I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1265: Next plan

Chapter 1256

Linglong felt that Chen Mo had a big deal with her, so she didn\'t make trouble, and went aside with Chen Mo very obediently.

"Big brother, what\'s the matter duck."

Chen Mo looked at Linglong and said, "Linglong, do you remember some of the things we talked about before? It\'s about your sister and the endless gourd."

"Remember, it was Linglong that my elder brother asked, what\'s wrong?"

Chen Mo said: "Now the endless gourd is in my hand."

Linglong opened her mouth.

"Did the elder brother see my sister? Could it be that my sister has returned, but did not see Linglong there? It\'s over, it\'s over!"

Linglong suddenly panicked!

Chen Mo rubbed her little head and said, "It\'s not your sister, I found it in another place. I went to a place where there was the remnant soul of a certain Shura. It was there that I found it. Endless gourd."

Linglong pondered slightly when she heard Chen Mo\'s words.

"Could it be that my sister had been to that place?"

"This is what I want to tell you, what kind of person is your sister? Is it a big sister or..."

"Hmm, elder sister is very tall, Linglong only went to elder sister Nana."

Chen Mo; "..."

"Cough cough cough--"

This analogy is quite appropriate.

"Nana? Isn\'t she about a meter or so?"

"Um...no, but there must be one meter and seven meters! Linglong also wants to grow taller."

Linglong pouted her lips.

Chen Mo pondered slightly.

"But... what I saw in that picture was a girl who looked exactly like Xiaoyuan suddenly appeared and solved that Shura, so I suspected..."


Linglong blinked her eyes!

"Xiao Yuan?"

She glanced at Xiao Yuan and said, "Big brother, Xiao Yuan is indeed a little unusual. She has very, very powerful power in her body. If it was once Xiao Yuan, it would be possible!"

"No, it shouldn\'t be Xiaoyuan, because I have seen a girl who is the same as Xiaoyuan."


Linglong shook her head; "I don\'t know, it\'s not my sister anyway."

"So I was curious, isn\'t this endless gourd in your sister\'s hands? How could it appear there? It\'s really strange."

Linglong also shook her head: "I don\'t know, will it... more than one endless gourd?"

Chen Mo frowned!

"At present it seems that this may be possible! More than one..."

"Big brother...your power has become stronger again, have you got Shura\'s power again, big brother?" Linglong asked after feeling it.

Chen Mo nodded.

"It\'s not a good thing. This also means that the older brother was able to suppress Shura\'s power before, but now... he can\'t suppress it anymore."

Chen Mo rubbed his temples: "So this is where I have a headache, Linglong, do you know any way to solve this?"

Linglong shook her head; "I don’t know, Linglong has never had any dealings with Shura, and I don’t understand it at all, but Linglong feels that everything can be controlled by her destiny.

Big brother, in your own hands, big brother thought, Shura\'s power can corrode your consciousness and occupy your consciousness, so as long as the will of Big Brother is stronger than Shura, then there is no need to worry. "

"I said so, but how can it be achieved so well? I have experienced it once, and I deeply understand how strong this force is when it starts to occupy my consciousness!"

Chen Mo shook his head and said.


"All right."

Chen Mo rubbed her little head and said, "You go and play, by the way, do you know where the night is?"

"Hmm... I think I just saw it over there."

Chen Mo nodded; "Then I will go by first."

Chen Mo then went to find Ye.

Ye that B is now showing affection with Bai Xiaoxue almost every day.

Well, it\'s not a show of affection, it\'s just that the two of them often appear on various occasions. Anyway, it is really helpless to let those Fengshenzong see it!

What happened to this world? People who are more straight than Chen Mo are already like this, but that Chen Mo is stepping back? Sure enough, there is no straightest man, only straighter men!

Ye Ye also experienced the feeling of love that people said. To be honest, he liked it! It\'s just two people walking around and chatting with each other in such a simple way. Now he feels particularly fulfilled and satisfied.


Chen Mo beckoned from behind, and Ye turned to take a look, and then said to Bai Xiaoxue: "You go ahead."

After speaking, he walked to Chen Mo.


Suddenly Ye frowned.

"You... have Shura\'s power?"

Chen Mo nodded: "It\'s a long story."

Then Chen Mo told Ye about the matter over there.

"This is theoretically achievable. Shura is Shura. No matter how many people have obtained Shura\'s power, they all have the same power. So in theory, although my master is half of your teacher, there are others. The power of Shura is also universal. After all, the inheritance you get is Shura, not the individual master."

Chen Mo nodded; "I know this, but... I want to ask you, do you have any idea about this thing?"

Ye shook his head; "I can\'t do anything about it. The master burst into power soon after becoming Shura~www.novelhall.com~ During that time, indeed, I followed him and we talked a lot, but the master was always looking for it. The way to let him not be blinded by Shura until he became Shura, and then to fall. During this period, I lost contact with the master, or the master would not let me follow him. As for this period of time Whether the master got anything, I really don\'t know."

Chen Mo said, "If he got it, he would have told me before, right?"

"Not necessarily. The spirits are left separately. The place and time left are different. Therefore, a piece of spirit may only carry a piece of memory, but it may not have all the memories. For this memory of the owner This is what he left after he became Shura. It should not bear some of the memories of seeing you before. It may be, but it is not so accurate."

Chen Mo pondered slightly; "Then you said, will this memory carry the secret he wants to tell me, but the previous few souls did not carry this memory of the soul?"

"It\'s possible! Since you have unintentionally gained this last power, then you are not afraid to see the master. Maybe you can go and see and see what suggestions the master can have, maybe there will be. "

(End of this chapter)