Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 763: Big chessboard

Albrecht: "From the current situation, the coalition forces will be able to meet on the Kyzyl River next month, and the first phase of the coalition's combat mission will be basically completed.

In order to better adapt to the situation on the battlefield and end this war as soon as possible, the coalition command decided to adjust its military deployment.

After the division of the Ottoman Empire is completed, the forces of various countries will be re-divided.

In the next round of strategic plans, the Russian army will be responsible for the strategy west of the Kizil River, focusing on winning the enemy's capital, Ankara, as soon as possible.

The Austrian army is responsible for the strategy west of the Kizil River. The core of the strategy is to win the two river basins and further divide Ottoman.

In view of the heavy losses of the Greek and Montenegro forces on the battlefield, and the inability to undertake the next phase of combat missions, the coalition command decided to cancel the next combat missions of the two armies for a one-month repair.

After the troops have been refurbished, the missions of the two armies are responsible for clearing out local guerrillas and maintaining the stability of the newly occupied areas. They will be responsible for specific areas and will be dispatched according to actual needs.

Does anyone have any questions? "

The final questioning was obviously directed at Greece and Montenegro. The division of war between Russia and Austria showed that they were coordinated in advance.

The heavy losses were just an excuse to kick the Greek and Montenegro forces out of the battle sequence, which also meant that they lost their right to speak in the distribution of loot.

Marshal Maxim Trentiev of Montenegro: "No problem. Our army has already reduced its staff by more than 600 people. It really needs to be repaired."

Both battalions were destroyed, and the troop reinforcements, Maxim Trentiev, would be scrapped if they did not repair their troops.

Pubulius kept talking, but at this time it was not a stubborn time, otherwise it would annoy the Allied Command and a death mission would have to pay for everything in Greece.

Russia and Austria can withstand tens of thousands of casualties. That is because most soldiers can afford to lose, but Greece cannot.

In the previous battle, the Greek army paid more than 5,000 casualties. This proportion is not much lower than Montenegro, and the morale of the army has been greatly reduced.


The situation on the battlefield became clear, and the post-war share of the loot was also on the agenda of the Vienna government.

The agreement before the war was just an oral agreement, and it could only be used as one of the reference standards at the most. The decision on whether to divide the loot depends on strength.

The performance of the four anti-Turkish alliance nations on the battlefield and their contributions to the war will become the core standard for post-war loot distribution.

In addition, we must consider the political influence and the feelings of our allies, so as to satisfy all parties as much as possible.

Prime Minister Felix: "Although Greece and Montenegro did not do much on the battlefield, their joining brought political bonuses to the alliance.

The death of a minister in particular by the Greeks increased the legitimacy of our war. These additional effects must be taken into account by the government.

When we urged the Armenians to launch an independent movement, we promised to let them establish the country independently, and we need to give them a statement after the war.

Ottoman's other nations responding to the alliance also need to give them an explanation, not to let the outside world read the joke. "

It's not the world's boss. Many of the Austrian government's actions are moving closer to world hegemony.

When the boss can't live without his younger brother, if he wants to gain the support of his younger brothers, we must let everyone see tangible benefits.

While taking into account the interests of the younger brother, you must not damage your own interests, or you will become the head of injustice.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Weissenberg: "The nations that responded to the alliance were mainly Greeks and Slavs, motivated by the Greek and Russian governments, respectively.

After the war, the two countries will be resettled. Those who are unwilling to leave can stay. Anyway, the number of people is not a problem.

The trouble is that the Armenians independently established the country, which involves our future strategic deployment.

Austria needs to set an example to convince everyone that as long as we work with us, we can achieve national independence.

Independence and the establishment of a country are naturally indispensable. Leaving a piece of land out of the Ottoman Empire and letting Armenians become independent will inevitably reduce our and Russians' gains.

The most important thing is that this place is not good for election. We cannot give up in the two river basins, let alone the Asia-Pacific region.

The best option is the Caucasus Mountains, where the land is barren and of the lowest value. Armenia can become a buffer after independence, reducing our border with the Russians.

But now it has fallen into the hands of the Russians. If we want the Tsarist government to spit it out, we must pay a big price. "

Supporting Armenia ’s independence was actually aimed at Britain and France, and in a sense it also hit the Russians.

There are not many ethnic groups desperately in need of European independence. The Irish, Italians and Poles are definitely in the top three, followed by the Bulgarians, Scots, and Baltic national consciousness of independence.

Poles can be ignored for the time being. They have been killed in the Pu-Russian War and have been wounded.

The Irish and Italians are the nations most likely to break out of the independence movement in Europe, and they are also the focus of the Vienna government's business development.

Armenia is a magnet that attracts independent organizations of the two countries to cooperate with Austria. When Austria and Britain and France face each other, this is the best killer.

"Maybe we can do business by helping the Russians develop their navy," Navy Secretary Castagni suggested.

"But the Tsarist government has no money!"

