Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 765: Miscarriage

The corpse blood is the true portrayal of the Near East battlefield at this moment. Now that the war has progressed, both sides have red-eyed.

There is only one goal for everyone-to kill the enemy. In order to win, everyone gave up the bottom line, and various means of refreshing the offline line are constantly being staged.

The combination of religion and war is terrifying. Human bombs have become conventional weapons, and some even use seven or eight-year-old children as launchers.

Tied the bomb to the children, and waved their leather whip to drive them forward, crying and explosion sounded at the same time, there is no other purgatory on earth.

When sympathy is exhausted, the consequences are naturally catastrophic. The bloodiest places in the war have become uninhabited after the war.

Looking at the information that came back, it was a well-informed Franz, and he was silent. The only reaction was that the Ottomans were "crazy".

The defeat is not terrible. As long as people are still there is hope for a comeback, and when people are gone, there is nothing left.

It is now the 19th century, and international public opinion can play a little role. Everyone knows that a face-to-face government like Austria cannot carry out genocide.

Prior to this, the Vienna government had formulated a migration plan and even selected the place.

A beautiful Arctic Ocean island with mild climate, plenty of sunshine, little rainfall, and a good living environment, it is very suitable for tourism.

For the island, the government of Vienna also compensated the British Canadian colonial government for a huge sum of 15,000 pounds before it gained sovereignty.

From the current situation, Franz feels that the Vienna government will save a lot of immigration costs.

According to data returned by the Allied Command, as of Christmas, the number of coalition casualties had exceeded 117,000, and the number of casualties was as high as 547,000.

The Austrian army alone paid a heavy price of 59,000 killed and 287,000 casualties. The first wave of cannon fodder was basically exhausted, and the second wave of cannon fodder was also heavily damaged.

Allied forces lost so much. As a suffocating party, the Ottoman Empire ’s military losses were naturally more serious.

According to incomplete statistics, so far, the Ottoman Empire has permanently lost more than one million troops.

There is no way. The Ottoman Empire has not yet established a perfect battlefield medical rescue system. There are too few medical staff, and even military officers in the battlefield hospital cannot fully protect them. Ordinary soldiers are blessed by ****, and serious injuries please comrades-in-arms for help.

With such a heavy loss in the army, civilian casualties are even more uncountable, and there must be more deaths than the army anyway.

The cruelty of the Near East War has caused a stir in the European continent, and anti-war has once again become a hot topic.

Even in Austria, anti-war ideological trends have emerged. Of course, the main faction prevails, mainly because Ottoman is too angry.

As long as you open the history book, everyone has the motivation to perish Ottoman. The anti-war faction is just against the war, not against the destruction of Ottoman.

Just as the crowds of melons pointed the rivers and mountains, on a sunny day, the Kingdom of Prussia and the Kingdom of Hanover completed their confluence.

It's really low-key, although everyone knows that Prussia and Hanover have been playing together, but no one can imagine that they can form a federal empire.

On February 14, 1883, the Emperor of the Federal Republic of Germany, George I, was crowned the Hampshire Empire, and the European world gained another crown.

Prussia and Hanover formed a dual empire, and the North German region has virtually unified.

Many small nations resisted the trouble of joining Prussia in the Imperial Parliament, and ended in failure.

In jurisprudence, Prussia and Hanover share a state seat. This was the emperor's prerogative, and everyone would not like to oppose it.

In the precedent set by the Habsburgs, Hungary and the Balkans could become part of the Shinra Empire as part of Austria. Now George I is just following suit.

The North German region is unified, and the German Federal Empire can now rely on the "Northern German Empire", theoretically on par with the new Shinra Empire of the Habsburgs.

Saint Petersburg, Alexander III tapped the table and asked, "Don't you vow me to promise you that the Vienna government will never let Pude merge?"

Now, as you wish, Pod has really merged. Just where do you guarantee Austrian interference? "

Many European countries are pushing for the merger of Puddock to balance Austria, but this does not include the Russian Empire.

The Russian-Prussian war was so **** that the two sides had long been foe-like, and there was no possibility of solution.

After the reunification of North Germany, it was indeed possible to increase the difficulty for Austria to unify Germany, but a strong enemy was added to the west of Russia.

This is determined by body weight. Regardless of the fact that the Kingdom of Prussia was divided and many regions were merged into Hanover. Being the second in the new empire, the anti-Russian forces were weakened.

