I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1256: Foggy grass? This is too exaggerated

Chapter 1247 This is too exaggerated

Chen Mo walked to the side of this huge moat and looked forward!

This sky moat is probably thousands of meters wide, and the place where Shura hangs is on the other side!

Chen Mo looked at the darkness ahead, and to be honest, he was very confused!

In the past, he didn\'t persuade him. In the past, he felt that the big deal was a fate. He would rather use his life to avenge him, regardless of the consequences!

But as time slowly passed, he became more and more concerned!

He used to be alone, and the whole family was not hungry. Now, in reality, Kexin, Zi Qingcheng... so many in the game...

Also, now he has been working hard to revive Ye Yuhan!

Only the last two rules are left. If something happens to him, Chen Mo will not only fail others, but also Xia Yuhan, even his own efforts for so long!

Therefore, because a person has more ties, he will become shackled, which is indeed the case.

Chen Mo stood there for a long time without moving!

"Grass! No equipment at all!"

Tian Haikuo and Qin Tianyun are looking for it!

This map is a great opportunity for them! Even if they can\'t find the top equipment, but in the picture just now, there are so many treasures, even if they find half, sell the money, and add the money together, they can still do without killing Chen Mo with that strong capital Make a comeback again! They need a lot of capital!

But one could not be found!

grass! What\'s wrong with this TM!

"It\'s strange, why can\'t I find it?"

Qin Tianyun frowned!

"Yeah, logically speaking, it should be possible to find it. This is the sky. There are a lot of them here. It\'s really strange. You can\'t be taken away."

Tian Hai frowned and frowned, turned his head and looked back! Suddenly he realized something.


Tian Haikuo can\'t help but explode a foul language!

"what happened?"

"The equipment is there!"

He pointed his finger at the battlefield over there.

Qin Tianyun looked over!


The two of them really rarely swear, they may be the kind of smiling tigers, or hypocrites, but at least they are high-end people in a sense, but now they really can\'t hold back!

The two of them seem to be nasty critics! Obviously the treasure was held by the undead, why didn\'t they realize it?

Not to mention them, Chen Mo just realized it! This kind of thing is too easy for people to not realize.

"Then what to do? It is estimated that all these undead will be killed, but now, I don\'t have the capital and ability!"

Qin Tianyun said.

"It really doesn\'t work, you can only hang up, and then wait for a chance to come again! A few million players are not enough, then tens of millions of players will be enough by then?"

The sky is wide.

"That can only be so."

Then their eyes saw Chen Mo who was not far away because of a thunder light.

"It\'s that person!"

Qin Tianyun said!

They looked over!

"Is this Chen Mo?"

"I don\'t know, I\'m not sure yet, do you want to go and make sure?"

"Don\'t go, I feel that if it passes, we can\'t be sure whether he is in the end, if he suspects our identity, it will have a great impact on our follow-up actions!"

The sky is wide.

"I always feel that he is! But we only have one prop. We must be 100% sure that he is Chen Mo before we can do it, and we have to use it in advance. Therefore, we still need time. If we are here, we have lost the opportunity to do it. Now, even if he is us, we can’t do it anymore! We must determine when he will go to a certain position!"

"Forget it! I think he is too, after all, the scene we just watched here before saw Shura, and Chen Mo\'s hidden profession is Shura, he is very likely to come here specially!"

"It\'s impossible to set up in front of him, and then invite him in in front of him, right?"

"From now on, don’t worry, and look for opportunities later! If he is Chen Mo, let’s hide first. He might have a way to deal with these bosses. In such a dark environment, if we hide, if he fights, he will always be there. Ming, we are dark."

"Yes! Go!"

Then they left quietly!

Chen Mo sighed, then turned to look at the battlefield!

The players have been emptied of the small two million. These players are too vulnerable in the hands of BOSS of this level! Even if they turned three times, they were basically beaten by a single second, and they would be able to withstand the blow of the Shenhuang BOSS!

"Wait a little longer."

However, Chen Mo suddenly found out, where is Qingcheng? Why is she missing?

Is it hung up?

impossible! How could Qingcheng hang up?

"It is estimated that it is already going through three turns."

Chen Mo pondered slightly.

Time passes slowly!

"Fuck! Can\'t stand it! These BOSSS are too fierce! It\'s over! It\'s over!"

"There may be a million players! President, what are we doing?"

Zhan Huangquan sighed: "What can I do? I can only hang up! Hurry up, everyone trades his most valuable equipment to some specific people, otherwise, hundreds of thousands of our members hang up. This level of drop is a trivial matter, if this is generally good equipment, then it will explode!\'


At this moment, a figure rushed into the battlefield holding a sword in his hand!


Then Chen Mo casually took a sword...


A huge damage came out directly on the top of the boss\'s head, and then... the blood bar was emptied!


Seeing this scene, everyone showed dumbfounded expressions!

Although it was more exaggerated before, but... it was really a bit scary when presented to them again!

"Good luck!"

Directly trigger it and die!


Then Chen Mo rushed to another person again!



Everyone is stupid!

"This Nima? What is this? This is death, but...how can you die?"

"It\'s not that you die~www.novelhall.com~, but the probability of death is estimated to be about 10% or even higher! Is this the effect of a specific boosting skill? But I don’t seem to see it. He has a booster buff, it can\'t always be a passive effect, right?"

"Fogcao? Who is this? Is he the Great God Chenmo?"

"Yes, yes! It must be the Great God of Chenmo! Foggy! This is too exaggerated? How can the gap between the player and the player be so big?"

"Be reasonable, give me the skill Chenmo Great God, I can also be so hungry!"

"Come on, Great God Chenmo!"

For a while, all those players saw hope!

"Fuck! This is definitely Chen Mo! This is too exaggerated! Second BOSS? And it\'s not just a single second!"

Qin Tianyun showed a shocked expression! It\'s scary!

(End of this chapter)