I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 123: Thousands of people gather in Zhan Chenmo

Chen Mo just finished eating supper, yes, this point can only be called supper. After eating supper, he will sit on the bed and continue to practice. Even if this practice is not diligent at all, he still wants to give it a try! Even if it still has no effect!

  An hour later, Chen Mo opened his eyes. Although it was still dark before he opened his eyes, he couldn\'t forget about opening his eyes and closing his eyes, right?

  Chen Mo sighed slightly!

Still so, there is a kind of qi in the body, which is called aura, which is derived from cultivating talents. However, the strength of this aura is not known for how long ago it has never been diligent again, and has become stronger. !

   One night passed like this...

  In the early morning of the next day, as before, I went for a walk and met Lin Kexin.

   can be colorful in the game, but in reality, Chen Mo’s life can only be like this. Now thinking about it, how has he spent the past few years in this endless, dark life alone?

  No, not alone, there has been Lin Kexin in the past few years, and she has come almost every day! Chen Mo is really fortunate to have her, and fortunate that she can tell him the news of Tianlin. Even if Tianlin can’t change Chen Mo, at least it can let Chen Mo see the light and hope for revenge. At the same time, it can also See her.

Chen Mo is like a small boat aimlessly in the dark night sea, and Lin Kexin is the beacon that illuminates him. In the past few years, she has been quietly illuminating Chen Mo. For Lin Kexin, Chen Mo is Her savior is also her sustenance. For Chen Mo, she is really a touch of Chen Mo.

  "Brother Chen Mo, Kexin is at level 9. Tomorrow...well...tomorrow doesn’t seem to work. It is estimated that you will be able to leave the village the day after tomorrow. When Kexin leaves the village, go to Chen Mo!"

  Lin Kexin helped Chen Mo and said happily.

   "Well... I will find you then."

  "Don\'t don\'t, Kexin comes to Brother Chen Mo, because Kexin knows what Brother Chen Mo looks like!" Lin Kexin shook his head and said.

   "I think, even if I don\'t know what you look like, I should be able to recognize you."

  Chen Mo said slightly.

  This sentence is actually Chen Mo\'s unintentional words, but it fell in Lin Kexin\'s ears, more like a special kind of love, and made her face blush.

  Lin Kexin helped Chen Mo to the house, and then waved her hand happily, regardless of whether Chen Mo could see it.

   "Then... Kexin will leave first, Brother Chen Mo wants to come on!"

   "Well, pay attention to safety on the road."

  Lin Kexin was stunned in place...

  This... Chen Mo seems to have said this to her for the first time!


  Lin Kexin was as happy as eating honey, and then ran back.

  Chen Mo stood at the door and watched Lin Kexin leave. Of course, he couldn\'t see it, maybe he just felt it.

   "Ding...Welcome to Tianlin."

  Chen Mo appeared in the inn’s room, but when Chen Mo opened his eyes, his brow suddenly frowned and his fists clenched! Because Shui Shui and Xiao Yuan are gone! The window was open, it was slightly blown by the wind, the door was rotten, obviously what happened here!

  A wave of anger and killing intent came out of Chen Mo! Chen Mo may probably be able to guess something!

   "Oh, it\'s online now."

  A voice came, and then Zhang Tianlei walked in with a giant axe in his hand!

   "You did it? No!"

  Chen Mo looked at him and shook his head.

   "You can\'t beat a hundred! It\'s not you!"

  Hearing Chen Mo\'s disdain, Zhang Tianlei\'s anger was directly aroused!

   "Grass and mud horses! I tell you, they are all dead. They died miserably. They were killed by thirty men, hahaha!"

  Zhang Tianlei laughed wildly, he felt like a huge relief.

  However, Chen Mo was unusually calm.


"Humph!" Zhang Tianlei looked at Chen Mo, and of course he saw that Chen Mo did not believe him, and then he said angrily, "Yes, they are not dead, they are all in the chaotic hills, you will pass if there is a kind of! I tell you, then The royal family you killed is right there, dare you?"


   "Ding...you triggered double damage."

  Chen Mo slowly walked past him and put away the sword of disaster.

  One sword, second kill, no bells and whistles!


  The scream before his death was particularly heart-rending.


  Chen Mo walked out of the inn and took the sweaty BMW left in the inn’s horse ring and walked outside the city.

