I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 121: You are bad guys

Zhang Tianlei’s hatred of Chen Mo has reached a level of zenith!

  Although he does not have the noble status of Qin Heyu, he was also the hall master of the Temple of Gods before, and in the entire virtual online game circle, not many people can match this status! However, he was humiliated by Chen Mo several times, and his mentality really exploded!

  Chen Mo is going to die, and everyone around Chen Mo is going to die!

  He will soon reach the three-day curse deadline. One day later, he will have to clear his level and return to Novice Village. He must do everything he can do in this day. He can\'t wait!

  Tomorrow, he is also ready to combine the temples to attack Chen Mo, and today, he wants to kill all the two little girls around Chen Mo!

  Can’t there be stumps and broken arms in Tianlin! He wanted to kill the two girls, killing them with one blow, making Chen Mo feel desperate after he went online!

  Tianjin mechanism, as long as you don’t kill people in front of the crowd, you won’t be famous, because nobody knows, you won’t be wanted! Moreover, fighting is indeed not allowed in the city, but who knows here? In the inn room, no one knows about killing people. How did those silver guards and golden guards catch them?

   "Chen Mo, this is what you forced me! This is how you provoke Zhang Tianlei to me. I want you to know that you are always an ant. I pinched you to death is as easy as pinching an ant!"

  Zhang Tianlei\'s face is grim!

  Chen Mo lived here these days, because it was close to the city gate and easy to get out of the city, he did not expect that he would be targeted by the people of the temples! But it was normal. After all, everyone knew Chen Mo. It was normal to see which inn or something he entered!

   "Is this room?"

  Zhang Tianlei asked the person next to him!

  The player nodded, "Yes, I saw Chen Mo brought them to this room at the time!"

  At this moment, in the room, two little loli are lying on the window looking down. The tables are all delicious. It can be seen that Chen Mo raised them in vain and fat.

   "Little bell, do you remember that at that time, the little bear was not very good and could not fly, so we would fly to the sky with the big white dragon."

  Shui Shui blinked her big eyes, and she could see that she missed the days before.

   "Um... Xiao Yuan can\'t remember anything."

  Xiao Yuan shook her head!

  Xiao Yuan has lost her memory, her only memory is Little Bear! It\'s the name Little Bear!

   "Hmm... your memory will definitely come back, and big brother will definitely help you!"

  Two little loli were chatting there, very cute.

   "The big white dragon... um... is it our friend?"

   Xiao Yuan blinked her eyes and asked.

   "Hmm, it\'s our good friend, but then Da Bailong didn\'t know where he went, so I miss her so much."

  Shuishui dragged her powder cheeks and looked outside, as if she was reminiscing about the days before!

  But it’s also very good now, there are small bells, and a particularly nice big brother to take them to play, which is also very happy!

  Shui Shui smiled cutely.

  They seem to be very young, they are little loli. In fact, they have experienced much more than Chen Mo, but they have not experienced many human relationships. They have played in the mainland for so many years, so they can maintain such a pure heart.

  Chen Mo refused to let them out, they listened to Chen Mo\'s words and refused to go out! They were not allowed to go out to protect them, and they also listened to Chen Mo\'s words.


  At this time, they heard a knock on the door.

   "Big Brother is back!"

  Xiao Yuan ran over happily when she heard the sound!

  The tender face showed a puzzled expression.

  "Didn’t Big Brother say he wants to come back during the day?"

   Then Shui Shui hurriedly followed.

The door was locked, and Chen Mo was directly in the room when she went online, but Xiao Yuan didn’t realize this. She was too innocent, and a little silly, she thought it was Chen Mo when she heard the knock on the door, and then she was happy. Run over and open the door.

"do not move!"

  As soon as the door opened, a group of figures rushed in directly, and then closed the door. This group added up to no more than 20 people! And looking at their equipment, it seems that they are not weak! It is estimated to be two-handed preparation, if Chen Mo is still there, they might be able to kill Chen Mo!

  Xiao Yuan backed away in fear.

  Shui Shui’s little face, which is no more mature than Xiao Yuan, revealed perseverance, because the elder brother told her that if he is not there, she will trouble her to protect Xiao Yuan!

  Even if Chen Mo did not say, she still had to protect Little Bell.

   Zhang Tianlei saw these two little loli, **** smiles appeared on the corners of his mouth.

   "It\'s so beautiful, no wonder the trash Chen Mo wants to take you all day long. Although he is young, he should have a different taste in playing!"

   "So, Chenmo is a hypocrite with inconsistent appearances."

  A player next to Zhang Tianlei said! However, these two little loli are really beautiful and really make people want to commit a crime!

  But they dare not! why? Because there is thunder punishment!

  In the game, as long as the other party disagrees, and you forcibly indecently insult the other party, then the punishment will be lowered!

  But it is still possible to kill them! No punishment will be imposed! And there is experience.

  In the past virtual online games, the death of pets will only reduce the favorability. Pets will be resurrected like players, but not here. Here, pets are monsters, that is nc, if they die, they are dead! This is why Chen Mo would be particularly angry when Shuishui was hit on the road.

   "You are bad guys!"

   Shui Shui grasped Xiao Yuan’s little hand, and her immature little face was full of anger and determination!

  She has been protecting Little Bell from a long time ago, and she has habitually protected her whenever she encounters danger.

  Other people, Xiao Yuan and Shui Shui don’t recognize, but this Zhang Tianlei has conflicts with their favorite big brother several times~www.novelhall.com~ so he is a bad guy.

   "Bad guy? Hahahaha—"

  They glanced at each other and laughed.

   "That\'s right! We are bad guys!" Zhang Tianlei\'s face was grim!

   "To tell you the truth, such a beautiful little girl is really a bit uncomfortable, but..."

  Zhang Tianlei\'s eyes condensed!

"The blame is on Chenmo! If you don\'t have him, you would not die. Although you are two data, when Chenmo sees your bodies divided into pieces in the room, he will despair, hahaha !"

  Zhang Tianlei thought that when Chenmo went online and saw that these two beautiful little girls had become corpses, and they died miserably, Zhang Tianlei couldn\'t help being excited with his expression!

  Although this is just a game, although he is not sure how important these two girls are to Chen Mo, as long as it is his, whether it is important or not, kill it! It must be relieved!

  Speaking, they sacrificed their weapons!

   "Give me up, don\'t show mercy, as cruel as I can kill Lao Tzu! Kill them with a single blow!"



   Then several figures rushed towards them at the same time.