I Am In College And Start To Become A Daddy

Chapter 445: Humph, want to grab your husband from me? Sister Pink Loli Climb for me! !

"Okay, okay, there is no need to be so angry about this matter."

"Hmph! I don't care, I want them to know that I am your wife! Don't want to grab anyone!"

Perhaps Yang Ziyi was really stimulated, but instead of repenting his original position, she sat down directly next to Lin Xuan.

Suddenly thinking of something, she took out her mobile phone, pulled Lin Xuan over, and then clicked to take a picture of the two.

Then they actually logged in, the station B account they were about to forget.

Quickly posted a dynamic.

"With your relatives, your husband, your child's father, take the cute angel babies, and get up and go shopping together."

Since the babies were a little older, Lin Xuan and the others, basically, have posted anything on the two-person shared station B account (Dabao and Erbao).

Lin Xuan, who originally thought that this account was already cold, did not expect that fans who followed their account would reply in a short time.

"Wow! Husband, look! Many people actually responded."

Yang Ziyi happily began to look at the replies from the fans on station B.

"Master UP, finally remembered my station B account?"

"That's it? That's it? What am I paying attention to! The pigeon has been here for so long?"

"Grandpa, the up master you are following has finally been updated!"

"What does this up master do? Why is it on my watch list (dog head)?"

"Master up, Master up, are you in this video! (Video link)

Yang Ziyi did not expect that someone would answer this question.

She thought for a while and replied.

"Today, I went shopping with my husband and babies, just when someone robbed him, and then Lin Pan's legs are so handsome!"

"But shouldn't you pay attention to Lin Pan? Why are you paying attention to my husband?"

After sending it out, Yang Ziyi turned off the phone with satisfaction.

"Humph! Want to grab my husband with me?"

"You pink loli, smelly sister, get away!"

It’s rare to see my baby’s wife, such a childlike side,

Lin Xuan stretched out a hand and squeezed her nose funny.

Then, he was stunned suddenly.

"Congratulations to the host for reaching (the belated open dog food achievement!

"Get reward: one in Zhongyuan Oil Field!"

? ? ? ? ? ?


Lin Xuan swallowed. Even though his assets are now more than 200 billion, Lin Xuan felt dizzy when he saw this reward.

After all, the assets of more than 200 billion are assets, and the cash that Lin Xuan can really use at will, all together, will not exceed more than 5 billion.

"But what about the oil field?"

Crude oil is mined every day in the oil field. After it is sold, it is all smashing, cash that can be used directly!

At this moment, Lin Xuan's cell phone rang suddenly.

Taking a look at the phone, Lin Xuan found that it was an unfamiliar phone.

As soon as the call was connected, he heard a very excited voice.

"Boss! Our people successfully explored an oil field in the land you bought before!"

After dealing with a few words at will, Lin Xuan put down the phone.

"Husband, what's the matter with you?"

Seeing Lin Xuan's strange expression, Yang Ziyi immediately asked curiously.

Lin Xuan turned to look at Yang Ziyi, and suddenly hugged her and kissed her.

"My wife, we have an oil field!"

Upon hearing this, Yang Ziyi was stunned.

? ? ? ? ?

With a "click", the mobile phone in Yang Ziyi's hand fell on the sofa.

What did she hear?

Looking at Lin Xuan blankly, Yang Ziyi shivered and asked, "My husband, what do you think we have in our house?"

"Oil field."

Lin Xuan had already recovered from the initial shock. He cheerfully said: "I have an oil exploration company under my hand. I bought a piece of land in Central Plains and discovered an oil field. While talking, Lin Xuan said. I was thinking about how to deal with this oil field.

"Sell it directly? That's the most stupid behavior."

The best way is to build an oil production plant in it, and then sell the oil.

But in this way, there is bound to be a huge investment in the early stage, and the place in Central Plains is too much...

Fortunately, he still has a bodyguard company under his hands. When the time comes, the person in charge of the bodyguard company can arrange for bodyguards to pass. In this way, the oil can be well developed.

Thinking of this, the corner of Lin Xuan's mouth rose slightly.

On the other side, Yang Ziyi was always immersed in shock.

After a long while, this girl gradually recovered and accepted the fact that her family suddenly had an oil field.

She raised her head and looked at Lin Xuan who was sitting next to her.

"Husband, I find that you are always miraculously creating more properties."

Yang Ziyi said with a smile.

Lin Xuan was startled, "Is it possible that the wife has discovered something? That's right, after being married for such a long time, it is impossible for Yang Ziyi to find out that Lin Xuan has a secret.

It's just that she has always been very sensible and has no inquiries.

"However, this is also a surprise." Yang Ziyi said again.

After that, her soft body lightly leaned against Lin Xuan's arm.

A few days after the time came, the person who called him on the other side of the oil field last time called again.

Lin Xuan saw this number and the call was quickly connected.

"What's up?"

"Boss, I'm sorry to disturb you, it's like this."

The other party quickly told Lin Xuan the matter.

"It turns out that people from the country came to him."

The exploration company under its own hand discovered the oil field. It is impossible to conceal this matter, and there is no need to conceal it. House Z hopes to cooperate with Lin Xuan on the oil field project.

As the country develops more and more rapidly and consumes more and more fuel, Lin Xuan suddenly owns an oil field. This matter will definitely attract the attention of the people above.

They found the person in charge of the exploration company, but the other party obviously couldn't call the shots, so they contacted Liu Xinghai.

Lin Xuan nodded and asked the person in charge to tell himself the official contact information, then hung up and dialed the number that he had just received.

The other party picked up quickly, obviously waiting there all the time.

"Hello, this is Lin Xuan."

"Hello, Mr. Lin, I am the Secretary General of the Office of the Ministry of Commerce, my surname is Liu, Liu Zengsheng."

"He is actually a secretary-general, and the secretary of the country's top tycoon in managing commerce."

"It's not a trivial matter."

"Outside, even high-level leaders of ordinary provinces should be given attention. Once this kind of person is decentralized, exercised a little, and then returns to Kyoto, he will immediately rise to the ground. If there are no major problems in his official career. ."

"It can be said that the secretaries of these senior leaders are basically the default senior leaders in the future."

They may not be able to reach the position of the top few giants in this country, but their achievements are definitely not low, and they can definitely enter the core circle.