Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 764: hope

Over time, the overseas interests of various countries have continuously increased, and the frictions and checks and balances between the major powers have become more and more, and they are often generated passively.

Austria wanted to perish Ottoman in order to obtain a stable big rear, inadvertently penetrated the tentacles into Persia, and had the ability to threaten India.

In overseas colonial activities, the British and Austrian places have checks and balances, and the threats are mutual.

You can move my cheese and I can take your bread. Everyone is restraining each other, for example:

The Cape of Good Hope of the British is okay under Austrian eyes; Austrian Alaska is next to Canada, and there is no conflict.

Today, unlike in the past, Austrian Alaska is no longer a country of ice and snow, but a famous gold producing place in the world.

Of course this is famous, not to say how bad the local gold output is, mainly because the colonial government's advertisements are doing well.

By ranking, the main gold producing areas in the world are: South Africa, Australia, Canada, the United States, Russia, and West Africa. Alaska can only rank seventh.

The reputation of Austrian Alaska is mainly due to the harsh weather conditions, which was nicknamed the "Test of God" by Austrian poets.

The lack of population of the Alaskan colonial government directly used this sentence as a slogan.

It is claimed that Alaska has the world's worst natural gold mine, which is the test that God has left for humankind.

Only by enduring the test set by God can we be able to get rich and become the peak of life.

Of course, the Russians may be dissatisfied with the saying that "the natural conditions are the worst," and there are many gold mines in Russia's harsh climate.

It is right to say that it is God ’s test. If you fail the test, you will really see God.

In the icy and snowy state of Alaska, more than four-digit gold rushers meet every year on the gold rush road. Those who make a fortune are the few lucky people who have experienced the test.

Alaska's annual output of tens of tons of gold is also a piece of fat for the Vienna government that cannot be easily cut.

If the British government is not too sensitive to India, it will find that the mutual restraint between Britain and Austria is no small.

Although India is delicious, it is impossible for the Vienna government to take risks without eating with full confidence.

The premise of a potential threat is "potential", and the British have been operating in India for so many years, and it is not paperless.

Now, at the peak of Britain, if anyone thinks that British India is a soft persimmon, it would be silly to rush up and save it.


The goodwill released by the London and Vienna governments pulled the British government out of panic.

The so-called "You are also afraid, then I will rest assured." Since Austria is still afraid of Britain, it means that India is temporarily safe.

In the official residence of the Prime Minister of Downing Street, after a rational analysis of the pros and cons, Glaston was confused.

"What do you think the Austrian government suddenly released goodwill for?"

What seemed to come to mind, Foreign Minister George's face changed drastically: "What the Austrian's true purpose is is still uncertain. But then, we are probably in big trouble.

Austria's willingness to sign a safeguards treaty can only prove that the Vienna government has no interest in Persia for the time being, which does not mean that the Russians are also not interested.

The international situation is changing. Although Austria is temporarily ahead of European countries, their continental dominance is not stable.

It can be seen from the goodwill released by the Vienna government that the Austrians have not sat down with the confidence of the European hegemon.

Neither the ambitious Russians nor the arrogant French will recognize their status.

Between France and Russia, Austria's continental hegemony is a joke. Perhaps aware of this, the Vienna government never occupied itself as a continental hegemon.

Over time, both France and Russia will recover, and Austria will be in trouble.

According to past experience, the Austrians will not confront France and Russia directly, and they will most likely play the trick of contradiction transfer.

I am afraid that in the next step, they will encourage the Russians to continent next time, stir up the contradictions between the Russians and us, and then focus on France.

The North German Empire we planned, I am afraid, will also become the guard of Austria's West Gate. "

Yang Mo was terrible because it was exposed and things would still happen.

Russian ambitions cannot be eliminated by the London government. Unlike Russia-Austria relations from the period of the anti-French war, the two countries are allies and have been bumping into each other until now. The British-Russian relationship is a complete mess.

Even if the Austrian plan is placed on the desk of Alexander III, the Tsarist government will still be happy in the next continent.

Warnings issued by the London government can only be counterproductive. Trust is always easy to corrupt and difficult to build.

