I Am The Omnipotent Prince Charming

Chapter 698

"At present, the girl named clove is still in the intensive care unit. According to the attending doctor, the situation is not optimistic, and the perpetrator has not been found yet. We will continue to follow up on the follow-up situation."

The reporter's closing remarks were replaced by another news on TV.

Lin Yumeng and others stopped chatting when they heard Su Chen's name. They all focused on the TV and probably understood what was going on.

"Brother, are you ok?" Su Mo asked with some worry.

Su Chen shook his head, stood up, looked at a few girls and said: "this matter is related to me, I now go to the hospital to see!"

"I'll go with you. There's no class in the afternoon." Lin Yumeng quickly got up and said.

Su Chen nodded and looked at Su Mo and said, "you will go to school by yourself. Remember to close the door."

"I see. Don't worry, brother." Su Mo nodded.

After that, Su Chen and Lin Yumeng went out together.

"Mo Mo, is this girl OK?" Yuan Yuan's expression of sympathy and intolerance.

"Don't worry. My brother has gone. It will be OK." Su Mo smiles and comforts, but also has some worries in the heart.

She is very confident in her brother's medical skills, but the situation reported on the news just now seems to be very serious, and she has no idea.

Su Chen drives a car and rushes to the hospital in the news report with Lin Yumeng.

Lin Yumeng sat on the copilot, brushing her mobile phone, browsing some news about the incident.

Both of them feel guilty. Although it has nothing to do with them, it is because of their romance that the girl's life and death are uncertain.

"Brother Chen, there is a lot of noise on the Internet now. Many people are saying bad things about you, but many of your fans are very concerned about it and want to donate money to this girl." Lin Yumeng looks aside and says to Su Chen.

Su Chen smell speech silence, will his mobile phone in the past: "you help me send a micro blog, said I am sorry about this matter, I will be responsible for the end, all medical expenses by me."


Lin Yumeng quickly nodded to take the phone, and then helped him send a micro blog out.

After the micro blog was sent out, it immediately caused a huge response on the network. A large number of Su Chen's staunch fans left messages below to cheer them up.

"God did a good job. It's just an accident. I can't blame you."

"That's right. It's the driver who caused the accident. Who escaped?"

"I hope the police catch this asshole as soon as possible."

"To get a donation account, we are all willing to do something."

"God bless, cloves will be safe."

"What kind of God, if you want to buy flowers, you won't go to the flower shop by yourself? It's not easy to hurt people. What's the cost of medical treatment

"This matter Su Chen has cannot shirk the responsibility, don't wash."


After all, the network is the network. Although most fans support Su Chen, there are still some keyboard men who take this opportunity to slander him.

Su Chen two people rushed to the hospital, after some inquiry, soon found clove in the intensive care unit.

Outside sat a middle-aged couple, who should be lilac's parents or relatives. Their faces were tired and sad. Their faces turned white and their eyes turned black. They were definitely not well rested.


Su Chen and Lin Yumeng quickly walk over and say hello quietly.

The couple raised their eyes and looked at Su Chen and Lin Yumeng with a look of doubt on their faces.

"Oh, yes." Su Chen takes off the camouflage glasses box hat.

They recognized him immediately, and their faces became complicated. Of course, they knew this. No wonder the man was in front of them. But when they thought of their daughter's situation, they still felt bad when they saw Su Chen.

"Hello, you should have recognized me. Yes, I'm Su Chen. In the final analysis, it has something to do with me. I'm sorry."

Su Chen said, will cap in the heart, two people deeply bow.

Lin Yumeng on one side also bowed to apologize.

"What's the use of this now, to save my daughter?" The middle-aged woman's mood is a little excited, red eyes make a move, but was grabbed by the man.

"Hello, we are lilac's parents. This matter has nothing to do with you. You are just customers who buy flowers, that's all." The middle-aged man is more calm, but he still can't hide his deep sadness in his eyes.

Su Chen silent, went to the door of intensive care unit, along the window to see inside.

You can see clove is lying on the hospital bed, with all kinds of infusion tubes and instruments.

"The operation is over in the morning. The doctor says the next 24 hours are the most important thing. If you can't wake up during this period, maybe..."

The man came to Su Chen side, the words did not finish, said finally the smooth tone became a little shaky.Lilac's mother sat there, covering her face with her hands and sobbing again. Lin Yumeng couldn't help red eyes, and quickly sat down beside her and stroked her back.

"I will bear all the medical and follow-up costs."

Su Chen looked at the ward and suddenly said a word, and then raised his hand to interrupt the middle-aged man who wanted to refuse. His face said seriously: "please let me do my best, or I will feel uneasy, and you should also know that this money is nothing to me."

The middle-aged man opened his mouth, saw his undoubted expression, sighed deeply, and said with a gloomy look: "we are such a daughter. If people are not here, it doesn't matter."

"What do you call it?" Su Chen stared at him for a few seconds and asked.

"Ding Jianmin." The man replied.

"I'll call you uncle Ding. Do you believe me if I say I can get your daughter back?" Su Chen asked in a serious way.

Ding Jianmin was stunned when he heard the speech and did not reply for a long time.

"I know it's hard for you to believe me, but I hope you let me have a try. I'm sure I can't touch her without your consent." Su Chen's eyes are clear and firm, sincere tone makes people feel Trust involuntarily.

However, after all, this is about his daughter's life and death, and he really can't think of how to save his daughter, who is only about 20 years old.

For a moment, Ding Jianmin stares at Su Chen, his face changes, his heart hesitates, and he is unable to make a decision.

"Please believe me, really, I will not joke about life." Su Chen spoke again, his face still serious and serious.

"Well What are you going to do? " Ding asked solemnly.

"Chinese medicine, acupuncture." Su Chen didn't know how to explain it, so he could only give a short and direct answer.

"Traditional Chinese medicine?"

Ding Jianmin couldn't help frowning. In his impression, the traditional Chinese medicine is mainly used to regulate the body. Can traditional Chinese medicine really be useful in treating serious injuries like this one hit by a car?

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