I Am The Omnipotent Prince Charming

Chapter 701

"Dr. Huo, what is the chance of my daughter waking up if you continue to wait like this?" Ding Jianmin looked at the old man's eyes and asked.

The old man was stunned at the smell of speech, and then told the truth: "it will not exceed 20%

As soon as he said this, Ding Jianmin's wife's face suddenly became more pale, her body swayed slightly and almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, she was helped by Lin Yumeng in time.

"Less than 20 percent, I can't accept this. Instead of waiting for death, I'd like to believe that the young man can create miracles." Ding Jianmin said firmly.


"In this case, the hospital will not take the responsibility, you need to sign an agreement."

"Yes." Ding Jianmin nodded directly.

"Xiaoqiu, go and draw up an agreement." The old man said to the female nurse.

The nurse nodded quickly and walked away.

"The doctor is benevolent. What you have done is ridiculous, but I sincerely hope that he can make miracles, even though it is unrealistic." The old man looked at Ding Jianmin and said.

"Thank you."

Ding Jianmin sincerely thanks.

"Look, director."

Chu Gaoming, who has been staring at the ward, suddenly reaches out to the ward and exclaims.

The old man looked at him suspiciously, followed the direction he pointed to, and then slightly stunned.

In the intensive care unit, Su Chen's body was filled with wisps of visible white fog. Due to the distance and the influence of white fog, Su Chen's movements could not be seen clearly.

However, to make these white fog out of thin air, if not magic and blind, it can be said to be a miracle.

Ding Jianmin and his wife showed a little excitement on their faces, and their eyes were full of hope.

”What's going on? Are you sure you're not juggling? " The old man's face was incredible.

"Director, I told you that this young man is a real expert. You have not seen his medical skills with your own eyes, but I have. I think he may be able to do it." Chu Gao Ming said with dazzling eyes.

"This It's impossible. If he really saves the girl, it will be another miracle in the medical world. "

Looking at the white mist, the old man said to himself in a low voice: "is it difficult? Is the traditional Chinese medicine handed down by our ancestors really so magical?"

As soon as the idea appeared in his mind, he shook his head vigorously: "no, it won't be. Even if there were such miraculous doctors as Hua Tuo and Bian Que in ancient times, and the amazing traditional Chinese medicine of lifting the dead back to the bones, now it has declined. It is impossible for anyone to reach that level again, let alone such a young man."

He didn't want to admit that there was such a existence, because if so, his lifelong medical skills would seem to be a bit of abandoning the root for the end. At the beginning, he must have chosen to learn traditional Chinese medicine.

"Husband, he can certainly save our daughter, right?" Lilac's mother was nervous and expectant. She put her hands around her husband's arm and asked in a trembling voice.

"Well, certainly. We have to trust him and our daughter." Ding Jianmin nodded heavily.

The white fog in the ward is getting denser and thicker. It is difficult for several people outside to see Su Chen's figure clearly. It also makes several people more nervous.

The female nurse brought a draft agreement, and Ding Jianmin signed his name without hesitation, which means that all the consequences that may arise in the future should be borne by himself.

As the saying goes, the king of hell wants you to die at the third watch, who dares to keep you till the fifth.

Yan Wang's thirteen needles, as the name suggests, can be understood as the completion of the thirteen needles, and even fight with the Lord Yan for life.

After su Chen unlocked this skill, he only used it a few times, but he never really finished all the 13 needles. First, he didn't have the strength before. Second, he didn't have the necessity.

But today, for the first time, he used the thirteen needles of Yama completely on clove, which almost consumed 80% of his internal Qi, and consumed a lot of physical and mental strength.

When the last shot was finished, Su Chen slowly took a deep breath and tried to resist the dizziness from his brain. He looked at the lilac with silver needles inserted into 13 big acupoints on the hospital bed.

The girl still did not wake up, but her pale face had recovered a little ruddy, and her complexion was much better. In the eyes of Su Chen, a powerful martial artist, she could feel that her original weak vitality was rapidly recovering.

Suddenly, Su Chen saw clove fingers moving imperceptibly, then Dai Mei and eyelashes trembled slightly, and slowly opened her bright eyes.

Seeing this scene, Su Chen's face also showed a relaxed smile, such as the warm spring breeze and the warm winter sun, shining into the heart of lilac who just came from the ghost gate.

Lilac just woke up and was in a trance for a long time. Then she realized what happened. Her lips moved, but she was too weak to speak.

"Shh You're still weak. Don't talk Su Chen raised his right forefinger, made a silent gesture, and said with a smile, "I'll call your parents in."Clove just feel weak, do not understand what happened, can only blink to express thanks.

Su Chen took the silver needle on her body one by one and put it back into the needle bag. Then she turned around and went to open the door.

"Brother Chen!"

After the door opened, people's eyes outside immediately focused on Su Chen. Lin Yumeng also called out with expectation and some worry.

”Fortunately, she is awake. "Su Chen grinned.

”Really, really? "

Ding Jianmin, who had always been calm, became a little hoarse and trembling. His wife covered her mouth and nose with her hand, and her tears gushed out like the flood that broke the dike. These were tears of joy and excitement.

”That's great. I knew you could do it Lin Yumeng smiles, and then sees the sweat on his forehead and some pale face. In the past, he wiped his sweat with his hands.

The old man and Chu Gaoming are both unbelievable. As the doctors in charge of clove, they know exactly how bad the girl's health is. Now it's really cured?

If it wasn't appropriate to get in front of their parents, they might have rushed in.

"Me, can we go in and see her?" Ding Jianmin, struggling with excitement and gratitude, inquired cautiously.

"Of course, but she is still very weak. She should say as little as possible and stay in hospital for a while." Su Chen says with a smile.

"Good, good."

The couple nodded as if pecking rice, and then quickly walked into the ward.

Soon, the ward will again spread clove mother repressed crying sound.

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