I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1257: Shock everyone

Chapter 1248

Yes, it is absolutely certain that this is Chen Mo! Except for him, no one can be so against the sky!


Is this an exaggeration? ?

it is good! You are great, you can have some way to kill the top BOSS in seconds and trigger the instant death effect! This makes sense!

Your effect has a short cooling time, one second a few hours ago, now another second a few hours later!

OK, you are the first person, this can also explain!


You can’t kill it again, right?

Right now……

After Chen Mo killed one BOSS in seconds, and then attacked another, the damage was normal at first, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, and then...Suddenly several billion damage figures popped out!

Who can stand this Nima?

Then the next one, rushed over, and jumped out directly with billions of damage!

It\'s the next one, three attacks, the fourth layer, tens of billions of damage, clearing the health bar.

This? ? ?

Everyone was dumbfounded!

They know that this is an instant death effect, and even some of them have this effect! But how can this be? This is the strongest special effect BUFF of the entire Tianlin, can not be used like this! Why is it the same as the passive effect of the attack? Isn\'t this too exaggerated?

"Brothers, does this Great Chen Mo\'s attack have a passive effect and die?"

"I look like it, and his current state does not show the BUFF gain, then it proves that this is not the effect of the skill increase, that is, the attack is dead! Fuck! This TM is too exaggerated?"

"This has become a BOSS nemesis. Although some BOSS can be immune to death, any BOSS that can be immune to death is the most advanced existence. For many days, the forbidden-level BOSS is not immune, then Great God Chenmo has such power, I rub! It\'s really invincible!"

"I don\'t understand. How can the gap between this person and the person be so big?"


"Fuck! This is too exaggerated? With this effect, facing the top masters of the sect on the mainland, they can also be scared to death?"

Qin Tianyun exploded directly!

"Why? Why do we work so hard, but the gap between us is getting bigger and bigger!"

Tianhaikuo clenched his fists!

"But it doesn\'t matter. The stronger he is, the more dangerous he will experience afterwards. The stronger he will be, the more people on the mainland will be afraid of him and want to get rid of him! Ann!"

Qin Tianyun then said.

"Then shall we take advantage of his current opportunity to fight, and then set up to lead him over? This is also a rare good opportunity."

"It\'s too risky, he is indeed fighting, but when we are in the formation, what if he casually catches a glimpse of it? Besides, how can we bring him over? Just one chance. If we don\'t succeed, we will blow up! We must find An absolute chance to succeed!"

Tian Haikuo nodded; "Yeah!"

"But fortunately, this Chen Mo is here. If these bosses are resolved, then we not only don\'t have to die, but we still have a chance to get the treasure!"

They are fortunate not to reveal their identity!

Those players watched Chen Mo fighting with tens of thousands of BOSS. Those BOSS seemed to feel the only strong power that made them jealous. They directly gave up all other goals and rushed towards Chen Mo. Those people forbeared. Can\'t help swallowing!

too exaggerated! too strong!

This is the first person in Tianlin! This is the idol they worship!

Someone took it directly and uploaded it to the Internet.

The Great God of Chenmo fought against the gods, super holy, holy extinction, and heavenly forbidden boss, this is his show of slaughter!

Then, players all over the world have a deeper understanding of Chen Mo!

Anyone with a B-number knows that this is the first person in the sky, and he deserves it! Absolutely no one can reach his level, he has reached a height that cannot be surpassed by other players! He has surpassed the category of players!

The invincible top BOSS in their eyes, in the hands of Chen Mo, was killed in seconds like a kid!

It is definitely a dead effect of passive effect! It\'s been ten minutes, and he is still killing! Not a skill?

"Fuck! The rank list, the Great God Chenmo has directly broken through the ninetieth level! So it definitely shows that this is indeed the Great God Chenmo!"

Everyone was secretly speechless!

No idea!

These BOSS are originally high-level and high-level. This is an exaggerated experience value, let alone so many!

"Fuck? What? Level ninety?"

"Brothers, this is not the key. The key is that under normal circumstances, so many bosses have been swiped by the Great God Chenmo alone! Then... he is only level ninety?"

"Fuck! It seems to be true, this is not right! Is the experience of reaching one level more than eighty so exaggerated? Isn\'t it? Impossible! Or... the experience required for the level of Chen Mo Is it more? Fuck! It should be!"

"Foggrass! In this case, the Great God Chenmo can maintain the forefront of his level, too exaggerated? That\'s how it was from the beginning! And Great God Chenmo\'s top-level ability should be the latest one! To tell the truth, Chenmo The great **** may work harder than any of us, and there is no reason why he is so strong! Let\'s not be jealous!"



In the end, Chen Mo\'s level remained at level 91!

The exaggeration of the giant TM!

With so many BOSS, he has been promoted to level ninety-one? You know, this is still in the absence of water, Xiaorou and the others share the experience points.

A huge exaggeration!

The experience he needs to upgrade should no longer be a simple double, right?

More than that!

All the BOSS were solved by Chen Mo, and then Chen Mo put away all the equipment dropped by the BOSS!

Because the BOSS is solved by Chen Mo, so whoever kills the BOSS has the right to pick up equipment!

The crowd watched enviously as Chen Mo picked up one artifact after another, super artifact, holy extinction artifact and even heaven forbidden artifact.

This is just tens of millions, how many hundreds of millions!

"Damn it!"

Qin Tianyun gritted his teeth!

"Nothing ~www.novelhall.com~ Normally we can\'t get it, and it will hang up! Moreover, the top treasure we are looking for shouldn\'t appear yet! So in other words, there is another strongest treasure. ! Others may not know! Even Chen Mo probably did not know.

Then even if they can\'t get it now, they should have a chance to find it when they come back! After all, there is nothing here, surely no other players will come, right?

"That... Great God Chenmo."

Zhan Huangquan walked to Chen Mo\'s side.


Chen Mo glanced at him.

"Although I am a little embarrassed, but... Look at the Great God Chenmo, so many equipment, or just divide it randomly. I brought hundreds of thousands of players over here, and I can\'t get anything, and I can\'t deal with the brothers. ."

(End of this chapter)