I Am In College And Start To Become A Daddy

Chapter 444: Why their attention is on their husbands! !

"No trouble, sir, it is our honor to be able to serve you." The clerk responded with a smile.

"What a joke, this handsome guy who seems to have come out of a girly manga bug, when he first came to the store, he was wearing brioni clothes. If Armani is the pinnacle of ready-to-wear clothing, then brioni is men's clothing. The pinnacle of customization in the world."

Brioni is the brand with the highest ranking on the three indicators of exclusivity, social status and self-improvement. At the same time, it is also considered to be the brand that can price the brand and bring the greatest value space.

People who can afford to wear such custom-made clothes must have considerable wealth and high social status.

"However, although the clerk is polite, Lin Xuan is a person who doesn't like to cause too much trouble to others.

Yang Ziyi also accepts as soon as she sees it, and when her husband says so =, she doesn't let Lin Xuan continue to try on clothes.

"Hey, I've had enough eye addiction today." Yang Ziyi only felt very satisfied.

"Wrap up all the clothes I just tried." Lin Xuan casually said to the clerk beside him.

The clerk's eyes lit up suddenly. In fact, she didn't think Lin Xuan would not buy it in the end, but she didn't expect Lin Xuan to buy all the clothes he tried.

"How much is your commission for such a large order?"

The clerk who was cheering in her heart immediately took it out, and started to handle these clothes for Lin Xuan with 120,000 points of enthusiasm, and the other clerk in the store sighed for the good luck of their colleague one by one.

Because there were too many clothes, Lin Xuan finally gave the clerk the address of their home so that she could send the clothes directly to her home.

Walking out of the clothing store, Yang Ziyi touched her stomach.

"Husband, I'm a little hungry, baby, are you hungry?"

The three little guys did the same as their mothers, touched their stomachs, and then nodded: "Dad, the baby is also hungry."

Looking at his wife and the babies, Lin Xuan pursed his lips and smiled.

Then he said: "Then let's find a store, finish the meal, and then take the babies to buy clothes, okay?"


The three little guys immediately clapped their hands happily when they heard this.

The couple, with the children and bodyguards, left here together, found a restaurant, and ordered a few dishes.

After lunch, the family continued shopping and bought a lot of clothes for the babies.

With Yang Ziyi here, I naturally want to dress the babies beautifully and handsomely.

Most of them were selected by Yang Ziyi, and Lin Xuan was on the side to give advice.

The three little guys know it. Just now, my father was told by his mother to change so many clothes.

"Dad, daddy, baby won't let mom look at the clothes anymore."

Dabao ran to his father while his mother was choosing clothes for his sister and brother, and shook his head towards Lin Xuan.

"Baby, why?"

Hearing this, Lin Xuan actually guessed it, but he still squatted in front of Dabao and asked.

"Because, because my mother made us change a lot, a lot of clothes~~"

"Haha, this is how my mother spoils you, she wants to dress her up handsomely."

"But, but so tired."

"Dad, can you tell mom about it?"

Dabao shook his father's hands and asked for help.

"This... well, dad tell mom."


Seeing his father agreed, Dabao instantly became happy.

Lin Xuan brought Dabao to Yang Ziyi's side.

"Okay, my wife, the children are still young, changing so many clothes, they will get tired later, it's almost enough."

Yang Ziyi was excited for Erbao, Sanbao was choosing clothes, and when he heard Lin Xuan's words, he paused slightly.

Then I saw Erbao again, and Sanbao had a bitter look on his face, knowing that he was too excited.

"Baby, I'm sorry, mom is so excited."

Yang Ziyi said awkwardly.

"Mom, it's okay."

When the children heard their mother's apology, they shook their heads and said they were all right.

"That's all right, so be it, we need all these clothes."


After buying clothes for the babies, Lin Xuan and the others let Lin Pan, Jian Mi, and Dai Yuke choose some clothes.

After buying the clothes, the family returned home.

What Lin Xuan and Yang Ziyi didn't know was that what happened in the square outside just now was sent to the Internet by the person who took the video at that time.

It is always available here, many young people are doing outdoor live broadcasts, and some are doing various interview shows.

From the woman yelling and robbery, to the boy playing the guitar bravely rushing up, and finally Lin Pan shattered the breastbone kicked by a whip leg. The whole process was photographed.

Blogs, Moments of Friends, etc., and even Post Bar, have gradually started to post videos.

All those who saw this video gave unreserved praise to the boy playing the guitar and Lin Pan.

Especially Lin Pan, with clean whip legs and beautiful face, all of them are explosive.!

Soon afterwards, the news of "Least Miss Sister Catch the Robbers" was on the hot search of the blog.

As soon as Yang Ziyi and the others went home, Yang Zhihui told Lin Xuan and others about this matter.

Yang Ziyi smiled and looked at Lin Pan when she heard what her mother said.

"Lin Pan, you are famous now."


Lin Pan smiled and shook his head, not caring about this matter.

Her duty was to protect Yang Ziyi and the others.

If Mr. Lin didn't let her take it, she would not take it.

Yang Ziyi sat on the sofa, turned on the phone and started to check it. As a result, Yang Ziyi couldn't help raising her eyebrows.

Call the good guy.

Lin Pan is famous, but under those videos, there are a lot of pink loli who don't know where they are, and my sisters are madly showing good to their husbands. The attention is actually on Lin Xuan's body!

Even calling her husband!

My husband is also called by you coquettish bitches?

That's my husband!

Yang Ziyi gritted her teeth and posted a comment.

"What your husband? That's my husband! Don't think about you guys!"

"Dreaming in broad daylight again."

"Leave the previous one, let me wake her up! I have yellow urine!"

"Women are really superficial, isn't your husband a Xiaox, Wangx?"

Yang Ziyi looked at the reply to her comment, and almost didn't get angry.

"What's the matter?" Lin Xuan's voice sounded.

Yang Ziyi raised her head and looked at Lin Xuan. His gentle eyes fell on him, causing Yang Ziyi to suddenly flatten her mouth in a grievance.

"Husband, I was bullied!"


Yang Ziyi simply pulled Lin Xuan down next to him, and then handed the phone over.

"Now, look at it!"

Lin Xuan took a look at the phone, then shook his head and laughed.

"It's just some boring netizens who are posting some sand sculpture comments there. Why do you bother to participate?"

"People just see other women calling you husband, they feel uncomfortable!"

Yang Ziyi gently bumped Lin Xuan's chest with her small head.