I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 122: Can't beat one?

"Little Bear will protect the little bell!"

  If it was before, Shui Shui would not be afraid at all, because she was very powerful, but now, she is not sure how powerful she is or how powerful the other party is! But she will work hard!

  Shui Shui\'s body burst into a dazzling light!

  3000, 2987, 2991

  Huge damage numbers appeared on everyone. A dozen of them had low blood volume and were killed in seconds, and disappeared into the room as white light!

   "Ding...you are blinded for three seconds!"


  Zhang Tianlei, they were stunned!

  Why is this little girl so good? This is not in line with common sense! Three thousand injuries? Killed a dozen of them directly?

  This is something they never expected to die!

  Then they became blind. They were blind and could not see anything. They could only wield weapons on the spot, or release skills, and the water had already pulled Xiaoyuan to a safe range.

  "Bad guys! Those who bully Shui Shui and Little Bell are bad guys!"

  Shuishui\'s petite body burst out with a force, and then rushed towards them.

   "Wow! Come on, bear! Defeat the bad guys!"

  Xiaoyuan is like a fan of Shui Shui. She was worried at first, but when she saw that Shui Shui was so powerful, she didn’t worry anymore!

  Xiao Yuan is very powerful, but only if she wants to break out! Under her eruption, raising her hand to slaughter the city, tens of thousands of lives were destroyed, but if she did not erupt, she was a little girl who had no power to restrain her.

  A force is blessed on Shui Shui, and her speed has reached the level of crushing the current player.

  Run away Shui Shui!

Run away. Both the water and beast forms can be released. When turned on, you will gain the runaway power and increase the speed by 300. It can quickly hit the target with an attack frequency of three times per second, ignoring the defense, and 100 hits. Each attack will cause the current Attack damage, this state lasts for seven seconds. Consumes 1000 mana and has a cooling time of ten minutes.

  1600, 1600, 1600

  Basically, after everyone is irradiated by the holy light, they are on the verge of bottoming out without their health bars, and then Shui Shui is crushing these players under the skill of Shui Shui!

  You must know that the water and water attributes themselves crush these players, even their level crushes them, and their strength crushes! How about they are crowded? Under the shining light, all are residual blood! Then one by one, all turned into white light and disappeared in place!

  The sky thunder did not even light up before his eyes, and then a system prompt "You are dead" came in his mind!

  The power of Shui Shui crushed them, and her own water has been alive for so long, her combat power is very powerful, not even weaker than Chen Mo!

  "Come on, bear!"

  In a short period of time, the two dozen people who rushed in were killed by the water!

   Above the resurrection point, more than twenty players appeared! They all collapsed!


   Zhang Tianlei shouted angrily!

  He really broke down!


  Why does it matter if he can\'t beat Chenmo, he even broke into the room with a dozen or so people, even two little girls?

not one! One was there applauding and cheering. To be precise, they were fighting with a little girl. In an instant, the number of people was halved. In a short time, everyone died!

  The reason why he prepared so many people is to deal with Chen Mo! In case Chenmo is there, their more than 20 players who are equipped with bronze or even silver tools can still be afraid of him? In the village before, three hundred people did not kill him because they did not beat him! But Zhang Tianlei feels that there must be a limit to a strong player, especially in the early stage, no matter how strong he is, how can he fight with them?

  The so-called summoning thousands and tens of thousands of temple players to kill Chenmo does not mean that they think that Chenmo can now use one enemy to one thousand, ten thousand to ten, that is impossible! how can that be? It\'s impossible to open or hang! Not to mention players with only a dozen levels! The reason why so many people are needed is to prevent him from escaping! Another point, he wanted to humiliate Chenmo, but these people wanted to trample him to death! Don\'t think it\'s enough to kill him so simply!

  It is also very important to bring out the momentum of their temples! Are you disrespectful to the temples? it is good! Then no matter where you go in the future, thousands of players from the temples will surround you and trample to death one by one!

  In fact, he thinks it’s okay. As long as he surrounds Chenmo, he can’t run. He has to be trampled to death and humiliated to death! The only difference is that Chen Mo got the bait!

   But what?

   However, they wanted to kill the two little girls next to Chen Mo first. What was the end result?

  Nima’s! Can\'t beat one!

  Twenty of them were caught by a little girl in seconds! That damage value directly reached three thousand! What the **** is this?

  No matter what, Zhang Tianlei is also one of the strong people in the past! How did it fall to this end?

   "Tang... Hall Master... What shall we do now?"

  A player of the Temple of Gods said tremblingly!

How to do? How does he know? He only knew that those with a blood volume of less than three thousand were basically killed in a flash, and it was a large range of flashes. Who could stand it!

   "Get ready for Lao Tzu! Even if this little girl is terrible, the damage is only so, how high can the range be? Give me the order, gather tomorrow, and they will definitely kill Chenmo! They will all die!"



  I don’t dare to go again now, because I can’t swagger anymore and go to more people? For one thing, the inn couldn\'t get in, and secondly, if you swagger, I\'m afraid it will attract the guards in the city!

  At this time, an old man walked behind Zhang Tianlei.

   "Young Hero!"

  Zhang Tianlei turned his head.


  "Do you know Chenmo who killed my son of the king?"

  Zhang Tianlei raised his brows!

  Why did he forget this? Chen Mo killed the son of the Wang family!

   "Know! He and I are incomparable enemies!"

  "Do you know where this person is!"

   "Ding...you triggered a hidden mission..."

  Zhang Tianlei clenched his fists!

   "I know ~www.novelhall.com~ but he is not there, but I know where the two girls next to him are!"

  "Thank you, young man to take me over, this golden tool and these gold coins are your reward!"

  Golden tool!

  Zhang Tianlei\'s eyes lit up!

  All the gold tools he bought were for Qin Heyu, but it is his own?


  This is the Wang family! Even if he is not sure, but they can always take those two little girls away, right? They are nc, but they are also aimed at Chenmo! He didn\'t dare to do it anymore. He didn\'t expect that little girl to be so powerful, but can this Wang family master do it?

  Tomorrow, Chen Mo will not only die at the hands of these ncs, but also surrender at the feet of Zhang Tianlei!

   "Yes, I will take you there now!"

   Then they walked to the inn.

   "Chenmo, aren\'t you hanging? Do you think you are invincible? Wait for you to go online, but there is a big surprise for you! The old man of the royal family should always be able to kill the two girls!"