I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1255: Chen Mo's fear

Chapter 1246 Chen Mo\'s Dread

Chen Mo hasn\'t shot yet!

In fact, he was really panicked!

This Shura should not be Ye Ming, that is to say, he is not the third Shura! Because Ye Ming told Chen Mo before that he never said that he died in the hands of a little girl. He said that his fall was suicide!

Therefore, this Shura is one of the two before, and the time is even longer!

However, because of Chen Mo\'s jealousy of Shura, he wondered if he would lose his mind because of Shura\'s power?

Therefore, Chen Mo dare not move! At least that Shura did not appear, and Chen Mo was temporarily afraid to move.

And others...

That is completely tortured!

Can\'t beat it! They can\'t beat it at all! No matter what formation they use, no matter what props or equipment they use, no matter what their profession is, no matter how many people they have...

For these tens of thousands of people, their lowest strength is Shenhuang, and the highest even has TM\'s heaven forbidden. Don\'t talk about heaven forbidden, if the holy is destroyed, even if you give them 10,000 Shenhuang-level existences, these three or four hundred Ten thousand people, it\'s useless even if they all turn three times!

It\'s okay for a single, or a few hundred, they can definitely play it, but tens of thousands of people, even monsters, and not just Shenhuang, their mentality is exploded!

Can\'t beat it, this number is too much!

They want to run, but they have nowhere to run! There is no turning back at all!

"Fuck! How do you fight this?"

The wind is stupid!

Qin Tianyun and Tian Haikuo were hiding in the chaos of the war and began to look for their treasures!

Don\'t you blame it, no one really wants them to fight, after all, there are too many people in other places, millions of people, and then two people appearing in an inexplicable place will not attract attention.

"Hey, any of you have powerful props? Don\'t hide them if you have them. There are countless treasures here. Only by using them can you have a chance to defeat them!"

The gusty wind gave a loud shout.

"Grass! I have it, but there is a P for it, there are so many here, even if it solves one, what use is it, the **** of the wind, don\'t you have it?"

There are gusts, but he is reluctant to use it, and even if he uses it, he can\'t get rid of so many top-level existences here!

"Grass! This is too exaggerated!"

The gust of wind gritted his teeth!

It is estimated that he will hang up with these players too!


Suddenly he thought of something, and then looked at Chen Mo in the dark.

"Great God Chenmo, do me a favor!"

Sudden wind shouted at Chen Mo!

Regardless of whether he is the Great God Chenmo or not, it is now in the eyes of Su Feng! Moreover, maybe only he has the ability to turn the tide of the battle! Although this chance is almost invisible, but this is really the only chance.

Chen Mo frowned!

Hands on?

The number of these undead and monster beasts is certainly large, but to Chen Mo, this is really nothing! Therefore, he will not do it!

But, what about Shura?

Why didn\'t that Shura show up?

These people are all dead, and Chen Mo is still sure to get rid of all these things, but he will be left alone at that time, and maybe there will be a Allure. The goal is too small, too few, and Chen Mo is really scared. Because there are too few targets, Shura will be particularly noticed by Shura who has not yet appeared, and then... something goes wrong!

Therefore, if you do it yourself, these people will at least leave a lot of them, and then share their attention!

How about you?

The answer is, do it!

It\'s just that Chen Mo has to let the players here die a little more before doing it, otherwise in case they encounter top treasures at that time, they still have millions of players, it is simply too laborious for Chen Mo to solve these players!

Chen Mo\'s figure disappeared in place!

Sudden wind showed a surprised expression!

Great! He is going to do it!

Then... he couldn\'t find Chen Mo\'s target anymore, he didn\'t do it!


The wind screamed, what is this?

And what did Chen Mo do?

Go looking for baby.

Qingcheng is looking for his goal in the crowd, that is, his goal of Rank 3!

Then her eyes fell on the figure of a ghostly woman in the crowd!

It\'s her!


Qingcheng appeared in front of her and shot directly!


The power of two people collided together!

When seeing Qingcheng, the woman\'s eyes changed obviously, and then she returned to ruthlessness, but she focused all her goals on Qingcheng alone!

The two figures kept flashing and attacking, Qingcheng didn\'t know what to do, should he kill her or? ? Qingcheng didn\'t know, so he could only play and watch!

About five minutes later...


The figure of Qingcheng and that woman disappeared in place, as if they were brought to a special space by that woman. It could also be a skill!

"That is the Great God of Allure, right?"

Although they knew they were going to die, after all there were so many people, some people could still be lazy!

Someone noticed Qingcheng\'s fighting style!

"It seems to be the Great God Qingcheng, that is to say, the person just now is really the Great God Chenmo? After all, the Great God Qingcheng can only appear with the man like the Great God Chenmo!"

"Is it because the Great God Qingcheng triggered the mission and the Great God Chenmo came to help? Or the Great God Chenmo asked the Great God Qingcheng for help? After all, everyone just saw the picture of Shura! By the way! Shura? Why didn\'t Shura appear? Is it true that the disappearance of the Great God Chen Mo actually went to see Shura?"


No, Chen Mo is looking for baby!



Where is the baby?

Qin Tianyun and Hai Tiankuo have the same idea as Chen Mo!

Me Nima? Baby? Why can\'t I find it? They have been searching for a long time, and they haven\'t seen any signs of baby!

Chen Mo raised his waist and stood there!

Damn it!

He forgot one thing!

Yes, all the equipment of those people fell to the ground in the picture. After so many years, it may be covered by the wind and sand. This is his idea, and everyone’s idea. They can find it slowly, and they can always find it. , And once you find one, it\'s all around you!

But ~www.novelhall.com~ they have forgotten one point, or they have not paid attention to one point, that is...

Isn\'t these equipment now in the hands of these undead? They came back to life, and then picked up their own equipment to fight!

I rub!

Chen Mo realized this too!

This TM is embarrassing.

"What about Shura?"

Chen Mo frowned and looked for Shura\'s figure.

The changes here are too great to lock Shura! And Chen Mo was jealous!

But... there is a way to lock it!

Where Shura died, there was a huge sky moat that he had cut with a single sword. This sky moat is now in front of Chen Mo, and he can lock the scope!

(End of this chapter)