I Am In College And Start To Become A Daddy

Chapter 446: Nano clothing

Lin Xuan wondered.

In an oil field, it is obviously impossible for such a person to contact him personally, and the other party's attitude is particularly good.

"Obviously, there is something else."

Lin Xuan squinted his eyes, thinking in his head.

Lin Xuan and Liu Zengsheng talked about this oil field for almost an hour.

The matter about the oil field has also been confirmed.

"Haha, Mr. Lin, thank you."

The matter of the oil field was decided, and Liu Zengsheng over there seemed very happy.

"Actually, I have heard of Mr. Lin's name a long time ago. Many of us know Mr. Lin's great talent."

On the other end of the phone, Liu Zengsheng was in a good mood and said to Lin Xuan.

"Those are nothing more than petty troubles."

Lin Xuan said modestly.

"For Mr. Lin, it may be a small fight, but for us, it is not a small fight."

Liu Zengsheng's words were right, and Lin Xuan was evaluated last time for his abilities.

It can be said that he is the most outstanding scientist in China!

And this scientist is still a citizen of their country!

With Lin Xuan, the plane and the engine were completely upgraded by several grades.

And this time, it was decided that at that time, the Pioneer will be shown to people from all over the world, so that they can witness that the Chinese dragon becomes even stronger!

"Mr. Liu, you must have other things, right?"

Lin Xuan shook his head and smiled, and continued to ask.

"Mr. Lin guessed right, I do have something else, and I want to talk to Mr. Lin."

"Mr. Liu, what's the matter, please tell me."

"Okay, Mr. Lin, then I'll talk about it."

Liu Zengsheng said that in addition to giving Lin Xuan honors again, he also asked Lin Xuan if there is any new scientific research on other aspects.

In fact, he was not responsible for this matter, but when making this call, the boss of another department found him and asked him to explore Lin Xuan's tone.

If it has, it's better, if it doesn't, it's okay.

Lin Xuan knew that most of the things about himself above were clear.

And Liu Zengsheng asked about science and technology this time, and it must not be what he gave to the Academy of Sciences last time.

Thinking of this, Lin Xuan smiled slightly and said: ‘Mr. Liu, there is indeed in this regard. ’

"Mr. Lin, what is the specific aspect of this?"

"I don't know Mr. Liu, have you heard of Nano Clothes?"

"Nami clothing?"

"Nanocoat" is a flexible layer that allows the larvae to move inside the insect larvae skin membrane under the electron bombardment.

The flexible layer can protect organisms from extreme environmental influences. Therefore, the ‘nano clothing’ produced by this method can be used to make new-style space suits.

You should know that in the Sun Country, some scientists have developed a nanocoat for fruit fly larvae, which can protect the larvae from similar vacuum exposure through electron bombardment.

The advent of this nanosuit is expected to end the space suit era.

Nano-clothing can function as a miniature space suit. If it is used in an "electronic bath", this kind of nano-clothing will eventually be applied to human astronauts.

Scientists there used electron bombardment to develop a "nanocoat" for fruit fly larvae, which can protect the larvae from space-like vacuum exposure.

Without this suit, the larva would die in just a few minutes.

The nanocoat was developed by scientists at Hamamatsu Medical University.

According to their research, nanocoats formed by electron bombardment can protect fruit fly larvae and allow them to survive in a space-like environment.

"Science" magazine reported that nano-clothing can function as a miniature space suit. If used in an "electronic bath," this kind of nano-clothing will eventually be applied to human astronauts.

During the research, the scientists over there placed a fruit fly larva under a scanning electron microscope and bombarded it with electrons.

The larva survived the electron bombardment and developed into a healthy fruit fly. Later, they placed another larva under the same scanning electron microscope, but did not electron bombard it.

As a result, the larva quickly died of dehydration. As predicted, the vacuum evacuated the water in its body.

Scientists studied insect skin and found that electron bombardment changed the film covering the larvae's skin, causing molecules to gather together to form a flexible layer that allows them to move, the so-called "nanocoat."

This flexible layer is very strong and prevents dehydration. Most insects do not have a layer that can be converted into nano-clothes. For this reason, scientists decided to create a man-made version.

In the study, they put mosquito larvae in Tween 20 solution and then covered them with a layer of plasma.

(Tween 20 is a non-toxic chemical.) This practice causes Tween 20 to form a nanocoat similar to the nanocoat naturally formed by fruit fly larvae.

"However, the nano clothes I am talking about are completely different from theirs."

"What I said is convenient to carry, and when people need to use it, it can be completely wrapped around the body for protection."

"In addition, this nano suit can withstand bullet shooting."

"In addition, even if it is bombed by a small missile, as long as it is not directly directed at the body, it can completely withstand the impact of the explosion, and the human body will not suffer large-scale harm."

"This nano-clothing can be worn on the human body to protect it. The human body can carry it under the water for a whole day, and it also has enough oxygen."

When Lin Xuan finished speaking, he waited for Liu Zengsheng's words.

Liu Zengsheng over there was shocked and silent by Lin Xuan's words.

If what Lin Xuan said is true and this nano-clothing is developed, wouldn't it be even more powerful!


It can withstand bullets, will not be harmed by bullets, and can withstand the impact of small missiles. This thing is too powerful! And it's still a baby!

Liu Zengsheng was very excited.

He took a deep breath and said to Lin Xuan on the other end of the phone: ‘Mr. Lin, are you serious about this? ’

"When can this nano-clothing be developed?"

In Liu Zengsheng's view, this nano-clothing is too powerful, even if it is just research, it will take several years, but even if it is several years, it will be fine.

If Lin Xuan needs anything, all of them will give Lin Xuan the green light all the way.

"If you can help me collect some things I need, it is expected that I will be able to develop one before October this year."

"Mr. Lin, take this seriously!"


Liu Zengsheng was excited, very excited.

"Mr. Lin, it's okay. Just tell me what you need. I'll let someone go directly to help Mr. Lin collect it for you."

"That's fine, I'll send you some information later, and then you can collect it for me."

"It's easy to say, easy to say, Mr. Lin, don't worry, I promise to collect it for you within half a month."