I Am The Omnipotent Prince Charming

Chapter 700

"You still don't want to believe me?" Su Chen some helpless, he should do all, really can't, then can only forcibly snatch the person.

Ding Jianmin glanced at his wife, made eye contact with each other, and then bowed deeply to Su Chen.

"What are you doing?" Su Chen hurried forward to help it up.

Ding Jianmin straightened up, looked directly into his eyes and said, "you are my daughter's idol. If she chooses by herself, she will definitely believe you. I also believe in you, implore you to save my daughter."

"I'll do my best." Su Chen zhengse way.

"You go in!" Ding Jianmin pointed to the door of the ward, and then stopped the wife who opened her mouth to say something with a stern look.

"Thank you for your trust, and I assure you that she will be safe."

Su Chen solemnly left such a sentence, and then went to push the door into the intensive care unit.

"Husband, we should talk to the attending doctor. It's too risky. If..."

Clove's mother's face panicked and stopped.

"What? Would doctors believe such a young man? It will only increase unnecessary trouble, and we all know very well that the doctor comes out of the operating room in the morning and says to us, as optimistic as possible, what the critical 24 hours are, it is very difficult for her daughter to survive like this. "

Ding Jianmin smeared a resolute look at the intensive care unit and continued: "in this case, it's better to let him have a try. This is definitely the wish of his daughter."

After hearing these words, his wife's face changed. After all, she didn't say anything more. She just went to the door of the ward and looked inside through the window with worried eyes. She held her hands tightly in front of her chest and prayed for her daughter.

"Trust him. He always does what he says." Lin Yumeng's soft but firm voice rang out.

In the intensive care unit, Su Chen has checked the condition of clove. To be honest, it is really serious. Although the trauma has been basically repaired by surgery, clove's various organs and brain have been seriously shaken during the impact, and their vitality is very weak, and they just hang their last life with various instruments.

According to his judgment, if it goes on like this, the probability of lilac waking up in 24 hours will not exceed 20%.

After checking the injury, Su Chen did not directly start treatment, but turned to go over and opened the door. He said seriously to the three people standing outside: "the situation is not optimistic. I need to do my best. Please don't let anyone come in and disturb me before I come out."

"Don't worry, who wants to go in unless you walk on my body."

Ding Jianmin's face was solemn, and his words were sonorous and forceful.

Since he chose to believe Su Chen and handed his daughter's life and death to him, he said nothing would threaten his daughter's life.

Lin Yumeng and Ding Jianmin's wives also nodded.

Su Chen account for the end, re-enter the ward, close the door.

Coming to the hospital bed, looking at the sick and pale girl lying above, Su Chen slowly took out the needle bag, and the thick Qi in his body began to flow, preparing for the next treatment.

This treatment will be the most difficult for him.

Take out a silver needle, Su Chen slowly closed his eyes, guide a wisp of true Qi slowly into the silver needle.

No more treatment for the little girl's stomachache than before. Now he must be accurate in every step. His true Qi can't be more or less. Less will lose effect. More may destroy clove's last vitality.

When Su Chen devotes himself to fighting for clove's life with Yan Wang's thirteen needles, there is still trouble outside the ward.

A nurse came to the ward outside, ready to do routine examination for clove, and then was stopped by Ding Jianmin.

The female nurse noticed something was wrong. After a dispute, Ding Jianmin still refused to let in. The nurse stood on tiptoe and vaguely saw a young man inside. She was immediately flustered.

"What are you doing, who's inside, what he's doing, it's going to kill you. Let me in." Cried the nurse anxiously.

"He's treating my daughter, and no one can get in until he comes out." Ding Jianmin said in an unquestionable tone.

"Are you crazy? Who is he? Your daughter has finished the operation and is still in danger. She can't be disturbed. You are killing people The nurse shrieked.

"That's my daughter. I have the right to choose what to do. I believe in him." Ding Jianmin has no expression.

"You You're crazy. "

The nurse was stunned for a moment, stomped and screamed, and then immediately took out her mobile phone to call the attending doctor.

After a while, two doctors in white coats came in a hurry. One of them had white hair and was about 60 years old. The other man was younger but should be over 40 years old.

"Dr. Huo, Dr. Chu, there are people in the ward who say they are treating the girl, and they won't let them in."

Female nurse saw two people, pointing to the ward face anxious to explain the situation."What are you doing? Get out of the way. It's going to kill you."

The old man, known as Dr. Huo, walked up to Ding Jianmin and saw Su Chen in the ward. His face changed greatly and he was angry at Ding Jianmin.

"I'm sorry, Dr. Huo. No one can enter until he comes out." Ding Jianmin's attitude is still that oil and salt do not advance, but when he talks to the old doctor, he still has a little more respect in his tone.

"Who is responsible for your daughter's madness The old man yelled angrily.

"Is it him?" Doctor Chu looked at the ward, his face slightly surprised.

"Xiao Chu, do you know him?" The old man frowned and looked at Chu Gaoming.

"Well, director, I met my son outside the examination room when he took the college entrance examination. He is young, but he is a man with amazing medical skills." Chu Gaoming quickly explained.

Hearing this, the old man doubted and asked, "are you not talking nonsense? He is less than twenty years old. What good medical skill can he have? "

"Director, I dare not talk nonsense about such a matter."

Chu Gaoming, with a serious face, simply and quickly said what happened outside the examination room at that time.

"Can traditional Chinese medicine treat diseases like this? I've been practicing medicine for so many years, and I've never heard of it. " The old man was still incredulous.

When Ding Jianmin and his wife heard Chu Gaoming's story, they had more confidence in Su Chen, and their eyes were more firm. They were determined to keep people out of the way.

"Director, I..."

"No, not at all."

The old man waved to interrupt Chu Gaoming, who wanted to continue to say something. He said solemnly to Ding Jianmin: "I don't know the origin of the boy inside, but I've been practicing medicine for nearly 40 years. I've never heard of anyone who can save people in this way. You will only destroy the little hope of the girl's final survival."

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