definitely not touch it. Now this Shura\'s power has already made me unable to bear it. Should I go to touch stronger? That\'s even more unbearable!"

Chen Mo shook his head.

"No, no! Your understanding is wrong!"


Chen Mo looked at Ye Ming suspiciously!

"Your understanding is a bit one-sided. The power of Shura that we have is only the tip of the iceberg, and the real Shura is completely independent and can manipulate the existence of his own consciousness. Therefore, instead of being able to become a real Shura, it may be. The safest, the least worry about being deceived, but there is a premise here..."

Ye Ming paced slowly and said: "The premise is that if you want to be at that level, it is likely that you have completely passed your own demons. In other words, through some means of their own, they don\'t have to worry. Controlled by Shura\'s will, this method may not be a rule, there may be other methods, but I don\'t know, maybe after Shura passes this level, a qualitative change will occur!"

Chen Mo pondered slightly; "My game makes sense!"

"So, come on, I also hope that there is a Shura who can achieve his own Shura instead of being controlled by Shura! Think about the people you love, the people you care about, they are still waiting for you , They also hope you can do it well! Not for yourself, but also for them!"

Chen Mo nodded; "I see, by the way, Senior, you said that God of Creation... Didn’t you know that you met her? Also, some of the strongest beings or secrets in this world... Me too Want to know."

"The God of Creation... I seem to have seen it or I haven\'t seen it. Maybe when I became Shura, she met me in some way. Otherwise, why is there always this kind of thought in my mind? Think about it? What creation god? I never thought about this before, so I think I should have seen it when I became Shura!"

Chen Mo said, "You don\'t remember, right?"

"Don\'t remember at all!" Ye Ming shook his head.


Chen Mo pondered slightly.

This time, he seems to have gained a lot!

Moreover, I saw that Shura before, and Ye Ming seems to have seen it too. Does that mean, as Shura, maybe he will see him?

Maybe it will. It can be seen that she seems to be particularly caring about Shura.

"Well, almost, go back, I hope you are all right! I have nothing to give you anymore, there is a sword, very suitable for Shura, but I will not give it to you, you have a stronger one Weapon, this sword will stimulate your Shura\'s will when used, and it is no good!"

Chen Mo nodded; "Thank you senior! Then we...will have a period later!"

Ye Ming smiled; "The future will be indefinitely, this time it is indeed the indefinitely."

"No! Maybe there will be some time later."

Chen Mo said.


Chen Mo said, "Isn\'t it that you have collected the twelve laws and possessed the ability to resurrect others? I am still two short! The laws of the mind are included."

"Legend, this legend is unfounded, but it will not come from nowhere. The legend is so that it should be true, but there may be some slight deviations."

"for example?"

"For example... only one person can be resurrected? For example...what price will it cost to be resurrected? Another example...it needs to be done on a certain day, a certain moment, and this moment may be once every thousands of years? Because you want I know……"

Ye Ming looked up at Chen Mo: "You have to know that this person cannot be resurrected from the dead. This is also a sentence we know. It is an exaggeration to resurrect the dead!"

"But I did it. I brought people out of the underworld, and then reshaped the flesh to bring them back to life!"

Chen Mo said.

"That is another concept. For warriors, especially powerful warriors, the soul has surpassed the physical body, and the soul is immortal, that is, in a sense, there is no death, even if the physical body is not dead! But... …The kind of people I told you are people who have completely died. Their bodies are gone and their souls have disappeared. Under such circumstances, how can they be resurrected? Can the Twelve Laws be resurrected? Such a person, or it is said that the collection of the twelve rules can resurrect people. Doesn’t it mean that you can only resurrect people whose soul is still alive?

Chen Mo frowned!

"It\'s not that I hit you, I just want you to prepare mentally in advance. If this is true one day, I hope you will be prepared in advance! Of course, I\'m talking about the worst-case scenario! This person must do things. Think of the worst possible! Work towards the best! You must have a guarantee in your heart, and beware of your own heart collapse when that happens!"

Chen Mo nodded; "Senior, I understand!"

"Well! Go ahead, come on, besides, take good care of the night, he should find a partner."

Chen Mo smiled and said: "Then I will tell seniors a good news, Ye has found a partner, they are very affectionate."


Ye Ming frowned!

"Hahaha! Good! Good!"

Ye Ming laughed out loud.

"For this, I did not work hard~www.novelhall.com~ Hahaha, yes kid! Well, just like that, I can be regarded as getting the best news, knowing that the best partner is like this, then No regrets! No need to let him see me."

Chen Mo nodded, understanding Shura\'s thoughts.

"Then... I\'m leaving now!"

Chen Mo gave a fist.

"it is good!"

Chen Mo then went out!

"Let\'s go."

Chen Mo looked at Ye and said.

Night looked at Chen Mo.

"Senior is gone."


(End of this chapter)