  The reason why he is not so flustered now is because there is a master-servant connection between him and Shui Shui. As long as the distance is not too far, he can even communicate with Shui Shui! Now they are in a heart-to-heart communication, and Chen Mo is rushing past where she is!

  This may be an advantage that players can only have!

   Indeed, at that moment, Chen Mo was very angry, wishing that all the lives he could see were cut off, but then he felt the call of water, and Chen Mo controlled it!

  He is still angry now, but he can control it. He was really uncontrollable before!

  Chen Mo, with a gloomy face, came to the outside of the city, got on his horse, and galloped away in one direction!

  At this moment, Zhang Tianlei, the gods at the resurrection point, has a gloomy face, but his face is not very good! Even subconsciously swallowed, he touched his neck!

  At the moment he was killed by Chen Mo, the real split feeling from his neck, the feeling of cutting the flesh, the sound of the sword cutting the flesh, the pain shocked him! But fortunately, Yijian’s sealing of the throat was instant, and he died afterwards. In fact, the pain of 200 was instantaneous, and the real scary thing was not the instant second! But tortured to death! But Chen Mo didn\'t have time, and he didn\'t bother to think about it.

  But Zhang Tianlei really has a panic from the heart! It\'s as if you really died just now! What happened to the sudden pain at that moment? He couldn\'t explain it, he just thought it was his nerve problem? He didn\'t know.

  He is not afraid to hang up! Because he knew that he was about to clear his level and return to Novice Village, but what made him angry was that he was like an ant in front of Chen Mo. When Chen Mo even just killed him, he did a trick and even bothered to watch him. At a glance, raise his hand, he won\'t get a sword!

  Is he really so spicy?

   "Chen Mo, you kill me a few times, and I want you to repay it a hundred times!"

   Then Zhang Tianlei said to a group of people around, "You must gather five thousand people to guard the resurrection point here, and Chen Mo will kill him when he comes over. Are the rest assembled?"

  A player said, "Linfeng City has assembled 11 thousand members waiting outside the city!"

   "Go! Go to Ranshigang! I want Chen Mo to die!"

For this time, he specially prepared the City Return Scroll, which is a one hundred thousand gold coin, just to witness Chen Mo hang up in the chaotic post where Wang\'s ambush, and then come back and put Chen Mo at the resurrection point unlimited times Kill, kill him back to level zero, and roll back to Novice Village!

  Qin Heyu himself was thinking of leaving the village to humiliate Chen Mo, but this is also a way, Chen Mo is level zero, he is already level eight or nine in Novice Village, and he can still humiliate him!

  While Zhang Tianlei had already dealt with the Wang family, the Wang family was responsible for seduce Chen Mo over, and in the end Chen Mo died, let him come in person! He didn\'t want to let Chen Mo hang up any time! Let him come! Regardless of whether they keep their promises, Chen Mo will definitely die!

  Ten thousand people gathered, just for that mere one person! Making a big deal~www.novelhall.com~ Even the Wang family is enough to torture Chen Mo thousands of times, but he just wants Chen Mo to be trampled to death by himself!

   "Damn! What\'s the situation? The Twilight of the Gods seems to have assembled an army!"

   "It\'s Chenmo! He assembled the army of the temples to kill Chenmo!"

  "Too big a fuss, right? Tens of thousands go to kill a player? Even if Chenmo is powerful, it\'s not like this, right?"

  "What do you think? What they want is not simply to kill Chenmo, but also the temple of the gods and the dusk of the gods, and the face of Qin Heyu!"

  "This is the end of Chenmo! He must be killed back to level 0 and returned to Novice Village. This time he has to meet Qin Heyu again. His game is over! What a pity, what a pity!"

   "Walk around, let\'s go and see! This is just a few days after entering the game, there is such a sensation, you can\'t miss it!"

  For a time, one pass from ten to ten, players from all major nearby cities have gone to Ranshigang who are interested in it, and even more than tens of thousands of players gathered in a short time! Because of this!

(You don’t love me anymore. You voted yesterday and you don’t vote today. It’s like having played once, leaving money, patted your **** and left, and you don’t patronize business anymore. A group of saddlers, babble, this one has to patronize every day. So, everyone, please continue to vote. Also, let’s talk about the group number 523436153. Everyone joins the organization. Miss sister is waiting for you.)