The words of Chancellor of the Exchequer Carl directly gave Castagni many reasons to die.

The navy is a beast that swallows gold. Playing a navy in a poor country is a disaster.

Based on the treasury government's fiscal revenue and the ability to achieve a balance of revenue and expenditure are the results of God's blessing, the development of the navy is simply not realistic.

What seemed to come to mind, Franz suddenly said: "The Russians have no money, so they become rich.

Before that, we must first seduce the tsarist government.

The navy is undergoing a technological revolution. Our fleet of battleships will not be long before we will be eliminated by the times.

The waste was just used and given to a fleet of the Tsarist government as compensation for the land they gave to the Armenians to establish their country.

The Kingdom of Prussia is over, the Danes are also traditional allies of the Russians, and the last obstacles to the Baltic Sea no longer exist.

Constantinople was tightly controlled by the Russians. After the end of the Near East War, the Black Sea became an inner lake of the Tsar.

We are also allies of the Russians. They have opened their doors to the Mediterranean. The strategic situation of the Russians is better than ever.

All obstacles no longer exist, and the Navy is now sent. Now is the golden age for the Russians to develop their navy, and someone inside the Tsarist government will definitely see it.

Sending a fleet to the Russians and igniting the tsarist government's enthusiasm for the development of the navy is of great strategic significance to our next move.

Montenegro and Greece can also follow this example. If there is no land allocated to them, they will be rewarded with warships. "

The Vienna government has decided to provoke a new round of naval arms race as the pre-dreadnought era comes, and these battleships are now bound to be eliminated.

It is a burden to stay in your hands, and you want to sell them all. There is no such a rich goldman in the world.

According to past practice, these warships that can't be handled are usually converted into merchant ships, and can not be converted into school training ships. The final destination is either to become the target of naval target training or to be sold Scrap iron.

It can not be said that it is given to allies. Austria's backward goods are still the main force in the hands of the Russian Navy.

Naval Minister Castagni reluctantly said: "Sir, we are too bad to give away a warship in vain, at least we have to recover the cost?"

Regardless of whether it sells second-hand warships or is converted into merchant ships for sale, it can provide the navy with a military fee.

Franz laughed: "At the cost, our allies can't afford it. Even at a lower price, I don't think the Tsarist government has the courage to buy a fleet.

Moreover, it was not really given away, but we exchanged political interests. As for the loss of military expenses of the navy, wouldn't you come back after the after-sales service?

If it is not enough, you will sell them some small warships, help them complete the port upgrade, and promote the Austrian standard to the allies' navy.

Montenegro's navy is almost zero, and you can toss as much as you want; the Greek navy is still British, you need to help them correct it; the Russian navy stayed thirty years ago, and you have a lot of business. "

Once, Franz once thought that free is the conscience of the merchant. After being beaten by the society, he had to admit that free goods are the most expensive.

It seems that you have not paid for this service, but in fact, you have already paid for it elsewhere.

While giving warships, you can also promote Austrian naval standards incidentally. The benefits involved are definitely not low.

As you can see from the army, through a series of operations by the Vienna government, Austrian equipment has become the most popular weapon in the world.

More than half of the countries in the world have adopted Austrian weapons, and Austria accounts for 73.6% of the total arms exports in the international arms market.

In contrast, the navy is much more tragic. In the international arms market, the British were overwhelmed, occupying less than 10% of the market share, which is completely mismatched with strength.

"Her Majesty, the Tsarist government's finances are very bad, and it is almost impossible for them to become rich." Finance Minister Carl reminded

Franz nodded: "We can sign a long-term supply contract with the Russians for raw materials, overdraw the future earnings of the Russians, and increase the funds that the Tsarist government can mobilize in the short term.

To help the Russians upgrade the military port, they can also fool them into military and civilian use, and use the future earnings of the port to make up for the initial investment.

An important letter that ignited our influence in Russia to build the Ocean Age into the hearts of the people and boast the power of the sea.

The Tsarist government was convinced that the reason why the Russian Empire was poor was because it had abandoned the ocean and killed the mainland.

After the tsarist government is hooked, talk to them about territorial transactions. For territories in the Russian Ukrainian region, a high price was reported, making the tsarist government's pockets bulging.

Maybe we are losing money on the surface, but after a toss of money, they will return to Austria.

As long as it can stimulate Russian ambitions for the ocean and induce the Tsarist government to shift its strategy to the Indian Ocean, it is victory.

When necessary, a false market boom can be created in Russia, making the Tsarist government think that it has recovered its vitality ... "

This is a big game, even the biggest game played since Franz's succession.

It's not just the anti-Turkish alliance that is framed in it. The European countries and even the countries are pawns on the chessboard.

The strategic induction of the Russians is an insignificant part of this grand strategy. This big game started as early as ten years ago.

Due to the changing situation in the international situation, several fine-tunings were carried out midway, and only now Franz barely completed the layout.

Not all strategic plans need to be successful, as long as one third has achieved its goal, Austria is the winner.

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