In fact, no matter how the land is divided, the people above are still those people. The power of hatred will make these people stand on the opposite side of Russia.

In terms of population, the number of people who hate Russia accounts for more than half of this nascent empire, and the remaining people do not like the Russians.

There is no doubt that hostility to Russia is the mainstream of this new empire. Until this generation dies, the two sides should not expect reconciliation.

If you just add a hostile country, the tsarist government doesn't care. There are more hostile countries in the world that are hostile to Russia. Life is still the same.

But North Germany is different, this is a strong guy. If it was not for the Prussian youth who lost too much, Pod's merger would not be weaker than the previous Popo Federation.

Even if Prussia hurts its vitality, the new North German Empire has the strength of the former Pope Federation by seven or eight points, which is enough to put pressure on Russia, which has suffered a great deal of vitality.

The inaction of the Vienna government made the Tsarist government very aggressive.

Oscar Jimenez, the foreign minister who was directly responsible, could only be scrupulously answered by Alexander III's murderous gaze.

"Austria's attention was all focused on the Near East battlefield, neglecting the change in China-Europe, so that the British lost their way.

Sudden changes have taken place, and the Vienna government may have not responded before taking action. "

The lower the voice, the colder the sweat on Oscar Jimenez's forehead. There is no way, it can't be edited.

He is the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia and not the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Austria. It is normal to know what is going on; if he knew, he would be the best diplomatic strategist of this century.

On the bright side, it makes no sense to look at it. How does Oscar Jimenez explain it?

Alexander III sneered: "Nonsense! Things have already happened, you just told me this, why did you go early?"

The Vienna government will ignore Central Europe. Do you believe this? "

It's no wonder that Alexander III was so morbid. The two Russian-Prussian wars pitted the tsarist government too much. He really didn't want to come back for the third time.


It is not just the Russians who do not want to see the Pudd merger. Napoleon IV, who was far away in Paris, is also furious.

There are not so many reasons, just because they are blocking the way. The birth of the North German Empire increased the difficulty of France's eastward strategy.

The recent French Revolution was caused by many factors, one of which was the energy crisis.

Afterwards, all circles in France came to the conclusion that there must be a stable source of raw coal in order to protect the domestic energy supply.

Until a new source of raw coal is found, the eastward strategy is an irreplaceable part.

If it weren't for France still recuperating and the anti-war wave has not subsided, domestic interest groups would have already taken action.

After the release of the vent, Napoleon IV calmed down: "If we interfere now, what chance is there to interrupt the Pudd merger?"

Foreign Minister Terence Burkin replied in a panic: "No, this is absolutely impossible!"

"Your Majesty, the Anti-French Alliance seems to be dissolved. In fact, the hostile power of the European world is still strong, and if you are not careful, you will ..."

Napoleon IV waved his hand impatiently: "Don't make alarmists here. The anti-French alliance is also worthy of vigilance in Britain, Russia, and Austria.

Now that the Russians have stated their position against the merger of Pudd and German, although Austria has not stated its position, I do not believe that they are willing to give up the unification of the German region.

Pulling Russia and Austria to intervene together, even if the remaining European countries oppose together, they can't help us. "

There is nothing wrong with it. France, Russia, and Austria happen to be the world's three continent military powers. Together, the three countries can sweep the world on land.

Foreign Minister Terence Burkin explained with a grin: "His Majesty, Russia and Austria will not join us.

Austria must focus on reputation if it wants to unify the German region. When it comes to the internal affairs of the German region, they will not join hands with anyone.

The tsarist government may want to interfere. Their finances are so bad that they can't afford to interfere in military expenditure. "

After listening to this explanation, Napoleon IV persuaded instantly.

The current situation in France is not very good. If the Tsarist government had no money before the Revolution, Napoleon IV could generously donate it, and now the Parisian government's pockets are not drumming.

Napoleon IV couldn't dare to try if he could not pull his allies. In case anger was caused, no one could bear the consequences.

After a moment of contemplation, Napoleon IV slowly asked: "Austrians have been slow to take action. Do you know why?"

The more irrational, the easier it is to cause suspicion. The Vienna government did not respond to the reunification of North Germany, and Napoleon IV had to suspect that there was a plot inside.

Seeing everyone in deep thought, Secretary of the Army Luskinia Hafez speculated: "Will the Austrians let the North Germans reunite because they fear us?"

Although narcissistic a little bit, the crowd still did not object. Even after a civil strife, France is still the scariest monster in everyone's eyes.

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