I Am The Omnipotent Prince Charming

Chapter 699

"No, we won't let you mess around."

Ding Jianmin's wife takes the lead in rejecting Su Chen with a firm tone.

Su Chen smell speech looked at her, can't help but some headache, he can force people to snatch away treatment, but that will certainly scare the couple, so things will make too much trouble.

"Auntie, you believe brother Chen, he is really good at medicine." Lin Yumeng says something to Su Chen in a soft voice.

"No, absolutely not. The doctors have said that my daughter must not be disturbed within 24 hours. She will recover. No one can go in until she is well."

Lilac's mother stares at Su Chen with red eyes, stubborn eyes and a little vigilance and hostility.

Su Chen rubbed his eyebrows with headache, and his face showed a bitter and helpless smile.

At this time, a young woman holding a little girl walked quickly, the little girl's face a little pale, holding the woman's neck, weak head on her shoulder.


Su Chen suddenly opened his mouth and called out.

The woman stopped and looked back at him. She said impatiently, "what are you doing? My daughter is ill. Don't waste my time."

"Your daughter should have had something unclean in the morning. I can help her." Su Chen said with a smile.

"How do you know?" The young woman's pretty face showed surprise.

"To be honest, I'm a Chinese medicine doctor. I can help you cure your daughter. Soon." Chen Su explains.

The woman looked at him with some hesitation.

Beauty is sometimes very useful. At least Su Chen's handsome appearance and gentle smile at this time, coupled with his words about the disease, let the woman subconsciously believe a few points.

What's more, taking my daughter to the clinic must be in line now, and the cost of such a large hospital is not low.

"Mom, let the handsome boy help me, I believe big brother, stomachache good pain." The little girl talked to her mother.

It turns out that most of the daughters are visual animals, no matter how old Lori is or a middle-aged woman in her 40s and 50s.

"Well, try it. What can I do?" The young woman still agreed and asked Su Chen.

"Just put her over there and sit down."

Su Chen points to the chair beside.

The woman nodded and put her daughter down on the chair.

"What's your name?" Su Chen goes to the girl and squats in front of her and asks with a smile.

"Big brother, my name is Zhou Siyu. "The little girl answered in a crisp voice.

"It's a nice name, lovely little fellow. My brother will treat you now, and it will not hurt soon." Su Chen said, while taking out the pocket to carry the needle bag open, take out a piece from it.

The bright silver needle makes the little girl's big eyes show a little fear.

"Are you going to give my daughter acupuncture? Are you sure? " The woman also felt a little nervous. She had never acupuncture herself.

One side of Ding Jianmin and his wife are also surprised to look at Su Chen, two people are very clear, Su Chen this is to use action to persuade them.

”Don't worry. "

Su Chen looked back at the girl and said in a soft voice," Xiaoyu, this doesn't hurt. It's like a little ant biting. If you're afraid, don't look at it. It'll be OK soon. "

"I, I'm not afraid. I don't cry for injections." Zhou Siyu shook his head seriously, not willing to let the handsome big brother think he was timid.

"Yes? Xiaoyu, you are brave and wonderful. "

Su Chen laughed and praised, then said to the young woman, "the acupoint is on the stomach, please lift up her clothes."

The woman nodded gently, walked to her daughter and sat down next to her, helped her open the zipper of her coat, and then lifted up some of the clothes inside, revealing her stomach.

"Xiaoyu, I'll start now." Su Chen held a silver needle in his hand and said with a smile.


Zhou Siyu answered and looked at her mother with her eyes off. She couldn't hide her fear in her big eyes.

The young woman was amused and distressed. She held her little head in her arms and gently stroked her head to comfort her.

Su Chen takes this opportunity to directly start the needle.

This kind of small problem is nothing to him. Several silver needles are punctured into the acupoints accurately, and the genuine Qi of his family rushes in along with the silver needles.

"Why? I want to stop the pain. My stomach is warm and comfortable

Zhou Siyu's voice of surprise sounded.

The young woman and Ding Jianmin's husband and wife are shocked to see Su Chen.

”All right

Su Chen takes back the silver needle and says to the woman with a smile.

"Well, that's all right?" The young woman's face was full of incredible expression. It was less than a minute before and after this!

"Well, it's just a small problem." Su Chen nodded and said."Is it over?"

Zhou Siyu put his head out of his mother's arms. He looked at his stomach in surprise and said, "Wow, big brother, you are so fierce. I don't feel the pain. My stomach doesn't hurt. It's so powerful."

Su Chen rubbed her mushroom head with a smile and told him, "don't eat any more in the future!"

"Well, I remember." Zhou Siyu nodded smartly,

"Xiaoyu, do you really have no pain in your stomach?" The young woman still feel some can't believe, looking at her daughter seriously to confirm the way.

"Mom, it really doesn't hurt any more. The big brother is very serious. It doesn't hurt at all." Zhou Siyu answered with a smile and patted his stomach.

"Good, good."

Seeing that her daughter didn't seem to be lying, the young woman was relieved. She looked at Su Chen with a smile and said, "I didn't expect you to be so good at medicine. I don't know if I have time. Would you like to have a meal and thank you?"

"No, it's a piece of cake. We still have something to do here. There is a girl who needs my treatment." Su Chen nuogged toward the intensive care unit.

"Well, leave a contact information, I'll ask you when I'm free." Said the young woman with a smile.

Su Chen is not good to refuse, introduced the next Lin Yumeng, let her and the woman exchange contact information.

After that, the woman said thanks again and again and left with her daughter.

"Goodbye, handsome brother. Don't forget me!" Zhou Siyu is led by his mother and walks far away. He turns back to Su Chen and waves his small hand with a bright smile.

"No, goodbye."

Su Chen waved a little funny and watched the two disappear around the corner before looking at Ding Jianmin and his wife.

Ding Jianmin and his wife look at Su Chen's face a little complicated. They both saw the scene just now. The young man in front of him should be really skilled in medicine, but his daughter's condition is obviously not comparable to that of a small stomachache.

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