Over the past few decades, Russia and Austria have established a basic relationship of trust through three generations of monarchs. Although the knife was secretly hidden, the agreements reached between the two countries were finally fulfilled.

The Vienna government encouraged Russia to move south. That was a tangible benefit, and the Tsarist government naturally believed. The British pointed out that Austria conspired to separate the relationship between Britain and Russia, and the Tsarist government did not take it seriously.

I have never had anything for you, so why not talk about alienation?

The North German Empire served as a guard even more unsolved. It was determined by geographical location. They were caught in the middle of Fao.

Unless the North German Empire plans to be abandoned and the North German region will continue to divide, then the weak German Federation will certainly not do the trick.

This is the worst option, none of them. External pressure is also the driving force for a nation to unite.

Unless the London government goes to battle to help withstand the French military pressure, otherwise the bunch of small states in the German region will fall to Austria in minutes.

After a moment of hesitation, Gladstone sighed: "The price Austria can offer is too high for the Russians to refuse.

However, this is a future thing, and the Tsarist government should settle for a while. By preparing the Governor of India, Central Asia and Persia will be uneven in the future.

Warn the French and let them stand up to their ambitions. Otherwise, it will create opportunities for the Austrians and reorganize the anti-French alliance, they will cry!

Next, we must raise our vigilance, especially the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The enemies encountered this time are different from the past. They are much more difficult than France and Russia. Past experience is not used for them.

The future of the main battlefield has shifted, from a real knife to a real gun, into a diplomatic game. "

The Vienna government's successive moves, the London government can only respond passively, which made Glaston very dissatisfied.

You know that Britain has always been known as a strong diplomatic power. Now that it is being held by people's noses, they don't know how to start when they want to fight back.

Foreign Minister George replied confidently: "Be assured, Prime Minister. We were not alert enough to Austria before. They got into the hole and got into a passive state. No such thing will happen again."


On November 18, 1882, the Anti-Turkish Alliance successfully met on the Kizil River, and the Ottoman Empire became at stake.

At the moment in Ankara's palace, Abdul Hamid II was in a state of anger, ten times more severe than the Austrian airship dropping bombs above him in the last Near Eastern War.

The British boss was really powerful and supported a lot of their supplies, but this is a thing of the past.

After the Asia Minor Peninsula was divided into two, the western region was completely isolated from the world and surrounded by anti-Turkish alliances on all sides.

No amount of material assistance could be delivered. In theory, the British can also use airships to airdrop.

Unfortunately, this is not possible. The British support for Ottoman is also limited. Directly sending airships to airdrop materials is challenging the anti-Turkish alliance's bottom line.

If the conflict intensifies and involves itself, the London government will cry.

Neither Austria nor Russia has a peek at the strength of India alone, but once the two countries join forces, the situation will be different.

Not to mention the expulsion of the British, at least there is no problem in burning the war to the hinterland of India. At the same time against the two world continent military powers, the London government has not gone mad.

Waging a war to defend Ottoman? It is estimated that the proposal has just been made, and Downing Street will change its owner.

Panicked Abdul Hamid II: "Prime Minister, what shall we do now?"

Middlehart replied restlessly: "Your Majesty, at this stage, the enemy will not give us a way to live. To keep Ottoman, we can only desperately.

The Russian army is only more than 80 kilometers away from Ankara. Next, we must prepare for the capital defense battle. His Majesty can come to the front line to boost morale. "

"Do we still have hope of winning?" Abdul Hamid II asked expectantly.

He wanted to hear that someone could give him a positive answer. Midhart is not the master of flattery. The mess in the country makes his heart rhythm crisp. Naturally, at this time, he won't greet each other.

"The enemy's advantage is too great. Our chance of winning the war is almost zero, but there is hope for the Ottoman Empire.

As long as the anti-Turkish alliance is given the maximum killing, the brutal casualties will calm them down and then go to the negotiating table.

By paying a certain price and sending the enemy out of the country, we can end this war decently. "

Abdul Hamid II said fiercely, "Okay, I'll go and inspect the barracks."

What people are most afraid of is that there is no hope, and even if they know that there is little hope, some people can't help trying.

At this time, the expectations of Abdul Hamid II also fell, and it was enough to keep the Ottoman Empire and the throne.

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